The Four Vs of Employee Motivation: Velocity, Visibility, Value, and Valor

A recent Gallup poll revealed that only 30 percent of employees are actively engaged at work, and 18 percent are actually actively disengaged. Disengaged and distracted employees cost businesses money as they ‘sleepwalk’ through their workday, bringing little energy or passion to the table. Making matters worse, actively disengaged employees are more than unhappy at […]

Jeffrey Gitomer

A game plan to generate a thousand social media leads.

I have a goal and a plan to attract 1,000 leads in the next 30 days. Six months ago I launched my Gitomer Certified Advisor program. It allows others in the coaching and training field to use my brand and sell my classroom training and my online platform along with their offerings – or by […]

Lessons Learned from Corporate Branding and Rebranding Efforts of Note

Lesson: Don’t fix what’s not broken Coca-Cola learned not to tamper with a beloved brand in 1985 when it decided to re-stage its iconic brand with “New Coke.” The public was outraged and let Coca-Cola know they didn’t want a “new” Coke. They wanted their old Coke, literally a quintessential icon in American popular culture. […]

StrategyDriven Advisors Corner Article

The Advisor’s Corner – How Do I Establish a Decision-Making Protocol?

Question: What can we do to clean up decision-making habits in my workplace? No one seems to know who is making which decisions and it’s driving us all crazy! StrategyDriven Response: (by Roxi Hewertson, StrategyDriven Principal Contributor) Leaders get into trouble far too often simply because they don’t have good decision-making protocols in place on […]

Jeffrey Gitomer

I know you love your business. Do your customers?

What’s the ‘RAP’ on you and your business? What do you mean you don’t know? YOU CREATED IT! Just ask Mother Google. She is standing by with millions of info-bits and info-bites about you and your business that you (or anyone) can have in a nanosecond. For free. What is posted about you (not what […]

7 Keys to Executing a Successful Business Rebrand

No matter your reason for embarking upon a business rebranding effort of a company or product name, logo, phrase, design scheme or other such asset, which can be mixed and many, one thing is certain: execute poorly and suffer extreme consequences. There is simply no rebranding effort where the stakes are not extraordinarily high and […]

The Advisor’s Corner – How Should I Address Sensitive Subjects With My Staff?

Question: How can I navigate ‘touchy’ subjects with my staff? StrategyDriven Response: (by Roxi Hewertson, StrategyDriven Principal Contributor) If you read no further, remember this – it is a fact that “the truth will set you free!” What is also a fact is, HOW you share your truth matters as much or more than WHAT […]

Jeffrey Gitomer

Online subscriptions offer amazing perks and value

Online publications are the rage and the future. They offer amazing value for the publisher, for the advertiser, and for the reader. They also offer more than significant cost reduction for all three players. BACKGROUND: I moved to Charlotte in 1988. I brought as much of the Northeast with me as I possibly could. That […]

Engage your employees in the training process

Companies invest in employee training and talent development programs for one reason: to get results. The problem is that too often they see training as an “event” rather than a process, and they earn a miserable return on investment. See if this rings true. You hire an outside consultant to conduct a two-day training session. […]

The Advisor’s Corner – How Should I, as a Leader, Communicate?

Question: Everyone talks about communication being a problem in our company. As a leader, what am I supposed to do about it? StrategyDriven Response: (by Roxi Hewertson, StrategyDriven Principal Contributor) A recent Development Dimensions International study, Driving Workplace Performance through High-Quality Conversations: What leaders must do every day to be effective, reminds us in no […]