Why migrate to S/4HANA?

StrategyDriven Tactical Execution Article |S/4HANA|Why migrate to S/4HANA?Operating a business is not always an easy task. It requires you to stay updated on various trends to remain competitive and significant to your customers. Usually, IT complexity within companies will stall S/4HANAmigration projects. Nevertheless, many companies will find it helpful to shift S/4HANA. This article will provide you with the benefits your company will enjoy after migrating to S/4HANA.

Reduced Ownership Costs

S/4HANA facilitates functions like master data governance and Global Available to promise. From an infrastructural perspective, the reduced boxes to manage translates to lowered maintenance costs. Again, S/4HANA allows a shared infrastructure, thus enabling businesses to eliminate bare metal that needs replacement every five years.

Easy Business Model Updates

Typically, the SAP ECC was developed for business models that have not been forced to change as fast as today’s models. For instance, today’s models are changing to keep up with various influences such as customer expectations, hybrid workforces, supply chain disruptions, and advanced technologies. However, following the increased opportunities to pivot and apply data to new business models, organizations can allow easier model change through SA S/4HANA. Besides, SAP S/4HANA is developed from the bottom up and facilitates how organizations do business now.

Simplifies the Introduction of Acquisitions into the ERP Environment

In the consumer packaged goods sector, businesses add complementary goods to their offerings and expand into new markets by getting smaller brands. Before SAP S/4HANA was developed, companies were required to combine these acquisitions into their core ECC systems. Unfortunately, these activities needed many resources and time to accomplish. The good news is that with S/4HANA, companies do not have to fold acquisitions into their core; instead, they can store them in the SAP public cloud.

Faster and Better Analytical Insights

S/4HANA elevates its performance exponentially, especially running through the HANA in-memory databases. It incorporates an intelligent data design that decreases aggregate data and table redundancy, thus making it exceptionally efficient. Also, the core ERP system provides faster insights and analytics instead of keeping data in the warehouse and waiting for it to load each time you need it. Also, you will enjoy speed insights from the analytics capabilities and business transactions in the same system.

Enhances Forecasting Accuracy

Although they are evolving slowly, embedded machine and AI learning applications are steadily changing in S/4HANA, facilitating improved forecasting, predictive outcomes, and modeling. For instance, a retailer can utilize a Universal Data Element Framework to forecast demand based on historical data. This allows them to pull in third-party aspects like the weather. Therefore, a retailer can develop a model that can predict the demand for a specific product in a particular area.

Facilitates Proactive Assets Management

AI, machine learning, and in-memory databases allow businesses to combine industrial sensors with S/4HANA. This facilitates predictive analysis, especially in receiving alerts if a machine malfunctions and monitoring assets on the manufacturing shop floor. Additionally, the sensors work full-time, constantly monitoring movement, temperature, and vibration.

Also, guided by the baseline measurements, businesses can predict unexpected shutdowns or when a particular machine requires maintenance.

Cut The Inefficiencies Out Of Your Manufacturing Line

StrategyDriven Tactical Execution Article |Inefficiencies Of Manufacturing|Cut The Inefficiencies Out Of Your Manufacturing LineWe’re living in times that are not easy, economically speaking. That should be no surprise to anyone. The job market is shrinking and wages are stagnant despite rising costs of living. That so many businesses are able to survive, even thrive, is down to some old-fashioned ingenuity. One industry that’s showing that in spades is manufacturing. We’re going to take a look at some of the tactics and techniques that are helping them do that.

Getting more organized

It makes sense that better organization makes it easier for manufacturers to do things more efficiently. However, a lot of them have boiled it down to art. Lean manufacturing is down to the process of cutting waste out in all the different sectors. With the equipment, this means keeping it maintained, keeping it placed conveniently, and keeping the workload transition as smooth as possible. It’s even possible to apply lean techniques to safety in the workplace.

Be mindful of your energy spend

As you might imagine, energy consumption in manufacturing is nothing to underestimate. All that machinery is bound to have a high energy cost. However, following energy-saving tips is helping many businesses find solutions to decrease their energy use. For example, this includes using energy saving appliances like LED lights where possible, maintaining your existing equipment so that it’s better able to efficiently carry out its work and so on.

Reducing lost materials

Keeping track of the materials and different inventories is just as important as the equipment. Faulty materials can lead to faulty products which is a big source of loss for many manufacturing companies. Ensuring that you’re not wasting inventory in the manufacturing process is wise, too. With the help of laser measurement services, for instance, you can ensure that you’re never using more materials than you need to. Precision with your needs can reduce loss.

Simplifying the production line

Another factor of lean manufacturing that saves a lot of time is getting rid of the complexity in the manufacturing line. Besides maintaining equipment, attention should be given to its placement. Businesses shouldn’t be afraid to get rid of redundant equipment and even redundant space. Selling commercial property can cut a lot of costs in one swoop.

Make more efficiency use of your employees

It’s not just the equipment that can be made more efficient, however. Taking the lean approach to employees means making them more versatile and making sure they use their time in the most efficient way. Cross-training achieves that by teaching them all the skills they need to fit multiple roles in the manufactory, making them more productive. It also has the added benefit of ensuring no employee is indispensable. This is a useful thing to have in case one of them is no longer able or willing to work for the business.

With the help of the tips above, you can improve the efficiency of your manufacturing line greatly, which can lead to more cost-effective production, more savings in your pocket, and easier profits. Of course, the specifics of how these principles work will depend largely on your manufacturing line’s particular setup.

5 Ways to Increase Productivity at Your Manufacturing Facility

If you’re like most business owners, you’re always looking for ways to increase productivity. When your manufacturing facility is more productive, it means that you’re making more products and generating more revenue. This blog post will discuss ways that you can increase productivity at your manufacturing facility.

1. Review your manufacturing process

The first step to increasing productivity is to review your manufacturing process. You may be surprised to find that there are areas of your process that are inefficient or could be improved. By reviewing your process, you can identify these areas and make changes to improve them.

One way to review your process is to create a flow chart. This will help you visualize how each step in your process works and where there might be potential bottlenecks. You can also use this tool to identify which steps could be automated or made more efficient.

2. Safety first

Another way to increase productivity is to focus on safety. When your employees are safe, they can work more efficiently and with fewer injuries. This means that they’ll be able to work more hours and produce more products.

There are a few ways that you can improve safety at your manufacturing facility:

  1. Make sure that you have adequate lighting so that employees can see what they’re doing.
  2. Provide training on how to safely use equipment and handle materials.
  3. Make sure that there is a clear process for reporting accidents or incidents.

3. Invest in quality tools

Investing in quality tools is another way to increase productivity. When your employees have the right tools, they can work more quickly and efficiently. This means that they’ll be able to produce more products in a shorter amount of time.

An 80 lower drill press jig will save time and money in your manufacturing process. This is because it allows you to quickly and easily create perfect 80 lower receivers. With this jig, you’ll be able to produce more products in a shorter amount of time, which will increase your overall productivity.

4. Take Inventory

One way to increase productivity is to take inventory. This may seem like a time-consuming task, but it’s actually quite simple. By taking inventory, you can ensure that you have the materials and supplies that you need on hand. This will save you time because you won’t have to order new supplies as often.

Inventory management software can help you keep track of your inventory levels. This software can also help you automate the ordering process so that you don’t have to do it manually.

5. Regular maintenance

Another way to increase productivity is to focus on regular maintenance. When your machinery is well-maintained, it will run more efficiently and with fewer problems. This means that your employees will be able to work more hours and produce more products.

There are a few things that you can do to ensure that your machinery is well-maintained:

  1. Make sure that you have a preventative maintenance plan in place. This plan should include regular inspections and servicing of your equipment.
  2. Make sure that you have the right replacement parts on hand so that you can quickly fix any problems that occur.
  3. Make sure that you document all maintenance activities so that you can track your progress over time.

By following these tips, you can increase productivity at your manufacturing facility. You can make your facility more efficient and productive by reviewing your process, investing in quality tools, taking inventory, and focusing on regular maintenance. Implementing these changes will help you increase profits and grow your business.

Why Warehouse Operations Often Struggle

StrategyDriven Tactical Execution Article |Warehouse Operations|Why Warehouse Operations Often StruggleYou will find that many organizations struggle when it comes to warehouse management. The warehouse is an area of the business that has a massive impact on the success of the company and customer satisfaction levels, but it can also be challenging to thrive because it can be a complex operation with a lot of constant movement. This means that there are often inefficiencies here, but this also means that there are often improvements that can be made. This article will outline a few of the main reasons why warehouses struggle and will provide a few ideas for improvements that should help.

Unmotivated Workforce

One of the primary reasons why warehouses struggle is that the workforce is not motivated. You could have an efficient system in place, but if your team does not work to a high standard each day, then it will be impossible to succeed. Therefore, you need to keep your team motivated with decent pay, a relaxed yet productive work environment, goals and incentives, and career development opportunities.

Inefficient Layout

Many warehouses have the same layout that they did when they first started, which can cause inefficiencies and make work harder than it needs to be. You should not shy away from trying a new layout, as you might find that you can speed up operations and get more done each day.

Lack of Speed

These days, many warehouses struggle when it comes to speed and find that they are unable to meet consumer expectations. Consumer expectations have risen with next-day delivery becoming the norm. It is challenging to increase speed, while still maintaining accuracy and safety, but you will find that it is possible and often this is through automation. A warehouse management system, that integrates with your shipping systems, conveyors, and ERP can help you to speed operations up and keep your customers happy.

Out of Date Equipment

Another common reason that warehouses struggle is the equipment that they use. Forklifts are one of the best examples of this as this is equipment that is used constantly throughout the day, so you need to have the very best forklifts to succeed. Forklift hire is smart because you are not tied down and you can upgrade to the latest and best forklifts when they become available, and this should make a big difference to the daily performance of the warehouse.

Lack of Data

These days, all business operations should be utilizing data, but it is sometimes lacking in warehouse operations. Data can provide a deep insight into the daily performance of your staff members, teams, and the entire warehouse operation, which will allow you to identify the best ways to improve and become more efficient.

These are the main reasons that warehouses struggle. It is a difficult area of the business to manage with a lot of moving parts, but it is also an area of the business that has a massive impact on your success and customer satisfaction levels, so it is important to address these areas.

Technology Altering The Food Packaging Industry

StrategyDriven Tactical Execution Article |Food Packaging Industry|Technology Altering The Food Packaging IndustryWe have come a long way from packaging our food in leaves and skins, but in many ways, we have created more problems than solutions. The packaging industry is responsible for a great deal of pollution and waste. Many of the technologies listed in this article have been developed in order to directly challenge this status quo. Here are some of the most important recent developments in food packaging technology.

On-Site Nitrogen Generation

Nitrogen is an essential component in the packaging of perishable foods. Oxygen is an extremely reactive element, and many chemicals react readily to it. This makes the presence of oxygen in food packaging incredibly damaging. Food quickly spoils in oxygen-rich environments. Nitrogen, on the other hand, is colorless, tasteless, odorless, and almost entirely inert. For many years now, food packaging has involved the displacement of oxygen with nitrogen in order to preserve freshness. In the past, nitrogen was shipped into facilities in tankers. This nitrogen was in liquid form, which was then converted into a gas for use. The conversion process was an expensive and labor-intensive one.

On-site nitrogen generators, introduced recently, have proven to be far more efficient for companies working in the packaging industry; a nitrogen generator does not actually produce the gas from scratch. Instead, they purify nitrogen that is present in the air – stripping it of other gasses. Nitrogen accounts for around 78 percent of the Earth’s atmosphere.

Edible Packaging

Food packaging accounts for a great deal of the world’s waste, so the development of a safe edible packaging is an idea that could do the environment a big favor. Although things like rice paper have been available for a long time, truly tasty and protective materials are only just being developed. Professor David Edwards and his team at Harvard University have recently developed a membrane inspired by the skin surrounding the flesh of apples and oranges. Their invention – wikicells – is a kind of packaging made up of statically charged edible membranes. According to these scientists, the future of packaging is edible.

Smart Packaging

Smart packaging is perhaps the most ‘Tomorrow’s World’ of all the innovations on this list. The idea behind smart packaging is simple: the packaging warns consumers if a product has spoilt. Sensors embedded in the packaging will detect the telltale signs of spoilage and let a consumer know if they should eat the food contained within. This could lead to the end of sell-by dates – which are seen by many as being completely unrepresentative of the actual shelf life of food items. Items could last longer on average if people know exactly when the food has gone off.

Water Soluble Packaging

What if you could simply make packaging waste disappear? Several companies have developed packaging that dissolves in water. This could reduce household waste by a huge quantity, although the packaging will need to be made very affordable to food manufacturers in order to truly take off. No material ever truly disappears, which could mean that water in which packaging is dissolved is still relatively damaging to the environment.