Because all things are relative, context is important. All too often, individuals react to a given set of circumstances or facts without considering the context within which those circumstances or facts exist. Consequently, the importance assigned to the circumstances or facts may exceed that which is warranted. Ives Ives2014-05-27 06:47:442018-12-16 18:58:46Business Performance Assessment Program Warning Flag 7 – Content Without Context
In today’s global marketplace, leaders must possess strong communication skills. The sound of someone’s voice matters twice as much as the content of his or her message, according to recent findings as reported in the Wall Street Journal. Studies have shown that a person’s speech patterns, including the quality of their voice, strongly influences how […] 06:59:002018-06-09 13:48:23Communication Skills Can Increase Your Leadership Credibility
In taking on a more dominant role in Corporate America as more women confidently climb their career ladders and step into important roles and leadership positions, the experience in Corporate America is shifting and tilting the power balance in their direction. With more women in the U.S. workforce than men, this provides an opportunity to […] 06:39:212016-01-30 22:31:13‘Barrier Breakers’ for Women in Corporate America
Question: Can I Afford a Bad Hire? StrategyDriven Response: (by Roxi Hewertson, StrategyDriven Principal Contributor) Fact 1: No one can afford a bad hire! Fact 2: Nationally, about 50 percent of hires, fail. Of those that succeed only about 20 percent are top performers. Fact 3: 90 percent of failures are UNRELATED to brains and […] 06:00:502016-05-11 14:53:26The Advisor’s Corner – Can I Afford a Bad Hire?
Business performance assessments seek to identify meaningful improvement opportunities for an organization, typically in the areas of safety, performance reliability, and operational efficiency. Meaningful or material opportunities are those representing a performance improvement that satisfies a regulatory requirement, exceeds the organization’s financial return on investment threshold, and/or provides a not easily replicable advantage over competitors. As such, assessors should evaluate potential performance improvement opportunities for their materiality; focusing on those offering the organization meaningful gains. Ives Ives2014-05-20 23:03:142018-12-16 16:58:55Business Performance Assessment Program Best Practice 12 – Define Issue Materiality
Question from a reader: Jeffrey, I speak with many people in organizations that want you to think they are the decision maker when in fact they are not. I have wasted too many emails and follow up on people that can’t help. How do you ask without hurting the relationship you may have built? How […] 06:26:322016-08-08 16:30:56Finding the elusive decision maker. Then what?
Where a business is headquartered can make a huge difference in the skill level of your employees, raising capital and attracting customers. This time of a year is an important reminder that where your company is headquartered also can have a significant impact on your bottom line. For startups deciding where to establish roots or […] 06:20:452016-01-30 21:54:37Where your company is headquartered makes a big difference to your bottom line
Virtually every type of company generates valuable data that must be updated, retained and safeguarded, including ‘secret sauce’ information on company products, employee data and sensitive customer information. As a company leader, it’s your responsibility to create and implement a strategy to make sure your information is synced to enable collaboration, backed up to ensure […] 06:06:162016-05-06 09:14:12Three Strategies to Synchronize, Backup and Protect Your Business Data
Question: How do I ask for a raise or promotion? StrategyDriven Response: (by Roxi Hewertson, StrategyDriven Principal Contributor) Think about it this way – you lose nothing by advocating for the pay and position you deserve. If the answer you receive is ‘no,’ then you’ll be right where you are now except you will know […] 06:35:572015-09-17 23:50:16The Advisor’s Corner – How do I ask for a raise or promotion?
The name, Management Observation Program, suggests that authorship of these documented performance assessments are or should be limited to those who supervise work. Yet, in a healthy organization, workers are encouraged to provide upward feedback and report conditions adverse to quality. All organizations should embrace a safety culture within which individuals are responsible for both their safety and the safety of their coworkers. So why not allow everyone within the organization to submit management observations? Ives Ives2014-05-06 06:24:422019-07-07 18:22:15Management Observation Program Best Practice 11 – Anyone Can Write an Observation
Business Performance Assessment Program Warning Flag 7 – Content Without Context
/in Business Performance Assessment Program, Premium/by Nathan IvesBecause all things are relative, context is important. All too often, individuals react to a given set of circumstances or facts without considering the context within which those circumstances or facts exist. Consequently, the importance assigned to the circumstances or facts may exceed that which is warranted.
Communication Skills Can Increase Your Leadership Credibility
/in Business Communications, Practices for Professionals/by Jayne LatzIn today’s global marketplace, leaders must possess strong communication skills. The sound of someone’s voice matters twice as much as the content of his or her message, according to recent findings as reported in the Wall Street Journal. Studies have shown that a person’s speech patterns, including the quality of their voice, strongly influences how […]
‘Barrier Breakers’ for Women in Corporate America
/in Diversity & Inclusion/by Michelle PattersonIn taking on a more dominant role in Corporate America as more women confidently climb their career ladders and step into important roles and leadership positions, the experience in Corporate America is shifting and tilting the power balance in their direction. With more women in the U.S. workforce than men, this provides an opportunity to […]
The Advisor’s Corner – Can I Afford a Bad Hire?
/in Talent Management, The Advisor's Corner/by Roxi HewertsonQuestion: Can I Afford a Bad Hire? StrategyDriven Response: (by Roxi Hewertson, StrategyDriven Principal Contributor) Fact 1: No one can afford a bad hire! Fact 2: Nationally, about 50 percent of hires, fail. Of those that succeed only about 20 percent are top performers. Fact 3: 90 percent of failures are UNRELATED to brains and […]
Business Performance Assessment Program Best Practice 12 – Define Issue Materiality
/in Business Performance Assessment Program, Premium/by Nathan IvesBusiness performance assessments seek to identify meaningful improvement opportunities for an organization, typically in the areas of safety, performance reliability, and operational efficiency. Meaningful or material opportunities are those representing a performance improvement that satisfies a regulatory requirement, exceeds the organization’s financial return on investment threshold, and/or provides a not easily replicable advantage over competitors. As such, assessors should evaluate potential performance improvement opportunities for their materiality; focusing on those offering the organization meaningful gains.
Finding the elusive decision maker. Then what?
/in Decision-Making, Management & Leadership, Practices for Professionals/by Jeffrey GitomerQuestion from a reader: Jeffrey, I speak with many people in organizations that want you to think they are the decision maker when in fact they are not. I have wasted too many emails and follow up on people that can’t help. How do you ask without hurting the relationship you may have built? How […]
Where your company is headquartered makes a big difference to your bottom line
/in Strategic Planning, Talent Management/by Craig CasselberryWhere a business is headquartered can make a huge difference in the skill level of your employees, raising capital and attracting customers. This time of a year is an important reminder that where your company is headquartered also can have a significant impact on your bottom line. For startups deciding where to establish roots or […]
Three Strategies to Synchronize, Backup and Protect Your Business Data
/in Risk Management/by Bill CareyVirtually every type of company generates valuable data that must be updated, retained and safeguarded, including ‘secret sauce’ information on company products, employee data and sensitive customer information. As a company leader, it’s your responsibility to create and implement a strategy to make sure your information is synced to enable collaboration, backed up to ensure […]
The Advisor’s Corner – How do I ask for a raise or promotion?
/in Practices for Professionals, The Advisor's Corner/by Roxi HewertsonQuestion: How do I ask for a raise or promotion? StrategyDriven Response: (by Roxi Hewertson, StrategyDriven Principal Contributor) Think about it this way – you lose nothing by advocating for the pay and position you deserve. If the answer you receive is ‘no,’ then you’ll be right where you are now except you will know […]
Management Observation Program Best Practice 11 – Anyone Can Write an Observation
/in Management Observation Program, Premium/by Nathan IvesThe name, Management Observation Program, suggests that authorship of these documented performance assessments are or should be limited to those who supervise work. Yet, in a healthy organization, workers are encouraged to provide upward feedback and report conditions adverse to quality. All organizations should embrace a safety culture within which individuals are responsible for both their safety and the safety of their coworkers. So why not allow everyone within the organization to submit management observations?