We help reduce corporate nuclear risk exposure through an independent assessment of your enterprise risk management programs. We can help you develop a nuclear risk profile, benchmark your risks against industry peers, identify risk management program gaps, and develop and implement a multi-year oversight program to manage nuclear risks consistent with industry guidelines. Contact us to learn more.

StrategyDriven Case StudyCase Study

A StrategyDriven Advisor mapped a large Midwestern utility’s corporate risks to their nuclear business unit risks and then to the processes from which those risks could be manifest. Oversight mechanisms for these programs were identified including gaps; providing a basis for a multiyear internal audit assessment schedule.

Engagement Approach
Our advisor worked with the utility’s corporate managers and staff to capture the existing internal audit framework and developed a gap analysis of their risk profile; identifying risks not currently categorized or audited and opportunities for further program enhancement based on industry leading practices.

Value Delivered
Only seventy-five percent of the utility’s nuclear-related high-risk programs were routinely assessed by either the utility’s nuclear quality assurance or its corporate internal audit programs. Addressing the twenty-five percent gap will enable the utility to considerably reduce its safety, reliability, and efficiency risk exposure.

Click here to learn more about risk assurance mapping.

The StrategyDriven Difference

Decades of operational ‘stood the watch’ nuclear risk management and mitigation experience. Co-authored the nuclear industry’s operational risk management guidelines and evaluation methods. Proprietary risk to process to oversight mapping tool.

StrategyDriven Risk Assurance Map Development Accelerators

Detailed Risk Assurance Map Framework
StrategyDriven Risk Assurance Map Development Accelerator
StrategyDriven’s Detailed Risk Assurance Map Framework enables visualization of the relationships between enterprise risks and their associated processes. Concurrently, it reveals the degree of oversight applied to these processes.

Board / Executive Level Assurance Map Framework
StrategyDriven Risk Assurance Map Development Accelerator
StrategyDriven’s Board / Executive Level Assurance Map Framework provides a high-level visualization of the relationships between enterprise risks and their associated major processes. Concurrently, it provides a ‘heat map’ of oversight activities applied to each major process by the organization’s several assurance groups.

Cascading Enterprise Risk Catalog
StrategyDriven Risk Assurance Map Development Accelerator
StrategyDriven’s Cascading Enterprise Risk Catalog supports rapid identification of an organization’s risks as well as providing a benchmark reference to the operational, financial, reputational, and regulatory risks identified by similarly situated peers.

StrategyDriven Risk Management Thought Leadership

StrategyDriven Point of View DocumentStrategyDriven regularly publishes principle, best practice, and warning flag insights that provide immediately actionable solutions to improve your identification, assessment, prioritization, monitoring, mitigation (accepting, avoiding, minimizing, or transferring), and control of organizational risks.

Click here to visit the StrategyDriven Risk Management Forum.