StrategyDriven Risk Management Warning Flag Article

Risk Management Warning Flag 2 – Normalcy Bias

Failing to adequately prepare for adverse events places an organization at significant risk. Indeed, such shortcomings have contributed to the fall of nations, demise of companies, and severe injury and death of countless people. Yet despite all of the evidence, many organizations today remain unprepared to deal with catastrophic events.

The Four Vs of Employee Motivation: Velocity, Visibility, Value, and Valor

A recent Gallup poll revealed that only 30 percent of employees are actively engaged at work, and 18 percent are actually actively disengaged. Disengaged and distracted employees cost businesses money as they ‘sleepwalk’ through their workday, bringing little energy or passion to the table. Making matters worse, actively disengaged employees are more than unhappy at […]

StrategyDriven Business Performance Assessment Program Warning Flag Article

Business Performance Assessment Program Warning Flag 6 – Massaging the Message for the Boss

Constructively critical business performance assessments often present executives and managers with a difficult to accept performance message. While intended to improve overall organizational performance, leaders may take these assessments as an affront to their authority or condemnation of their performance and some leaders may even retaliate against assessors. Additionally, lead assessors and team members seeking to gain the approval of those executives and managers who may positively influence their careers might themselves be overly concerned about the evaluation’s messaging.

Top 10 Cyber Security Tips

These days, more people than ever use technology, including mobile devices, to conduct their professional and personal business. Companies of all sizes place incredibly valuable data in cloud-based repositories, and hackers are constantly testing new ways to gain access. For these reasons, it’s more important than ever to safeguard vital assets with sound cyber security […]

StrategyDriven Advisors Corner Article

The Advisor’s Corner – How Do I Establish a Decision-Making Protocol?

Question: What can we do to clean up decision-making habits in my workplace? No one seems to know who is making which decisions and it’s driving us all crazy! StrategyDriven Response: (by Roxi Hewertson, StrategyDriven Principal Contributor) Leaders get into trouble far too often simply because they don’t have good decision-making protocols in place on […]

StrategyDriven Business Performance Assessment Program Best Practice Article

Business Performance Assessment Program Best Practice 11 – Identify Risk-based Business Performance Assessments

Organizations expend significant personnel and financial resources on well-performed business performance assessments and the implementation of follow-up performance improvement actions. To reap the appropriate return on their investment, executives and managers must carefully select the self assessments to be performed such that they directly support achievement of organizational goals and values while mitigating its most significant risks.

The 6 Secrets to Effective Manager Communications

In times like these, when businesses are either bracing for the second wave of economic crisis or scared the employees will walk away on the road to recovery, communications professionals have the opportunity to help businesses prepare for either inevitable circumstance. And since study after study tells us that the most important driver to employee […]

StrategyDriven Human Performance Management Best Practice Article

Human Performance Management Best Practice 12 – Conservative Decision-Making

Not all decisions are made in the boardroom. Employees make decisions that affect the organization, its reputation, and financial well-being every day. It is important that these decisions be well aligned with the organization’s values and mission goals. Thus, employees should embody a conservative decision-making approach; being adverse to incurring risks that would make their actions unaligned with the organization’s direction.

StrategyDriven Practices for Professional Article

How to Listen to Hear What’s Intended

Like most of us, I assume I understand what my communication partner is saying and respond appropriately. I don’t think about it; I just do it. I don’t realize anything is wrong until it’s too late. But why do I make that assumption? I was never taught how to hear what others meant to convey.

The Advisor’s Corner – How Should I Address Sensitive Subjects With My Staff?

Question: How can I navigate ‘touchy’ subjects with my staff? StrategyDriven Response: (by Roxi Hewertson, StrategyDriven Principal Contributor) If you read no further, remember this – it is a fact that “the truth will set you free!” What is also a fact is, HOW you share your truth matters as much or more than WHAT […]