8 ways to increase employee productivity

Are you the proud owner of a successful business? Are you determined to run a profitable company, whilst providing a wonderful work environment for your employees? Do you struggle to strike the right balance between appreciating your workers and pushing them to do more? If your answer to these questions is yes, you will need to pay close attention to the following eight suggestions. They will help you to increase employee productivity at your company, without pushing your team members over the edge. It is possible to enjoy the best of both worlds, so what are you waiting for?

Improve your communication strategy

First and foremost, you will need to improve your communication strategy. It will be impossible for your employees to reach their maximum levels of productivity if they are struggling to connect. Your workers should find it incredibly easy to reach out to one another. They should also have no trouble getting in touch with potential or existing clients. If you are worried that this is not yet the case, you should learn more about Gamma Telecom. They will help you to take control of your company communications, so that all of your staff are left satisfied.

Update your company technology

The next suggestion is to update your company technology. Instead of forcing your workers to make do with outdated bits of kit, you should give them a helping hand. By investing in your technology, you will be saving your workers a lot of stress. You will also be taking away their excuse for lack of results. If your employees can blame poor results on a terrible internet connection or a faulty system, you will find it hard to hold them account. However, if your employees are working with the best technology money can buy, you will be able to identify any slackers.

Overhaul your office space

If you are left with more money to spare, you should consider overhauling your office space. This is a brilliant way for you to motivate, reward, and inspire your team. However, you should only make changes to your design scheme if you have total confidence in your choices. On the other hand, if you are unsure about what changes to make, you should call in an interior designer. A trained professional will help you to optimize even the smallest of spaces. They will also be able to direct you towards colors, shapes, and textures that are perfect for promoting productivity.

Give your employees regular breaks

Although it may seem counterproductive, giving your employees regular breaks is a great way to promote productivity. As a manager, you need to make sure that your workers aren’t running themselves into the ground. It is important that they have plenty of energy and enthusiasm to inject into their work. It is also important that they view you as a reasonable boss, as opposed to a hard taskmaster. Why not sit down with your workers to discuss their options? Perhaps they will prefer to take short breaks on a regular basis. Or, maybe they would rather take one long break over lunch. It might be that they would like to step outside your office space. Or, it could be that they want a social area to escape to. Involving your employees in the decision-making process will help you to settle on an outcome that works for everyone involved.

Adopt an open-door policy

You can also encourage positive suggestions from your employees by adopting an open-door policy. This is a great way for you to position yourself as a more approachable employer. It is also a fantastic opportunity for you to learn more about the productivity of your workers. If you are currently failing to meet your targets, you should ask your employees to come to you with suggestions. You should also ask them to look out for any potential problems that could be holding your office back.

Introduce a competitive element to your workspace

Once you have gained a deeper understanding of the way in which your company operates, you should think about introducing a competitive element to your workspace. This won’t work for all organizations, as some employees will resent the additional pressure. However, in other workspaces, a competitive element is the secret to success. Why not opt for a trial run? You could temporarily introduce an employee of the month program. This will look great on your worker’s resumes and could be taken into consideration if they apply for a promotion. Alternatively, you could experiment with giving your employees access to commission. Depending on the results, you will know whether or not to make this change a permanent one.

Introduce an exciting reward system

If you decide against introducing a competitive element to your workspace, you could always introduce a company-wide reward system. This will operate on the understanding that if one element of your business succeeds; everyone is rewarded. For instance, if you manage to hook a high-profile client, you could treat your workers to a meal out. Or, if you save money on one of your suppliers, you could give everyone in your office the afternoon off. These rewards will be at your discretion, so it is vital that you weigh up the pros and cons each time. Yes, you want to please your employees, but you don’t want this to be at the expense of your levels of productivity or your financial security.

Ask for feedback

Even after you have implemented all of these positive changes, it is still possible that your workers will be looking for more. The only way that you will find this out is if you ask for regular feedback. When you are working so hard to do the right thing, it can be tough to take constructive criticism. However, in the long-run, it is the best chance you have of maintaining a great relationship with your employees. You can’t put a price on productivity, so it is essential that you get the answers you need.

How Time and Attendance Software Can Help Business Owners and Their Employees

StrategyDriven Talent Management ArticleWhat Is Time and Attendance Software?

At the lowest resolution time and attendance software is a system that requires employees to manually clock in and out of shifts.

Businesses use solutions, such as those from Northampton Time Recorders, so they can optimize the hours their employees work and pay them more accurately.

Is It Micromanaging?

It is reasonable to assume requiring workers to manually clock in and out of shifts and breaks can send the message their manager doesn’t trust them enough to report the hours they work accurately.

Some managers are hesitant to use time and attendance software because they fear their employees will resent them.

In industries like hospitality and retail where turnover is especially high managers don’t want to give their employees another reason to leave.

Ironically, it’s in industries where workers are paid hourly like hospitality and retail where time and attendance software would prove most useful.

The fact is time and attendance software is so much more than just a system for employees to clock in and out of shifts and the successful implementation of it lies in managers making this clear to employees.

Benefits to Managers

Time and attendance software ensures staff only get paid for the time they actually work, by recording when they clock in and out of shifts, thereby eliminating the guesswork and grey areas associated with using manual time sheets.

Additionally managers get real time alerts when staff are late or have not taken required breaks.

The reporting capabilities of time and attendance allow managers to see which of their employees work the most overtime and which of them are routinely late to start their shifts.

Managers also have visibility of early clock-ins and late clock-outs, instances of over & under scheduling, and which employees have taken more than their allocated breaks.

Time and attendance software provides managers with insight they can use to iron out inefficiencies in their business.


Given managers know when their staff clock in and out, time and attendance software like OpenSimSim allows employers to set up compliance rulesets to protect their businesses and themselves from workplace legislation.

Compliance rulesets can be set up to ensure staff don’t work too much overtime, take their legally required breaks and get paid accordingly for working overtime, weekends, and public holidays.

Managers have visibility over their compliance warnings so they can stop them before they happen and stay out of legal trouble.

How Employees Can Get in on the Action

The benefits of time and attendance software are certainly not lost on employees.

As the reporting aspect of time and attendance software gives managers full visibility of their labor force in real time, employees that are punctual are more likely to be recognized and rewarded for it.

In this same way time and attendance software also guards against employees being over and under scheduled as employers will be able to see if this is the case and work to fix it.

Another foreseeable benefit to employees is the potential for data collected by time and attendance software to be used to create a resume, especially useful for people moving between jobs which require similar skills.

Time and attendance software offers detailed reports of employee punctuality and experience in a given role down to the minute.

These reports can be used by job seekers to prove their and experience and value to future employers in a concrete, verifiable way instead of relying on the vagueness and inherent unreliability of a resume like others.

Final Words

There are a lot of time and attendance solutions out there and picking the right one can be tough but the benefits for employers and employees are clear.

It is however important that employees see it as welcome addition, and this can be achieved by managers taking a little time to explain to them what it is and how it will benefit the business before introducing it.

How To Attract Top Talent To Your Business

StrategyDriven Talent Management ArticleIf you want to be successful in the long-term, then you’re going to have to hire a team of people who are skilled and committed to helping you grow your business. You’re not going to get far if you’re closed-minded and behind the curve when it comes to technology and treating your employees fairly.

Be glad to know there are specific ways for how you can attract top talent to your business and help guarantee a bright future for your operation. You’ll thank yourself down the road when you have a strong team of people behind you who know what they’re doing and are loyal to your company.

Show that You’re Innovative & Cutting Edge

Employees want to work for a company that’s ahead of the game when it comes to technology and innovation. They’re looking to join businesses that are willing to take calculated risks and try new approaches. Attract top talent to your business by showing that you’re on the cutting edge of some interesting and intriguing projects. Prove to potential candidates that you’re problem solvers and aren’t people who take no for an answer.

Be Accepting of Everyone

You’ll be able to build a more stable and diverse workforce when you’re accepting of everyone, no matter their race, disability or gender. Investing in Custom Braille Stickers is a great example for how you can show that you’re a business that doesn’t discriminate. Your goal should always be to keep an open mind and hire the right person for the particular position you’re trying to fill.

Offer an Attractive Compensation & Benefits Package

You’ll attract top talent to your business when you prove that you’re willing to go the extra mile and invest in your employees. You can do this by offering attractive compensation and benefits packages to anyone who you bring onboard at your company. Cutting corners will get you into hot water, and eventually, you’ll start to lose your most skilled workers, and people won’t be interested in even interviewing with your business.

Promote Work-Life Balance

These days’ people seeking an available position are not only interested in learning more about the specific job duties, but also the company culture. Promoting an environment of work-life balance will help you catch the attention of talented workers who are looking to have a family life in addition to giving it their all in their career. Be prepared to provide examples of how you offer flexibility at your workplace during interviews and let it be a selling point for why someone would want to work for you.


You’ll find you’re able to grow a stable and thriving business when you have the right staff on your side. Use these tips to help you attract top talent to your business so you can continue to move forward and achieve your goals. Start the process by taking a look around and seeing where the gaps exist and then work hard to find people who are a good fit for each specific job opening.

What to Look for in a Coworking Space

Coworking spaces are becoming much more popular. There’s at least one coworking office in most large towns and cities, and some companies offer their members the use of their offices all over the world. There are fantastic. They give homeworkers a chance to work in a positive and energetic environment that’s full of creative spark. They are a great way to make connections that could be useful to your business, friends that can help you combat the loneliness of working from home and experts that can help you with areas of your business that you might not be as confident with. Research shows that people generally get more done in a coworking space than they would at home or in an office alone, and many people find that these kinds of shared working environments bring out the best in them, make them happier, more creative and more productive. If you find the right space, it’s certainly worth the membership fee. Here’s a look at what you need to look for when seeking out a coworking space that’s right for you.

StrategyDriven Talent Management Article

Think about when you like to work. We don’t all enjoy 9-5 hours, some of us work best early in the morning whereas others like to burn the candle late into the night. Working at home means that you can do this. So, this is an essential consideration of your coworking space. Will you be able to use it when you are at your most productive?


The location of your space is one of the most important considerations. Some memberships, like Level Office Coworking Space, allow you to use any of their sites all over the country. You can often even access a coworking space while you are traveling, even if you leave the country. This is fantastic. It means that freelancers are able to work wherever they are and work to pay for their travels as they go.

But, it’s fair to say that the majority of us spend most our time at home. One of the key benefits of working from home is not having the stress or cost of a commute, so you certainly don’t want to add one to your life. If the coworking space that you are looking at is too far away from home, you won’t use it. Look for somewhere that you can get to easily and you are much more likely to spend time there.


A vital draw of a coworking space is the community it offers you. An area with excellent facilities often creates a more passionate and engaged community. If there are just a few desks and a printer, people will just work. They won’t chat, they won’t make connections, and they won’t feel creative. Look for somewhere that offers more. Ideally, it should provide things like a coffee machine and a relaxation space which encourage users to connect with each other and relax. Plenty of color on the walls and a chilled out atmosphere is also a must if you want a work area that inspires your creativity.

The Biggest Benefits of Ongoing Staff Training for Your Business

StrategyDriven Talent Management Article
As a business owner, you will know how important your staff is to help you grow your business and create good relationships with your customers. However, some companies can be slow to implement the right training that can develop and grow their employees while also keeping their business secure. If you can keep your staff trained in the latest procedures and techniques, then you can get the most from them and also add new opportunities to your business.

Keep Up with Industry Changes

The world of business and industry is constantly changing, and you might not be able to keep up with all of these changes on your own. That is why it’s important that you learn to delegate certain tasks to your staff so that they can learn these changes. Although you need to know what changes are being implemented, your workers are the ones that will be dealing with them on a daily basis. Encourage your employees to take training courses on these new changes, especially those that are required by law, so you can stay compliant and avoid falling behind your competitors. You can allocate certain areas such as security to specific members of your staff so that they can specialize. This will help them to focus, and it will also make your business more efficient.

Maintaining Security

One of the most important reasons for keeping your staff up to date with training is for the security of your business. There are always new viruses and hacking techniques that can threaten the security of your company’s data. By keeping your staff up to date, you can try to avoid these threats. For example, if you are implementing a virtual data room, then you need to ensure that your staff is using the right security measures to keep the data safe. You will probably only want a select few to have access to this data to limit the potential threat. You should also be ensuring that your workers are using the correct techniques when setting up passwords and keeping them safe from others in the office.

Eliminating Gaps in Skills and Customer Service

There are some parts of your business that require specific training and knowledge of working practices to make it efficient and effective. One such area is customer service, which can be a complicated and sensitive subject that can make the difference between a good company and a bad one. There is more to dealing with customers than just helping them with their queries; you also need staff that can cope with complaints and create solutions to tricky situations. Training can help to give your customer service workers the skills they need to do their jobs effectively and give them confidence in their decisions.

It is important to recognize gaps in your employee’s training and to implement courses to fix those gaps. By doing so, you will not only help your employees grow, but you will also make your company more efficient.