Top Tips For Managing Your Call Centre

Top Tips For Managing Your Call Centre
Photo courtesy of Pexels

These days, all sorts of businesses have a need for a call centre. The truth is, these can be useful methods of contact with your customers. If you are in charge of a call centre, you know how lively and energetic a place it can be. One major thing you can learn to do over time is to use that energy, transform it into something positive for the customers. The thing about phone communication is that it is strangely powerful. It doesn’t matter that the customer cannot see the operator’s face. There is a lot of unconscious communication in the voice, and that affects the experience of the customer. That is why it’s so important to maintain the call centre, to manage it effectively. Even the slightest off atmosphere can affect a huge number of customers over the course of the day. But what are the secrets to running a call centre successfully? To answer that, let’s have a look at these top tips.

Lead By Example

This is something which any manager would do well to remember. Ultimately, like it or not, your staff look up to you. With that in mind, it is vital that you demonstrate the core qualities of the business which you wish them to embody. You need to be these qualities yourself in order to be able to expect it from others, that’s the truth. Nobody likes a hypocritical leader or manager, so be sure that you are never off duty with regards to this. The slightest hiccup is all it takes to destroy the effect.

Prioritise Security

Call centres have often been the subject of much scandal and disrepute. Often, this is a case of data protection being breached. The unfortunate truth is, this is all too easy to happen. As the manager, it is essential that you keep on top of the security side of things. Your customers’ information is sensitive, and it needs to be looked after as well as possible. You also need to champion ways of ensuring the identity of the caller, every time. Otherwise, you might find yourself in a lot of trouble. FFIEC compliance is paramount here, as you need to be sure of who is on the other end of the line.

Be Clear About What You Want

The most effective managers are those who express clearly what they hope to get out of their staff. If you are starting to notice that people are not quite adhering to your standards, then look into this. It is possible that you are not expressing yourself well enough. Make sure you give your staff guidelines for working, as well as fair but strict deadlines. Always ensure, too, that you give them a chance to query the request or ask questions. This two-way communication is the key to a smooth-flowing workplace.


Last but not least, make sure you are providing feedback to all staff. This is not just important for the proper flow of the workplace; it is essential. It also means that your staff have the opportunity to regularly express themselves. This alone is a hugely beneficial to your staff, and you will soon notice the difference.

Conscientious consumers or creatures of habit? A focus on our supply chains

We are all consumers, no doubt about that. And I think it’s safe to say that we are all creatures of habit…to an extent.

We buy the products we are familiar with, the products that we grew up with. This is definitely true for me. When I first left the family home and moved out into the real world on my own, I remember doing my first ‘big shop’ at the local supermarket. Without really thinking about it, my trolley was slowly but surely filling up with the products I recognised from the time of living with my parents.

Without even realising it, here I was buying the products that my parents had used because they were familiar to me. There was no other real reason behind my choice (apart from probably cost).

It got me thinking… how much thought do we really give to the products we buy?

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About the Author

Laura GibbonsLaura Gibbons is a driven and committed marketing professional with over 10 years’ experience. Working closely with Ideagen’s Marketing Executives and Partner teams, Laura is responsible for looking after the Ideagen brand across multiple sectors within the region.

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