How to Improve Clinic Productivity

Many people try to increase the profit margin of their practice by cutting services, increasing costs or hoping to sell supplemental products and services to generate more money. However, increasing the productivity of your practices without similarly increasing one’s operating costs or payroll is far more effective. Here are a few tips on how to improve clinic productivity. And note that we’ll ensure that our advice stays within the regulatory requirements that often interfere with clinic efficiency.

Map Your Workflow

The workflow is both the standard flow of patients through the practice and the flow of key personnel as they go through their duties. You want to identify causes of wasted time and effort, and there has been an influx of industrial engineers and Lean experts into the healthcare field to help you do exactly that.

Little things like walking from your office to patients’ rooms instead of from room to room take up non-value added time. Putting a work desk in a central location could eliminate this waste for both doctors and nurses. Adopting electronic medical records and having tablets that can always call them up (and places to charge them and update them as necessary) can streamline operations.

Mapping the billing cycle and patient checkout process could identify wasteful steps that could be combined, or tasks that could be handled assembly line style more quickly.

Only Do Work at Your Credential Level

Physician assistants were widely adopted because their initial checks of a patient’s heart rate, blood pressure, weight and other vitals saved a doctor several minutes per patient. This allowed doctors to see more patients per day. Make sure you aren’t asking doctors to do other, more mundane tasks instead of focusing on the diagnostic care only they provide. This can include sending prescriptions to the pharmacy, creating copies of informational brochures for patients, providing explanations on how to use newly prescribed inhalers and giving them information on how to connect with a referred healthcare provider.

Study your workflow to look for tasks that nurses and other staff can do like authorizing refills that don’t require a physician’s signature, or using nurse educators instead of having the doctor lecture those diagnosed with diabetes on how to live with their condition. Don’t have doctors do sonograms but instead hire techs from the best ultrasound technician schools to perform these procedures.

Set Up Patient Portals


Patient portals are websites where patients can view their health records, see reminders for appointments and schedule their next visit. They reduce the need to call patients to discuss test results and allows them to email questions that nurses could answer in a timely manner, or that the doctor can answer when there is free time, which is certainly a more efficient way to do things. Don’t forget to ask patients to upload critical forms like ‘do not resuscitate orders’ and medical power of attorney documents so that your staff don’t have to scramble for them in an emergency.

Improving your clinic efficiency is possible if you follow some of the tips in this article. Doing something simple as mapping your workflow or delegating things like sonography could improve your productivity instantly.

5 Ways to Keep Your Employees Safe at Work

As a business owner, your employees are perhaps your most valuable assets. Any entrepreneur worth his salt knows that to please his customers, he must first address the happiness of his team – making sure workers are healthy, safe, and fulfilled in their roles.

When it comes to give and take, it’s not enough to provide extra holiday or bonuses to compensate hard work. As an employer, it is your duty to look after your workers, but above-par health and safety regulations will also benefit your business, so it’s worth going the extra mile. With this in mind, here are five ways to keep your employees safe at work.

Be Prepared

With the humdrum normality of everyday life in the office, it’s easy to think that your workplace is immune to danger. The reality is, none of us expect natural disasters or crime, and yet those unfortunate events still happen. The best way to protect your business is to prepare for the worst. Know that a break-in, cyber attack, or other crime could befall your workplace at any time, and have a written plan of action ready.

Follow Preventative Measures

Many people only install burglar alarms or extra locks after a burglary, so stay ahead of the game and prevent one happening in the first place. We often hear about the importance of data security, but it’s easy to forget that leaving your office building vulnerable to intruders puts real people at risk. If in doubt, contact your local law enforcement officials and ask them to run a risk assessment on your premises. Once you’re aware of your vulnerabilities, you can set about sealing the cracks in your defense.

Safeguard Your Vehicles

If your employees use vehicles for work, make sure they are regularly inspected, and that security measures are in place to protect their belongings. If you own three or more company vehicles, consider taking out fleet car insurance to reduce your overall expenses without compromising on complete coverage.

Check In With Your Employees

People are unpredictable, and you can never truly know what’s going on under the surface. Violent behavior often masquerades under a guise of normality until something provokes an outburst; so keep a close eye on each member of your team. If you run a large-scale business, make sure your managers are checking in with their employees regularly and keeping tabs on their mental health.

Follow Health and Safety Requirements

It goes without saying that you should follow health and safety requirements in your workplace, but during busy periods it’s easy to let your standards slip. Make sure your employees and managers are abiding by workplace safety rules, and arrange for regular inspections to make sure no one is cutting corners. It never hurts to be over-prepared, so talk to a workplace safety expert to ensure you have the appropriate measures in place.

Without the people who show up day after day, your business simply would not run. Therefore, it makes sense from a financial point of view (as well as a moralistic one) to keep your employees safe at work.

The Factories Of The Future… Tomorrow’s Manufacturing Tech

The impact of the digital revolution has not just been witnessed in the computer age, but we have seen exactly what it’s beginning to do in the manufacturing and factory industries. The advent of automating certain aspects of factory line production is nothing new, but now with smarter technology, we are seeing that we are relying less on human hand to put certain aspects together. And while older businesses may still view the human hand as the key part of the manufacturing process, that’s not to say that these more established businesses can’t make the most of the technology in certain respects. So, if you think that your business could do with a little helping hand, here are some suggestions to integrate technology into your existing factory line.

Smart Products

The internet of things is a general term of how technology is being used to communicate with other systems and therefore learn from each other. The connections between systems mean that your human workers can focus on more pressing matters, it has been seen with back-office functions in specific businesses that minimal functions can be automated, such as emails and minor marketing tools. But with this in a factory setting, it can be implemented in alarm management, sensors, or the basic time management and productivity of certain areas.

Predictive Analytics

The one thing that crosses everyone’s mind when it comes to integrating technology into the factory setting is that if something fails, which inevitably it will, what happens and how to replace these items of equipment? Predictive analytics is becoming a key part of every aspect of the manufacturing industry, and it also has a main drive in how new technology can be used to increase the quality, as well as the quantity, of manufacturing products.

Virtual Reality

Yes, this can occur in manufacturing! This is now referred to either as simulation, integration, or digital design. Motion capture technology has been used by Ford to help refine their production line. And it has been used to simulate certain products, or it can be used in a practical sense, such as to help reduce the delays in time when requesting a quote from specific companies. The idea behind virtual reality now is to reduce the additional work and streamline the whole process. The customer can also see what something looks like, as well as the cost, which is lending itself well to the notion of transparency in the industry.

3d Printing

This is a major part of any manufacturing process, as scanning items in a 3d sense can be a big help to designers on how to change the product, this means that it can be altered to please the customer. A good example would be clothing, whereas you would have to go back and request an item of clothing be altered, with 3d printing, this wouldn’t be the case, saving the customer time, as well as the business.

In thinking about the best ways to press on in the manufacturing industry without compromising your human workforce, these would be a very handy addition to any factory.

4 ways the online world can help you optimize the performance of your business

In this digital age, it is vital that you are using technology to your advantage. This is the best way for you to make sure that you have the edge over your competitors. Online advancements have made it much easier for businesses to run effectively and efficiently. If you are determined not to be left behind, you will need to read on. Below are four ways that the online world can help you to optimize the performance of your business.

It can drive people towards your business

If you are hoping to reach a wide range of clients, you will need to invest heavily in the online profile of your business. In order to see a return on this investment, you should also think about the benefits of online marketing and secure the services of experienced webmasters. They will be able to design you a successful website and can help to drive people towards your digital platform. Instead of waiting for clients to come to you, a proactive approach will help you to achieve success.

It can allow your business to operate remotely

If you are spending a huge amount of money on your company premises, you should consider moving your operation online. With the help of the cloud, you could run your business remotely. This could save you both time and money. It could also help the different areas of your business to communicate with one another. Say you are taking orders through your website. If this information is entered manually, it may take a few hours before it connects with your stock list. However, a fully-optimized digital system will ensure that the two areas are working as one. This kind of approach will prevent you from making costly mistakes.

It can provide you with the essential tools for communicating with your staff

In the world of business, communication is key. It is vital that all of your staff are on board with your vision. That is why you should use the online world to interact with your workers. One option is to create an online schedule that all of your staff have access to. This will allow them to stay up to date with important events. Another option is to create a digital learning environment for your workers and fill it with resources that will help them to succeed in their roles.

It can save you time on your business meetings

Instead of traveling long distances for your business meetings, the online world provides you with a sensible alternative. Why not conduct your meetings via video chat or Skype? This is a fantastic way for you to save precious time and to focus your attention elsewhere. It will also help you to speed up the process of completing a project. Instead of waiting days, or even weeks, for an important meeting, you will have more freedom when it comes to arranging a suitable time.

Why Your Business Shouldn’t Outsource Overseas

Most business owners understand the financial benefits of outsourcing their processes overseas these days. They are much the same as the monetary advantages entrepreneurs encounter when buying from suppliers based in other countries. Still, there are some excellent reasons why you should avoid following that strategy below. Read them carefully!

Outsourcing overseas takes money out of our economy

After the recent US election, the new President committed to bringing as much money back to America as possible. He is fighting a losing battle if entrepreneurs still choose to send their work abroad. Do everyone a favor and make sure you only trade within your home nation.

Outsourcing overseas takes jobs away from your friends

There is an unemployment crisis in most western countries at the moment, and it’s the fault of companies that outsource work overseas. By bringing those jobs home, you could ensure all your friends and family members never have to struggle.

Outsourcing overseas presents many quality control issues

There is no getting away from the fact that it’s often impossible to keep a close eye on quality control when the people performing essential tasks don’t live in the same country. Bear that in mind if you want to build a good reputation for supplying solutions of the highest of standards.

Now you know some of the reasons outsourcing overseas is a bad idea, you can start to alter your strategy and approach. Take a look at the infographic under this post if you still have some confusion.

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