Sharon Drew Morgen

Control: What does it give you? What do you lose? Where is the real control?

Recently I listened while a coaching client pitched his solution precisely when he could have facilitated his prospect through the contingent issues she had to handle before she could buy anything. SDM: Why did you pitch when you pitched? CL: It gave me control over the conversation, and gave her the data she needed to […]

John Montana

When is Internet Marketing Worthwhile?

Generally, the answer to this question is “always”, but the answer is much more involved. Sure Internet marketing is worthwhile but as with any type of marketing it is only worthwhile if it is done well. For example, you can spend thousands of dollars on a television marketing campaign but if no one sees your […]

Sharon Drew Morgen

Sales, Marketing and Social Can Be More Successful: hint – it’s not about your content

Sales, marketing, and social marketing attempt to place solutions and create relationships by supplying great content, discovering likely prospects, and creating trust. Unfortunately sellers end up closing a small fraction – less than 5% – of those they reach, and marketers and social end up closing even less. Our products are terrific. So what’s causing […]

3 Simple Steps to Immediately Improve Your Business and Life

If you want something done right, you do not have to do it yourself. The cliché about this is wrong — unless that something is the thing that you do best. This might sound counterintuitive but DIY can be a trap for small business owners who wear too many hats. The only hat they should […]

Greg Wallace

Overcoming Catastrophe

Your department just made a catastrophic blunder that cost your company money and reputational equity. How do you recover?   By the time two of my direct reports walked into my office one evening everyone else had gone home, which was just what the pair had in mind. The news they carried was so bad, […]

Eugene Feygin

Impact of Office Lighting on Employee Productivity

Improving your business day to day and over the long-term can be expensive and involved. But there’s an easier way to make work life better for your employees immediately and without huge cost: light. The light in your office has a direct impact on mood and energy, as well as physical ailments such as eye […]

John Montana

The Difference Between Marketing and Sales

Marketing and sales are one of the most important components of a business’s survival in the market. While both are dependent on each other many people confuse marketing with sales and vice-versa which is a big mistake. Marketing involves designing a product according to the needs of the market and customers, promoting the product through […]

Sam Alibrando

The Three Dimensions of Emotionally Intelligent Leaders: Finding the Balance of Power, Heart & Mindfulness

Any discussion about leadership effectiveness would have to include the idea of emotional intelligence (EI). The research is consistent and clear: leaders with high EI are more effective and leaders with low EI get stuck or even derail. I think of emotional intelligence occurring in 3 dimensions: Power (height), Heart (width) and Knowing or Mindfulness […]

Digital publishers need to quit counting clicks and instead engage audiences to prosper

It’s no longer just about eyeballs. As the digital publishing world evolves and becomes more sophisticated, advertisers want to capture the minds of online audiences as well. And that means publishers making the transition from print products to digital-first strategies need to focus not just on the breadth of audience reach, but on audience engagement. […]

Karen Leland

6 Personal Branding Lessons Every Working Professional Can Learn from Trump and Clinton

Despite having the two highest unfavorable ratings of any major presidential candidates in history, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have outlasted their competitors—and one of them is going to become the leader of the free world. What does success in the face of such highly unfavorable ratings teach us about personal branding? And what can […]