How to Insure a Niche Business

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article | How to Insure a Niche Business

As an insurance agent, if you have a niche client that specializes in a unique field, you may have found that it’s hard to find insurance that keeps them properly protected. Many blanket liability policies have gaps that don’t cover niche businesses, leaving your client out to dry when they need protection the most. Rather than telling them you are unable to help, here are some tips on insuring their niche, high-risk business.

Enlist Some Help

The first thing you need to do to insure their high-risk business is enlist some help. Unless you have access to every type of insurance policy imaginable, which you very likely don’t, you may not have all the tools necessary to find a proper policy. If you know you don’t have the policies needed, find an expert who does.

A wholesale insurance broker specializes in finding niche and hard-to-insure businesses the coverage they need. If you aren’t sure where to begin when it comes to helping to ensure your client, finding a broker who knows multiple insurers and agencies is a great first move. Wholesale insurance brokers can either find you a policy to fit your needs or even create one: you just need to make the initial call.

Assess Your Budget

Your next step toward insuring your client’s niche business is to assess their budget. Every insurance policy, whether it’s general liability coverage or something more customized, will cost a fixed annual rate. Before you settle on a policy, you need to know how much they can afford to spend without going into the red.

Along with choosing a cost-effective option for their policy, you need to make sure that you’re getting the most bang for your buck, to put it lightly. There are hundreds of insurance policies that may fit their budget, but not all of them will fit their needs. Part of your job will be to help them decide what’s the best value for your business, but they can’t do that without your help. Set a budget and go from there.

Get Multiple Quotes

The third step to insuring your client’s high-risk business is to get multiple quotes. This step goes along hand-in-hand with the other two. By getting multiple quotes from multiple brokers, you can not only see what price options there are, but you can also learn a bit more about what type of coverage your client may need.

By getting multiple quotes from wholesale insurance brokers, you can go over a list with your client and narrow carriers down until you find the right one. What once may have seemed like an impossible task won’t look so daunting once you chip away at your list of names and numbers.

Costs per year, agent information, and coverage red tape are all included in each policy. By getting more than one quote before you make a decision, you can ensure your client will have the best deal that offers the most complete coverage for their business.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line: don’t go into this alone and turn away business just because you don’t directly offer policies that fit your client’s needs. By bringing in wholesale insurance brokers to help, you can help your clients make the best fiscal decisions for their company.

The Role of a Family Lawyer in Resolving Disputes

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article | The Role of a Family Lawyer in Resolving Disputes

A good family lawyer should always communicate openly with clients. They should return calls and emails quickly and clearly explain legal developments and decisions. A good family lawyer should also encourage using alternative dispute resolution methods to help clients achieve their objectives while reducing conflict. Alternative methods also allow for a quicker and less costly resolution process.


A crucial role of a family lawyer Ottawa is to help people with divorce and separation-related disputes find ways of agreeing without going to Court. They can explain the different out-of-court processes families can use, including negotiation, mediation, and arbitration. In arbitration, a neutral third party, called an arbitrator, decides on legal issues in dispute. The arbitrator acts like a judge and listens to the evidence and arguments of both parties, making a decision that resolves the legal issue. The first step in the process is an initial consultation and screening to determine whether or not arbitration is appropriate. Once it is, the parties will then pick their arbitrator and sign a participation agreement. The final decision in an arbitration proceeding is usually binding but can be appealed. Arbitration is generally faster, less costly, and more confidential than traditional litigation. It also allows both parties more control over the process.


Family lawyers can use various alternative dispute resolution methods for their clients. These include mediation, arbitration, and collaborative practice. Mediation is when disputing parties meet with a neutral third party, a mediator. The mediator helps the parties discuss their concerns and possible solutions to their problem. They can also help the parties come up with a written agreement. Family disputes that can be resolved through mediation include custody and property issues. However, it’s important to note that not all cases are suitable for mediation. For example, cases involving domestic violence, high conflict, or power imbalance may not be suitable for this resolution method.

Collaborative Practice

Disputes in family law, such as divorce, custody, and property division, often result in lengthy litigation. A family lawyer who works in alternative dispute resolution can help resolve disputes quickly and efficiently without going to Court. In mediation, a skilled, licensed mediator guides disputants in open discussions. They don’t tell parties what they must do or impose requirements on them and can facilitate discussions that allow the parties to express their preferences and priorities. Mediation is generally less costly than a trial and can be scheduled at times that suit the parties’ work and personal schedules. Those involved in a dispute know the situation best and can agree on resolving their disagreement if willing to compromise. They can better find solutions that work for their family than a judge who must apply standard laws. People must attempt to resolve disputes through compromise, discussion, and dispute resolution before applying to the Court.


Litigation is the traditional legal process by which a court resolves family law issues. Family lawyers represent clients in litigation by presenting their case to the judge and advocating for their client’s legal rights. Litigating a dispute can be costly and emotionally draining for everyone involved. For this reason, alternative dispute resolution methods are highly recommended. However, when a dispute cannot be resolved through negotiation or mediation, the role of a family lawyer becomes vital. Aside from drafting and reviewing legal documents, such as prenuptial agreements, separation agreements, adoption papers, and more, a family lawyer can provide emotional support and help clients navigate the stressful and complicated process of resolving a family law issue. Ultimately, they can offer their clients the guidance and advice they need to make informed decisions about their future and the well-being of their loved ones. Ultimately, their services can ensure that all parties involved in a family dispute are protected and treated fairly.

Safeguard Your Business: 6 Steps to Prevent Fraud

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article | Safeguard Your Business: 6 Steps to Prevent Fraud

Fraud can have devastating consequences for businesses, leading to financial losses, damaged reputation, and compromised customer trust. To protect your business from fraudsters, it’s essential to be proactive and implement robust preventive measures. In this article, we’ll explore six effective steps that can help you prevent fraud and ensure the security of your business operations.

Establish Strong Internal Controls

The foundation of fraud prevention lies in establishing strong internal controls within your organization. This involves implementing policies and procedures that promote transparency, accountability, and segregation of duties. By clearly defining roles and responsibilities, conducting regular audits, and enforcing checks and balances, you create an environment that deters fraudulent activities and identifies any red flags at an early stage.

Educate and Train Your Employees

Your employees play a vital role in fraud prevention. Educating them about the risks and consequences of fraud is crucial. Offer training programs that highlight common fraud schemes, such as phishing, identity theft, and financial manipulation. Encourage a culture of vigilance and provide guidelines on reporting suspicious activities. By empowering your employees with knowledge and awareness, you create a united front against fraud.

Implement Robust Fraud Detection Measures

In today’s digital landscape, cyber fraud is a significant threat to businesses. Protect sensitive data by implementing a robust fraud worldwide detection system. This includes using firewalls, antivirus software, and encryption protocols to safeguard your networks and devices. Regularly update software and educate employees about phishing emails and other social engineering tactics. By staying one step ahead of cybercriminals, you reduce the risk of falling victim to online fraud.

Monitor Financial Transactions

Keeping a close eye on financial transactions is essential to detect and prevent fraudulent activities. Implement real-time monitoring systems that flag any suspicious patterns, such as unusual transaction amounts, multiple transactions from the same source, or unexpected changes in payment methods. Regularly reconcile accounts, verify vendor information, and scrutinize invoices and receipts. Monitoring financial activities helps identify anomalies early on and allows for prompt action.

Conduct Background Checks

When hiring new employees, contractors, or vendors, conducting thorough background checks is crucial. Verify credentials, check references, and review past employment history. For high-risk positions or when dealing with sensitive information, consider conducting criminal background checks. By ensuring the integrity and trustworthiness of individuals associated with your business, you minimize the risk of internal fraud.

Stay Updated on Fraud Prevention Techniques

Fraudsters are continually evolving their tactics, which is why it’s crucial to stay updated on the latest fraud prevention techniques. Stay informed about new fraud schemes, emerging technologies, and industry best practices. Engage with professional organizations, attend workshops and seminars, and network with other business owners to share experiences and learn from each other. By staying proactive and informed, you can adapt your preventive measures accordingly.

Wrapping Up

Preventing fraud is an ongoing effort that requires a proactive and multi-faceted approach. By establishing strong internal controls, educating employees, implementing robust cybersecurity measures, monitoring financial transactions, conducting background checks, and staying updated on fraud prevention techniques, you can significantly reduce the risk of fraud in your business. Remember, prevention is always better than dealing with the aftermath of a fraudulent incident. Safeguard your business, protect your assets, and maintain the trust of your customers by taking the necessary steps to prevent fraud.

Small Business Insurance: What You Need to Know

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article | Small Business Insurance: What You Need to Know

Designing and creating products. Marketing. Selling. How no day is the same. There are many exciting aspects about running a small business. Yet beyond those fun points, the ones that get your creative juices flowing, there are those not-so-entertaining elements.

Business insurance certainly falls into that latter category.

While it may feel like an unimaginative, irksome part of running a business, make no mistake: business insurance is essential. Failure to have the right insurance in place could cause major issues for your company down the line.

To prevent that, here’s what you need to know about small business insurance.

The Insurance Essentials

No business is the same. As a result, your insurance needs will be different from others – even companies you are competing against directly. This is because there are numerous factors which go into the type of coverage you require. These factors include:

  • Business turnover
  • Number of employees
  • The industry you operate in
  • Your business premises (if applicable)
  • If your business directly deals with the public

Once you have noted down these aspects, you are in a better position to select the right insurance options for your needs. For example, if you deal with the public directly – this could be visiting a customer, being visited by a customer, or conduct work in public – you will have to purchase public liability insurance.

Getting Advice From a Financial Advisor

As a small business owner, it can be difficult to try and figure out exactly what insurance coverage is necessary. Ultimately, you want to be fully covered – even a small oversight could end up costing you.

This is why it’s highly recommended to seek advice from a financial advisor. As Grand Life Financial notes, an experienced financial advisor is capable of helping in many different areas – including insurance. With their knowledge, they will be able to figure out what is necessary for coverage. They account for how your business functions, using this information to decide on the right insurance package.

While you have to spend money on this advice, it can save you in more ways than one in the future.

Find an Insurance Provider

If you don’t have a financial advisor pointing you in the right direction, you’ll have to select an insurance provider for your business. This isn’t an easy decision. There are many insurance companies available, so there are various points to think about to pick the right one for your business.

You’ll want to compare prices and, in the best case scenario, pick the most inexpensive one. Yet you also have to look at each provider’s experience and credibility.

What Happens if You Don’t Have the Right Insurance?

A lack of insurance can lead to you paying out significant sums of money to cover your liabilities. That’s the last thing you want when you’re a small business where profit margins are generally small. Yet it’s not just financial damage that can be caused. You could face lengthy legal processes, and these can be stressful and damage your company’s reputation.

6 Malware Removal Tips for Mac

StrategyDriven Risk Management Article | 6 Malware Removal Tips for Mac

As secure as Apple devices are, unfortunately, there’s no guaranteed way to ensure that they won’t fall foul of malware sneaking its way onto your devices from time to time. For those with Macs, it can be especially important to thwart unwanted attention and you’ll likely want to ensure that your device stays clean and free from harmful malware, so let’s take a look at what you can do.

What is malware and what can it do?

The term malware can be applied to specific types of viruses that hackers use to gain access to your Mac and perform functions to get to specific information to meet their needs. This could be stealing your personal information for dodgy dealings (or to sell on to third parties), reaching and exploiting secure financial data, or even holding your device for ransom for instant monetary gain.

The bad news is that malware can be picked up simply by using your Mac for everyday functions – and its effects won’t always be immediately apparent. According to Apple, one of the easiest ways for spyware, trojans and malware in general to make their way onto devices is via Ads. Although these adverts are harmless by nature, they do use tracking cookies, which can open you up to attacks as hackers collect information on who you are and what you look at. There are even times when doing nothing more than clicking an ad that leads to an infected site can cause issues, but the good news is that there are steps you can take to minimise malware taking hold or stop it before it has the ability to get too far.

2 common signs of malware and how to remove it

Here are 2 ways that you can spot malware and remove it safely:

1. Browser extensions  

The majority of malware will be installed via the internet and can come in the form of extensions. As these can be fairly obvious (you should know what you have and haven’t installed yourself), you should be able to spot them and either delete them or use third-party malware removal software to remove them safely for you.

2. Log-in-based malware

Certain types of malware will kick in when specific apps launch on your operating system upon startup. Malware can infect both necessary and leisure applications and even present themselves as apps that actually have no substance outside of performing negative functions. To determine if malware is using login protocols, check login items, how often they are triggered and if these launches are necessary, then disable any that you can’t account for or aren’t relevant. Again, anti-virus software can help to make this process simpler.

Preventing attacks

While manual scans and tasks can help to keep malware at bay, it’s no secret that dedicated anti-virus software can run in the background and prevent these items from making their way onto your Mac device before they have a chance to do any real damage. They also make finding and deleting unwanted items faster and easier. As there are plenty of these types of tools out there, simply do some research and select the one that suits your needs best.