Women Are Today’s Brand Champions

Women have been long known to be holding the purse strings when it comes to the majority of household purchases. According to Monique Nadeau, President and CEO of Hope Street Group, “Women overwhelmingly hold the consumer purchasing power in our country, whether we’re talking about individuals or households. Their understanding of the market allows them […]

Lead Like it Matters… Because it Does, part 1 of 4

We asked Roxi Hewertson about the 8 overarching leadership insights that kick off her new book Lead Like it Matters…Because it Does hitting the stores in just a few weeks. She agreed to share them with us as a four-part series. Insight #1: Knowing is the easy part. Doing is the hard part. Some of […]

StrategyDriven Management and Leadership Article

The Advisor’s Corner – How Do I Build Ownership?

When you decide to put a team together, you need to have a reason. Explicitly identify WHY the team exists in the first place and why each individual is important to success. Make sure that everyone is connected to that shared purpose.

StrategyDriven The Advisors Corner Article

The Advisor’s Corner – Can Ethics Be Learned?

Question: Can you teach ethics, or are we ‘hard wired’ and born with or without ethics? StrategyDriven Response: (by Roxi Hewertson, StrategyDriven Principal Contributor) YES you can teach the principles and importance of ethics. YES, you can model the ethics you expect within your culture. And… NO, you cannot be sure someone will behave and […]

Managing a Remote Team: 12 Best Practices for Better Productivity

The remote and mobile workforce population is steadily rising. Even IBM adjusted its HR policies to accommodate remote workers. Today, it is one of the top companies that make use of a remote workforce, offering flexible work options, alongside Apple, Dell and Xerox. To ascertain staff productivity in teams that are scattered across various locations, […]

StrategyDriven Tactical Execution Best Practice Article

Tactical Execution Best Practice 7 – Clearly Defined Organizational Roles and Responsibilities

All too often, duplicate effort is unknowingly expended by an organization’s various workgroups. Lack of organizational defined positional roles and responsibilities and/or work handoffs commonly result in employees unnecessarily performing highly similar if not the exact same activities. In some cases, workgroups may generate differing and conflicting outputs; in others, they may inappropriately change underlying application data such that hinders overall progress and propagates errors. Organizations clearly defining positional roles and responsibilities in standalone responsibilities matrices are better able to avoid these conflicts; releasing precious resources for the performance of value adding work and eliminating redundancy based errors.

Managing Talent in a Passion Driven Job Market

I have not sought out nor come across any empirical data set that proves this, nor do I plan to. However, I have spent a lot of time hearing the same story over and over again. Many people are not excited about the work they are doing everyday. The last Forbes survey stated that four […]

StrategyDriven Business Communications Article

The Advisor’s Corner – Are People Listening to Me?

Question: Is it me, or are people listening less and less at work and at home? StrategyDriven Response: (by Roxi Hewertson, StrategyDriven Principal Contributor) I have observed a continuous degradation in communication skills among leaders for over two decades, and yes it IS getting worse. This may not surprise you, but it should get your […]

Leveraging Military Leadership for Civilian Success

The topic of military to civilian work transitions is receiving significant attention as of late, and with good reason. The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that more than one million military service members will leave the military in the coming years. The importance of helping our veterans make this difficult transition into the next chapter […]

The 7 Most Common Negotiating Mistakes

While even the word ‘negotiation’ can evoke fear, stress and anxiety for many, the intent is quite simple: to discuss and ultimately agree on a deal. Whether it’s a multimillion dollar contract or just deciding where to meet for lunch, life is rife with negotiations. And, the negotiation process is a lot like a chess […]