How To Mitigate The Risks Of Outsourcing

Visit any business-related website, and you will find articles telling you why you need to outsource. They will tell you your business will grow. You will discover how it can be a worthy investment. And on this very website, you will find out how outsourcing can save your business. But what about the risks? Despite the benefits, it is wise to take a step back before designating important areas of your business to another company. In this article, we will take a look at two of the major risks involved, and we will give you some handy tips to mitigate them.

Risk #1: Does the company have the ability to work for you?

This is the biggest risk of all. You don’t want to hand over a project to a company that is going to make a mess of it. Not only will you lose credibility as a business, but you might also waste money by hiring somebody not up to the job. So, what can you do about it?

Tip: Quite simply, do your research. Start by looking at their website and look at what they have to offer. Do they have evidence to back up their service claims? Consider Bespoke Excel. This professional consultancy firm has clients as respected as Adidas and Aston Martin, with case studies to support the work they do. That’s the kind of testimony you need to look out for. Then find out how long the company has been in existence. We aren’t saying a fledgeling company will offer you a less quality service, but if the firm has been open for a number of years, they are probably doing something right. So, find out as much as you can, from reviews to testimonials, as positive responses will give you some peace of mind.

Risk #2: Will you lose control of your project?

You will lose some control. After all, you are handing your project over to somebody else. While this is normal, it’s understandable that you, as the business leader, will have some fears around this. Will they leak valuable data? Will they produce something you hadn’t envisioned? How long will it take to get the project done? All good questions and you need to find the answer.

Tip: While you will lose some control, you can still mitigate some of the risk by collaboration. When you initially speak to the company involved, lay down a few ground rules and even draw up a contract between yourselves. This can include the request for daily communication, opportunities to see the work-in-progress, and a reasonable deadline to limit the time frame. You also need to be as directive as possible. When hiring a web designer, for example, you may not have the skills needed for the job yourself, but you can still outline what you are looking for, ensuring the web design firm has a clear idea about what you want. If you are in any way unclear, you can’t blame the outsourced firm for not giving you what you wanted. So, talk to the people involved before the project begins, and make sure there is a clear understanding before you hand your work over to them.

Final word

Outsourcing is risky, but for the business leader, there are many advantages. With the right research and effective collaboration, you will mitigate the risks involved, and hopefully benefit from what other companies can offer your business.

How to Give Your Business the Edge

Competition in the world of business comes as part of the territory. It’s rare that a monopoly is achieved without years of hard work and dedication. Sometimes the struggles of keeping yourself above the water can make it feel as if you aren’t making enough progress or keeping up with your peers. A great way to combat this sense is to rethink your approach and flip your ideas until they start working for you. The most successful businesses offer something unique to their customers, whether that’s a personalized delivery system or even just a user-friendly website. To sharpen your approach and give your business an edge over the competition, take a look at these helpful tips.

One: Know Your Strengths and Play to Them

Even when you find yourself and your business somewhat flailing amidst the sea of rising competition, you can still identify strengths in your business that maybe haven’t been taken full advantage of yet. It can sometimes take a small crisis of confidence for you to see clearly. Don’t panic and instead re-examine the areas of your business that work well. Complicated strategies can easily run away from your grasp so do everything you can to simplify it without compromising quality or efficacy. Once you’ve managed to pinpoint the staples of your plan, take time to enhance each of these and give them the attention they deserve. For example, if you are a predominantly online business, concentrate on your website and how to drive traffic to it rather than focusing on comparatively minor aspects such as employee uniforms or physical storefronts. By doing this, you will save time, energy and money by increasing the effectiveness of your already determined strengths rather than trying fruitlessly to improve upon areas which do nothing to contribute to your success.

Two: Be Specific and Make Your Business Needed

An enticing yet dangerous route for some business owners is to seize upon their success and instantly attempt to capitalize on it without consideration or planning. Just because you have recently seen unexpected profits doesn’t mean your business is suddenly capable of expanding to new territories or taking on unrelated challenges. If you find yourself doing well in one area, it can be tempting to replicate that strategy elsewhere and expect the same results. Avoid falling into this trap by taking this success for what it is – fleeting. To maintain a positive trajectory, you mustn’t be complacent. Focus on what is bringing your business success and keep it going, don’t swerve into uncharted areas in the hopes of finding similar rewards. Of course, business is about risk-taking, but impulsively reacting to success is a recipe for disaster. A better way of taking advantage of these bursts of success is to concentrate your business around them and discover your niche. Don’t try to be everything to everyone as this will stretch your resources too thin and confuse your brand. Instead, work your way to the top of your niche and offer something your competitors don’t.

Three: Delegate and Outsource

A more detailed method of playing to your strengths is to take charge of them while allowing the business’ weaker areas to be captained by other people. Pride can get in the way of appropriately outsourcing but finding the right professionals to take on some of your workloads can make or break a business. It’s understandably difficult to allow a stranger to take control over an aspect of your business, especially when it’s a part you haven’t been confident in yourself. However, locating the best people for the job takes a weight off your shoulders and allows you to focus on the areas which make your business unique. A common fear when it comes to outsourcing is that the work will be either slapdash or a basic template. When business revolves around being unique and standing out from the competition, it can be disheartening to see similarities between your work and someone else’s, clearly showing that you’ve both reached out to the same external professionals. There are, of course, many companies you can outsource elements of your workload to who understand that your business is striving for individuality. These are the people who can offer new marketing ideas, slicker websites, and better operations. Don’t be afraid to enlist the help of these kinds of companies as their input could be exactly what elevates your business above the rest.

Four: Look the Part

It’s sad but true – people are superficial creatures. The history of advertising has led to some of the most captivating marketing campaigns that could pass for works of art. This is why your business can’t afford to offer quality services or products simply, but you should also appeal visually. It’s surprising how effective a mere facelift can be for a business as it rarely changes anything deeper about the product or the strategy. However, by putting aside some time and effort to concentrate on making your brand appealing, you will start to see excellent results. Two identical businesses can achieve vastly different profits all because one has attractive, well thought out branding and the other does not. It applies to everything from your website’s appearance and user experience to your logo. Consistency is key when it comes to your brand as it has the capacity to reach further than the business itself. For example, the Coca-Cola logo has been printed on clothing and become a statement entirely separate from the original business of cola drinks. A well-constructed brand image can change the path of your business drastically.

Gaining the edge over your business competitors can seem like a daunting challenge at first. When faced with the threat of failure or seeming too similar to others in your field, it can be incredibly disheartening. To overcome these obstacles and make your business shine you should examine the strengths already present in your business plan and product. Focus on what makes your business different while allowing external professionals to share the load. Top it off with a strong, consistent brand identity and your business is refreshed, sleek, and most importantly, has the edge.

How To Operate Your Company Fleet More Efficiently

If you want to do everything you can to operate your fleet on a much more efficient level then it is important to understand the way that your fleet works. If you have a couple of vehicles then you may not think that it is worth investing in a software to try and find out where each one is, and if you own a huge fleet then you may not feel as though it is worth getting them all cleaned on a weekly basis. The truth is that you should always know where your fleet is and you should always keep your vehicles clean, because at the end of the day it is a reflection of your business.

Your Staff

When you operate a fleet, it can be hard to make changes across the board. When a change is made, you then need to make sure that all of your staff are in the loop as well. For example, if certain cars are due to undergo maintenance then you have to make sure that your drivers are aware of this and you also need to make sure that you do everything you can to keep everything operating smoothly. This is easier said than done, so you need to have a steady line of communication between your fleet manager and your drivers at all times. This can be done through mobile communication or even via walkie talkies, but communication overall is crucial if you want to get the most out of your fleet.


Your fleet represents your company and for this reason you have to make sure that you are

utilising your vehicles as much as possible. Branding is a brilliant way for you to do this and if you have your company logo or even a decal on your fleet vehicles then they will essentially be advertising your business wherever your drivers go. They could be parked up outside the supermarket, on the motorway or even driving to a customer’s house, and they will be advertising your company the whole time. Providers like The Vomela Companies are great for this because they can apply graphics to every single one of your vehicles without any issues. They can also work with you to get the whole thing done simultaneously, so your parts of your business won’t come to a halt when the job is being done.


Telematics can help you to have a much more efficient fleet. Telematics can greatly improve your existing level of fuel efficiency and they can also lower your CO2 emissions as well. When you have telematic boxes installed in your vehicles they can detect the driving habits of those who operate your fleet, and this is a brilliant way for you to make sure that your drivers care about your company as much as you do. If you know that your drivers speed, don’t make the effort to get to their destination on time or even if they drive badly when on the road then this is not going to be a good reflection of your company and telematics can help you with all of this. They can even help your drivers to have the safety and guidance they need when they are on the road as well, so this is something that is well-worth investing in.

Driver Training

When you invest in driver training, this can really help you to make the most out of the employees that you hire. Drivers who have undergone the appropriate training will be much more likely to get into accidents less and they will also understand road etiquette more as well. They will also be able to deal with a first-aid situation more effectively and this is a great way for you to make sure that everything is being done to keep your employees safe and even those who are with them. When you have driver training, you can then go on to identify any driver issues and these can then be smoothed out by the time the next driver training session comes along. If you have any concerns about driver training or if you are worried that it will be expensive then you don’t have to worry about this at all because the good habits the drivers will pick up will eventually pay for themselves. By combining driver training with a good level of road knowledge and safety you can easily make sure that your fleet is being operated at an efficient level without having to worry about your driver’s experience or even their road habits.

Tips For Making Your Business Strategy A Reality

Creating a business plan takes a lot of time and hard work. Don’t let your efforts go to waste by failing to come up with an approach for executing on your strategy. It’s an entire process that takes careful monitoring and a willingess to recognize when what you’re doing isn’t working.

As the leader of the company, you have to stay patient and understand the best way to go about making your plan a reality. While it’s a lot of pressure on you, how you handle the implementation process of your strategy will depend on if it’s successful or not. Get excited about it because once you figure out how to elevate your company, you’ll have a lot to celebrate.

Get Input as you Create it

It’s too little too late to ask your other colleagues and leadership team what they think of your business strategy after it’s already done. Get their advice and buy in early, before you try to execute on the plan. You not only want to make sure you’ve covered all of the necessary points, but you want high-level people in your company to have your back and offer their support. They’re going to be instrumental in helping you make your business strategy a reality.

Set Realistic Goals & Include Details

Set achievable goals you know are within reach with extra work on your team’s part. For example, if you want to improve business communications with your customers, then find a unique means of communicating with them. While emails are okay for some businesses, moving into business texting can prove more effective and efficient. Not only do customers nowadays prefer texts over phone calls, but it’s also a quick means of booking appointments, canceling meetings or sending a complaint or positive review. For more information on business texting, contact Text Better.

Select Priorities

Your business strategy is going to be long and in depth. Don’t let that stop you from taking control and understanding what this means for you and your team. There’s going to be a lot of work to get done and not enough resources or time to do it. Be smart and prioritize your goals and projects, so you’re focusing on completing what’s most important first. It’s not a good idea to throw your entire plan at your leadership team and expect it all to get done when it’s not humanly possible. Approach it from an organized standpoint, and explain exactly where you want everyone to be focused initially. Put some of the other objectives on the backburner or save them for next year.

Assign Leaders to Specific Objectives

Your business plan isn’t going to go very far if it’s all on your shoulders. You need people to help you out and take ownership of the goals you’ve documented. Play to people’s strengths and assign the responsibilities based on who’s good at particular tasks. Make sure each goal has a leader matched with it and that they’re aware of what’s expected of them. Delegating the work will free up some of your time and allow your business strategy to take off in the right direction.

Track Progress

Don’t propose your business strategy, assign leaders and then forget about it. You need to have consistent follow up and tracking of progress if you want it to be successful. Have regular meetings with your leadership team, document comments, questions and the current status for each goal. Use your discussions as a time to draw your attention to any red flags or see where you may be excelling and will need another goal to replace the current one. This part of the process is all about open dialogue and holding each person accountable for their role.

Be Open to Changes

Your plan isn’t going to work if all you wrote is set in stone. You have to be willing to flex and open to changes others are proposing along the way. It’s nothing personal; it’s business, and if you don’t want to hear it, you risk the proposed strategy falling apart. Remain levelheaded and remind yourself that when you’re writing the business strategy that it could change in the future. Of course, you’ll want reasons why a particular aspect isn’t working or needs to be changed. Always look for the evidence before you perform corrections or make additions.

Communicate to the Entire Company

Although there may be details only appropriate for your eyes, you should plan on sharing the gist of the business strategy with the entire company. This will help your employees better understand how their efforts contribute to the bigger picture. They won’t be agitated when they receive what feels like a random assignment because they’ll know it has to do with the direction the company’s heading. Hold a meeting to dive into the strategy and answer any questions your staff members have.

Listen & Observe

If you want to experience success and make your vision a reality then you have to always be listening and observing. Hear what other people have to say, use their feedback to improve what you’re already doing and monitor progress closely. Your job is never done; it’s continuous and requires your involvement and leadership on a regular basis. Instead of always doing the talking, sit back and take in what ideas are being tossed at you and if you think you can use them. Read between the lines and pick up on what would have been missed opportunities without your attention to detail.

Believe you can bring your goals to life and you’re halfway there. Focus on the details and executing on what needs to get done first. It’s important to have the support of the other leaders in your company if you want to see your strategy become a reality. Continue to work hard and piggyback off of what goes right so that you can do more of that in the future. Remember that it takes a team effort and solid leader if you want to achieve success.

Steps For Optimizing Your Company’s Processes

Whether your business or company venture is new or just in need of being redesigned, then keeping on top of rules for optimization is crucial to effective business management and room for growth. In business, time is money, so, in order to maximize sales, longwinded and time consuming processes and procedures must be avoided.

Processing documents digitally can save you a significant amount of time, providing the software you’re using is running as efficiently as it can and you’re utilizing your business’s capabilities for success. Optimizing how your business runs concerns more than simply improving software; however, having said that, it does a long way in helping your business succeed. Over the course of this article you will learn how best to optimize your company’s business processes.

Healthcare Processes

Make tired processes an act of the past and ensure that your staff can do their job to the best of the abilities and giving them the adequate tools to do so. If you work in healthcare or any medical practice, then you’ll know the importance of having efficient coding and billing processes. As complex as the procedure of billing can be, once you know the best medical billing features to look for in software, then you can save yourself time and resources. Open Practice Solutions offer fully integrated revenue cycle management to help your company succeed, which can be found at You want your software to be doing the very best it can to take some of the pressure of you and any other the billing and administrative staff.

Optimizing business management wherever possible will give rise to easier processes, and ones that once fully understood by those using them, will speed up time it takes for a claim to be paid.


Once you’re aware of which business processes need attention, then you can get the overhaul underway. Figure out what the desired goal from changing processes needs to be, and make firm steps to getting these changes made. Identify which of the processes is most important and change that first, even if getting this altered is the most challenging business process to oversee the change of, do it with speed and accuracy. Throughout the time it takes you to implement change, always have the desired outcome at the forefront of your mind, address potential areas of improvement by brainstorming with those on your team and if a general consensus is that a qualified candidate needs to be hired, then prioritize this and begin the process of finding the candidate by conducting application reviews and interviews.

Process Mapping

Map your processes as you go. You can list the procedures you’re going to undertake by categorizing them into a list of importance, relevance to finished and completed outcome, and how they stand by way of priority. Start with the processes that needs the most immediate attention and work through the process map. By effectively mapping, you can visually keep track of what is being taken care of and which processes still need to be finished. Understand who is a part of the process and what their specific role and feature is in the redesign process.