Jeffrey Gitomer

Is it a sales plan or a state of mind that feels support?

All salespeople are given a plan, a quota, or some kind of ‘numbers’ to achieve as a major part of their job requirement. The key word is ‘part.’ The plan or the quota is a SMALL part of the achievement process. How the company and leader supports the salesperson and his or her sales effort […]

Best Practices for Small Business Owners to Secure Government Contracts

Over the past few years, spending cuts along with budget uncertainties forced government agencies to yield on contracts. In January, Congress approved a $1.1 trillion spending bill. With a new budget in place, agencies are starting to spend money again and are looking towards small businesses to help fulfill their contracting goals. Government contracting can […]

Jeffrey Gitomer

The customer is stalling. What do I say now?

A common question… Jeffrey, When a client says he or she is “still reviewing their options,” I know you say that’s the result of their ability to see the value in my product or service. But how should I respond to this objection without pushing the customer away? Thanks, Gladys You are correct that the […]

The New Economic Revolution

There’s a revolution in full swing that is changing the way ordinary Americans make a living. From internet commerce technology has sprung forth the Bottom-Up Economic Revolution. It’s dramatically altered the way business is conducted by both the seller and consumer. Front and center in this shift is platform businesses – small business cloud-based companies, […]

Building Trust Develops Team Cohesiveness

LDRSHIP is an acronym for the seven core values of the U.S. Army: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal courage. These principles were instilled in me during my eight years in the U.S. Army Infantry, and later in my career as a Drill Sergeant. These values were foundational to many of my […]

Jeffrey Gitomer

It’s not failure. It’s failure to do your best.

I’m often asked, “Why do salespeople fail?” The answer is: They don’t fail. They fail to be their best. They fail to do their best. They fail to think their best. And they fail to take the best actions to help them succeed. There are symptoms that allow either a sales leader or the salesperson […]

Three Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Making Prospecting Calls

Feeling happy and fulfilled at work is essential to our overall success. Many sales people are required to make proactive prospecting calls, and it can be one of the most intimidating aspects of their job. However, having the fear of making the call is nothing to be embarrassed about. In fact, Shannon Goodson and George […]

Jeffrey Gitomer

The questions that matter most in a sales presentation.

When you’re giving your sales presentation, do you really know what the customer is thinking or what they’re asking themselves as you’re presenting? I doubt it. You’re too busy trying to sell. Shake the hand. Smile the smile. Show the slides. Talk the talk. Do the demo. Ask the superficial questions. Try the close. Try […]

Jeffrey Gitomer

We are on the path to 1,000 sales leads.

Last week I wrote about the big picture of what it would take to attract 1,000 leads, both the philosophy and structure of what would create the attraction. I also talked about all the research I did to find ‘the best time’ to tweet, re-tweet, post, and take other social actions in order to get […]

StrategyDriven Expert Contributor Hank Moore

The Big Picture of Business – The Statistics Tree: Understanding Figures and What They Symbolize, Relating Directly to Your Business Success

Business bases much of what it does on statistics. Most often, they’re financial numbers or sales goals. More importantly are the Big Picture statistics that affect every aspect of business growth and success. The way in which the bigger issues are interpreted has direct bearing on strategy and implementation. Here are some of the most […]