StrategyDriven Leadership Inspirations Quote

Leadership Inspirations – Nothing is Free

“We often make people pay dearly for what we think we give them.” Comtesse Diane (1829 – 1899)

Recommended Resource – Act Like a Sales Pro

Act Like a Sales Pro: How to Command the Business Stage and Dramatically Increase Your Sales with Proven Acting Techniques written by Julie Hansen and published by Career Press About the Reference Act Like a Sales Pro by Julie Hansen reveals the behaviors exhibited by effective salespersons that create a memorable buying experience. Julie teaches […]

StrategyDriven Decision-Making Best Practice Article

Decision-Making Best Practice 17 – Informal Advisors

Decision-making always possesses an element of uncertainty. And as the complexity of a decision increases, so does the risk of miscommunication, execution error, unanticipated conditions, and unintended consequences. Unfortunately, even the staunchest contrarian may operate from an experience base closely aligned to the decision-making team; limiting the span of his or her challenges. Consequently, another mechanism is needed to provide the decision-maker with the complete set of challenges to his or her choices.

Business Communications Best Practice 3 – Conference Call Protocols

Conference calls are integral to our way of conducting business. This type of meeting allows geographically separated individuals to readily share information as though they were at the same location. However, this audio-only form of communications presents several unique challenges. Consequently, we recommend several protocols to heighten the effectiveness of conference call communications.

StrategyDriven Leadership Inspirations Quote

Leadership Inspirations – Bestowing Honor

“A favor well bestowed is almost as great an honor to him who confers it as to him who receives it.” Sir Richard Steele (1672 – 1729) Irish writer and politician, and co-founder of the The Spectator magazine

StrategyDriven Expert Contributor Hank Moore

The Big Picture of Business: Critical Decision

Ceasing CD production will harm an already ailing music industry, where technology is not the answer: Analyzing the music industry and changing technologies. Certain forces in the recording industry have announced intentions to cease production of compact discs and convert their music marketing to digital downloads. trimming the fat and criticizing incorrect activities in the […]

Ten Questions that Motivate Engagement and Drive Greater Accountability

Do you want to move an important project ahead faster? Would you rather motivate and engage than give orders and ride herd? How about inspiring greater accountability? Why do I ask so many questions? Because questions deliver better results. As you read the questions above, I have no doubt that you at least began to […]

StrategyDriven Decision-Making Best Practice Article

Decision-Making Best Practice 16 – Identify the Worst that Could Happen

Decisions put individuals and organizations at risk. Leaders feel compelled to make some decisions while others appear to be optional. Regardless of necessity, decision-makers should seek to identify the worst possible outcomes a choice can bring to enable mitigation preparation or to seize upon the opportunity.

Recommended Resource – Positive Intelligence

Positive Intelligence: Why Only 20% of Teams and Individuals Achieve Their True Potential and How You Can Achieve Yours by Shirzad Chamine About the Reference Positive Intelligence by Shirzad Chamine reveals the ten personality Saboteurs limiting individual performance and the three Sage strategies to combat these limiters. Through his book, Shirzad provides a step-by-step method […]

StrategyDriven Decision Making Article

Decision-Making Best Practice 15 – Identify the Unintended Consequences

Decision makers select from an array of choices the course of action their organization will take; voiding several other possible alternatives. Since there is seldom a perfect solution option to resolve any particular issue, some aspects of the problem will remain unaddressed and/or some excessive action taken. Furthermore, it is impossible to consider all circumstantial variables when making any decision. These decision-making process limitations often lead to unintended consequences, some of which may so adversely impact the decision’s outcomes as to render it a failure or significantly diminish its return on investment.