We can assist you with the development and implementation of a high risk operational decision management program. Additionally, we can assess and recommend improvements to your existing program; evaluating it against industry leading practices and the common programmatic and execution shortfalls StrategyDriven’s proprietary research has identified. We also support leaders while making their important decisions; asking the tough questions that prevent group think, introduce new approaches, and help foster success. Contact us to learn more.

StrategyDriven Case StudyCase Study

A StrategyDriven Professional advised a Fortune 200 nuclear utility’s management team in the development of their fleet-wide high risk decision-management program; consistent with the Institute of Nuclear Power Operation’s Principles for Effective Operational Decision-Making guidelines and incorporating industry leading practices.

Engagement Approach
Our advisor worked with senior utility managers to identify and benchmark industry leaders in each phase of the decision-making process. He then supported consolidating and harmonizing these practices into one cohesive process document. Lastly, a process execution assessment was performed at one of the utility’s several nuclear plants to ensure effective implementation of the program.

Value Delivered
This client successfully developed and implemented an end-to-end industry leading practice decision-management program; promoting increased levels of operational safety and reliability. The program’s development was accelerated by insights into the tested practices from numerous other utilities introduced by our StrategyDriven Advisor.

The StrategyDriven Difference

Co-authored the nuclear industry’s operational decision-making guidelines and evaluation methods. Extensive experience supporting numerous utilities design and implement their high-risk decision management programs.