We can assist your organization assess the cost efficiency of your plant equipment life-cycle maintenance programs. We are particularly effective in identifying cost-saving improvements in maintenance plan scheduling, resource use and balancing, and consolidation of industrial skill sets to optimize personnel deployment and physical equipment storage/floor footprints. Contact us to learn more.

StrategyDriven Case StudyCase Study

A StrategyDriven advisor, through the implementation of Lean Manufacturing principles and constraint analysis, identified multiple cost and schedule saving improvements to a nationwide nuclear submarine rotatable equipment pool storage system.

Engagement Approach
Our advisor worked with in-house delivery management representatives and those of other national coordinating logistical organizations to analyze delivery times, maintenance repair times, and packaging schedules using Lean Six Sigma Value Stream Analysis. The approach focused directly on the largest cost and schedule constraints and provided immediately actionable process improvements.

Value Delivered
Improvements included gains in component repair and equipment delivery times. Delivered a 10 percent overall schedule execution time reduction (overall maintenance turnaround time) and over 25 percent reduction in logistics material delivery timelines.

The StrategyDriven Difference

Executive level experience managing a nationwide maintenance program including life cycle management of major industrial plant equipment and identification and implementation of performance metrics driving continual improvement.