StrategyDriven Expert Contributor Hank Moore

The Big Picture of Business – Yesterdayism… Learning from the Past, Planning for the Future

This Annual Report issue celebrates the year, as basis for helping business people to prepare for the future. People are interesting combinations of the old, the new, the tried and the true. Individuals and organizations are more resilient than they tend to believe. They’ve changed more than they wish to acknowledge. They embrace innovations, while […]

Where Have All the Leaders Gone?, part 6 of 6

Leadership Role #5: Managing the Action Cycle When making requests of team members, a leader must set clear expectations and conditions of satisfaction. This allows employees to request the resources they need to fulfill their project commitments. It is then the leader’s responsibility to ensure that these resources (e.g., budget, staffing, and time) are made […]

StrategyDriven Business Management Article

The Evolution of Enterprise Social Collaboration

Enterprise social collaboration tools can be a powerful means to support employees in their daily business, also helping them foster cross-company collaboration.

StrategyDriven Organizational Performance Measures Best Practice Article

Align Metric Triggered Actions/Thresholds to Plans with Assigned Personnel and Due Dates

Performance metrics that drive no action provide little or no value to an organization. To be truly effective, performance measures must individually or collectively prompt action whereby an opportunity is seized upon or a risk avoided. Thus, high-quality organizational performance measures are directly linked to actions – but what actions, performed by whom, within what timeframe?

Where Have All the Leaders Gone?, part 5 of 6

Leadership Role #4: Building Followership Leaders require followers who are committed to achieving the mission – ideally people who believe in both the vision and the leader and who want to be there. To create such a devoted followership, leaders must remember that they are also followers – not only in the sense of supporting […]

StrategyDriven Advisors Corner Article | The Advisor's Corner - How Do I Deal with a Calendar Full of Meetings?

The Advisor’s Corner – How Do I Deal with a Calendar Full of Meetings?

How do I deal with a calendar full of meetings that are wasting my time?

StrategyDriven Organizational Performance Measures Best Practice Article

Balancing Performance Measures

Because resources are always limited and there is no free lunch, too much of any one thing can be bad.

Where Have All the Leaders Gone?, part 4 of 6

Leadership Role #3: Making Alliances In today’s fractured, highly competitive, information-driven business world, collaboration is the name of the game. Therefore, an important competency leaders must possess is the ability to make smart, strategic alliances. Alliances open up new possibilities, creating new conditions and resources that allow us to play games we could not play […]

Where Have All the Leaders Gone?, part 3 of 6

Leadership Role #2: Declaring a Mission By articulating a vision, a leader opens up certain possible paths to the future while closing others. Using our computer industry example, if software is what will be profitable, then it makes little sense to shift resources into hardware production. Apple also made this mistake, and until the advent […]

Examining the State of the U.S. STEM Workforce: Today and Tomorrow

One of the major STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) debates currently underway today in the United States revolves around whether or not there is, in fact, a STEM workforce shortage in the country. To further examine the myth versus reality discussion, this year’s Bayer Facts of Science Education survey, the 16th in the series, […]