StrategyDriven Talent Management Article

Tips for Employee Appreciation

All employees like to feel appreciated but not all managers know how to show gratitude. When employees feel valued, their levels of productivity and happiness increase. Here are some tips that will help you to appreciate your employees: Notice Daily Contributions You should not wait for the annual general meeting to tell your staff how […]

StrategyDriven Talent Management Article

Tips For Managing Retail Staff Effectively

If you are a retail manager or store owner, then you’re probably already aware of the difficulties in managing staff. However, business success is dependent on doing it properly. Now you don’t need to read up on the latest management techniques. By getting the basics sorted, you will be more prepared to deal with any […]

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article

Bringing Your Business Office Into 2018 (Psst… It’s Not As Tough As It Sounds)

The office spaces form the heartbeat of any modern business operation. In fact, with the way things are going, their importance is greater than ever. However, the DNA of these spaces has changed massively in recent times. If your business is going to unlock its full potential and move in the right direction, bringing this […]

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article

The Things To Consider When Growing Your Business

A small business can turn into big things with the right time and effort put into it. Often these successful and thriving businesses start out as just an idea. An idea that will grow into something with nurturing and investment. Not just monetary, but also with the dedication and ambition to make the business work. Expansion […]

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article

Maintaining A Professional Image For Your Business

We all know that a business needs to impress the target market if it’s going to be successful. You’re competing for the attention of consumers that are potential clients for your company. Your industry might be crowded with rival businesses that offer the same or similar services to your company, but the thing that defines […]

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article

How To Work Well With Your Business Partner

Having a business partner can be a really great thing, as essentially it’s an extra hand to help manage your business. Sometimes if it’s small enough, you can do things on your own, but the bigger you start to expand, the more help you will need as things will get a lot busier, and at […]

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article

DOA: Don’t Let This Happen To Your E-Commerce Business

It’s a well-known fact that the majority of new businesses online fail, typically within their first year. Why does this happen? What’s the cause? These are questions that you should be interested in if you are planning on setting up your own e-commerce company. E-commerce companies may look easy to set up and run, but […]

StrategyDriven Budget Management Article

3 Ways To Spend Less On Your Company Cars

Most business owners will invest in at least one company car as their operations begin to succeed. The issue is that you could end up spending far more than is necessary if you take the incorrect approach. Considering that, three expert strategies on this page should ensure you keep the costs down to a minimum. You can then use your budget to fund additional advertising or the growth of your company. We’ll try to keep things as simple as possible so every reader can benefit from this advice.

StrategyDriven Customer Relationship Article

Hello, We’re Here To Help You Get On Top Of Live-Chat On Your Website

Given that you’re selling goods online, it’s likely you browse competitor’s sites often. How better to get an idea of what you’re up against? During such research, you’ve probably come across a few websites which offer live chats. You know the ones. You’ve been on the site for a while and a chat pings from […]

StrategyDriven Talent Management Article

Making Life Easier For Your Employees With These Simple Suggestions

Every employer wants happy employees. Not only should you want to care about your employees’ wellbeing, but retaining a loyal, happy workforce will save your business money and increase productivity. While a good salary and benefits are big motivators for your employees, sometimes it’s the smallest things that can make the most difference. Take a […]