Use These Strategies for Better Project Management

StrategyDriven Project Management Article | Use These Strategies for Better Project ManagementEvery project manager has preferred tools and methods for completing an assignment. They understand that it is easy to get overwhelmed in the minutia of tasks. As you sit down to start your first, tenth, or even eightieth project, take the time to evaluate the system you use and look for areas to improve. Here are some tips to help you be more successful.

Find a Tracking System

There are many software applications available to help manage your project. They allow you to monitor timelines and provide detailed status reports. Individual team members can post updates, ask questions, or make comments. With so many alternatives, it is important to find a system that works for you and your team.

Ask Questions

With every new project, be sure you completely understand the final purpose of the assignment. Ask your manager clarifying questions about the project, final deliverable, budget, and timeline. Gather information, such as:

  • What other employees, if any, are involved in this project?
  • How does the priority of this project align with my other responsibilities?
  • To whom and how frequently should I provide status updates?
  • Do other teams depend on the project? If so, how does their timeline affect mine?

Develop a Guide

Successful project management entails identifying the steps required to complete the project. Work with your team to write down all of the things that need to be completed to deliver a final product. Include goals, budget, timeline, roles and responsibilities, and final evaluation.

Look for Challenges

Now that you know what is needed to complete the project, ask everyone involved to consider what can negatively impact those projects. Employees should be creative and offer possible solutions. When encouraged to think out of the box, you better understand the scope and intensity of the project. Some things you may consider include:

  • Company holidays impact the number of hours employees can commit to a project.
  • Seasonal increases in workload may limit the time you can work on a project.
  • Enthusiasm for the project may falter if key managers leave the company.
  • Current hardware cannot efficiently support the final product.

Pick the Best Ideas

It is easy to get derailed if you lose focus on the key components. Ensure your team stays on track with the highest priority tasks to deliver the final product. If they work on a feature without approval, it can delay the timeline. Successful communication helps you stay on track.

Learn From Experience

Once complete, it is necessary to thoroughly review the project. Write down the challenges that you experienced. Evaluate each one individually and within the scope of the project to determine how you can prevent or mitigate them in the future. Many project managers forget to take the time to analyze what went smoothly. Review these strategies and incorporate them into your next project.

These techniques help you become a stronger project manager. You will find yourself more confident in managing your project timeline. Communication with employees and managers is easier. Employers recognize your commitment to a successful project.

How to Excel in a Partnership Project

StrategyDriven Project Management Article |Partnership Project|How to Excel in a Partnership ProjectA successful business requires financial investment, hard work and time, and a bit of luck as well. Working within one’s own company might seem easy and comforting as you know the scheme of systems, however, the real task starts when you have to work within a partnership project. Managing different crews of vendors and collaborators spread out can be pretty tough, especially when they have verbal, cultural, economic, political, and social barriers that separate them from the rest of the partners. Aligning different people of different caliber and bringing them at a single pace is a difficult task, but with proper planning and management you can excel in a partnership project, and here is how you can achieve it.

Find a Common Interest

Certain clashes are sure to occur when different people with different organizational interests work together. Conflict arises even when people have to work with different teams of the same company. To proceed in a partnership project, you have to sit with other team members and discuss the points where you share common interests with others. Find a common ground on which you all can fixate your task assignments. To find a common interest, communication serves as a key, interact with your partnership team members and clients, stakeholders, and vendors to know them better.

Create Data Rooms

Virtual data rooms help several businesses, teams, and collabs to work simultaneously on a single project and get easy and safe access to project documentation and data. Firmex is providing excellent services in organizing virtual data rooms for partnership projects and giving a secure way to keep the paperwork flowing. Virtual data rooms are a safe way to share important documents with other companies and this specifically helps while you are dealing with several partners at once in a project.

Time is Crucial

Every partner works at its own pace but the deadline for the project is often the same for every partner involved. Time management is very crucial when you work with different partners on a project. You might have to face new challenges while dealing with different companies and people, however, it is the project manager who has to be alert and keep things running at a flow. A delayed delivered project would bring every involved person at risk, so it’s better to keep the differences aside while working on a project and work as a team.

Stay in Touch

It is quite possible that your partners are not from the same place where you are from. The intercity or interstate differences always cause an issue in managing a project symmetrically. To avoid any problems you must always stay in touch with your team members. Email them, call them, share screens while working, and stay on the same page. Technological inventions have made it quite easier for the business partners to align their work pace and thus keeping in touch is not a difficult task anymore.

Digitize Your Partnership

Digitizing the partnership means that you have to work on common, reliable software to speed up the work tasks. Outsourcing can bring many disparities to the different parts of your partnered team but they are all united under a common goal by taking assistance from the software and apps, whatever that might be for this project. You have to provide your teams with simple but dependable software solutions. This ensures quick, glitch-free performance and also gives you a common measure for determining the productivity of each team, especially if it includes time recording or task management.

Be Flexible

When you work with different companies and partners, giving others an edge is equally important. You have to be flexible and listen to what others are saying. Keep your homework ready, keep your plans ready but always give some space to other partners also. Discuss what they want and how they want. Working collaboratively improves the relationship and increases the likelihood of delivering the results and outcomes expected from the project.

Aim for the Best

It is important that all the partners are optimistic and positive about the end results of the project. When people are positive about achieving a task, they put their best and work efficiently. This brings success to the project partners and aids in business growth.

How To Improve Quality in Construction/Building Projects

StrategyDriven Project Management Article |Quality in Construction|How To Improve Quality in Construction/Building ProjectsWith so many construction and DIY projects on the go, there has been a lot of discussion as to the prevalence of cowboy builders and how you can ensure that your project stands the best chance of success. This article will outline the best ways to guarantee that your building and construction is the best that they can be. The rise of the solo worker and independent contractors has been steep and is expected to continue, so it’s worth making sure you do your research. It is a great business opportunity of the moment, yet one that will need thorough thought and planning.


The materials that you use for any building or construction work must first meet the standards that are set by national and international building regulations. If you expect the end product to be professionally made, long-lasting, and safe, you really need to start out with the best raw materials and use construction materials and products that are of the highest quality and standards.


Having the right labor and skills on-site at the right time is one of the hardest aspects of the construction process to get right. It is all about making the best use of time and resources, as bringing trades onto the site when they aren’t needed is simply a waste of their time and your money. Labor can be one of the most expensive costs on a building site and, as such, it needs to be monitored and recorded clearly.

Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation

The trend is to use an NEC Supervisor to monitor progress according to set plans and project milestones. You need to have made a booking and then have them come to do an inspection on site. The idea is to have a professional service that can advise as to the technical requirements and building standards.

The Right Project Management Apps and Software

If you intend all of the aforementioned to happen in a seamless fashion, one of the main aspects required will be project management software and skills. All works on site are time-constrained and will need to be planned and integrated. The best way to do this is online and via shared services where all those working on the project are able to see and share the latest works documents and everything that they need for their role in the project.

Utilities, Water, and Electric

The connection to utilities, water, and electric for the site is critical. Regardless of whether you have a generator to supply the power needed to run the site, you will need water and actual electricity to test and install any household goods.

Improving your building and construction projects is crucial, and partnering with professional home builders in Townsville can ensure that the construction is top-notch, safeguarding your company’s reputation against any substandard building outcomes. Furthermore, it can be such that these buildings cause harm or safety issues around improper construction. Therefore, the tips provided above will serve to ensure that your building and renovation works are as professionally done as possible.

Don’t Fall Off Track With Your Current Project

StrategyDriven Project Management Article |Project Management|Don't Fall Off Track With Your Current ProjectManaging any sort of team is not easy. It does not matter whether you have ten team members or you have 50, you have to make sure that the project remains on the right track so that you can achieve your objects on-team and on budget. However, this can be a lot easier said than done. As any project manager will attest, it is difficult to ensure things don’t run off in another direction. So, what can you do to aid this? Let’s take a look:

  • Make sure there is a clear direction – You must make your team’s goals and mission clear. The importance of this cannot be overlooked. After all, we tend to find that projects go off track when people are on different pages and things aren’t very clear. This can result in people prioritising the wrong things, for example. Clear and effective communication is at the core of every project today.
  • Targets should be communicated on a regular basis – Setting a clear target is a good place to begin. However, you then need to make sure that your employees can achieve these targets, and that is where supporting management strategies come in. Communication is key here. After all, you are only going to be able to move forward if you communicate with your team regularly throughout about their performance. Onboard learning management systems can be beneficial here.
  • Self-awareness should be promoted – All of the people working on your project need to have a thorough understanding of the individual role they play. This not only relates to their own specific tasks. It also relates to their part within the bigger team. This can be challenging when you have people who are preoccupied with issues relating to everything from policies to processes and governance. Nevertheless, the mindset of your individuals is what is going to make or break your project. This highlights why it is vital to make sure that your team has good self-awareness.
  • Encourage your team to collaborate effectively – Aside from the points that we have discussed above, it is important to create an environment that is highly collaborative. This is critical in terms of reaching your goals, as you need everyone to work together, and you need them to do so in a manner that is as efficient as possible. You cannot be a dictator as a project manager. Yes, you need to give out tasks and lead, but you also need to encourage others as well.
  • Don’t drift away from your project plan – Last but not least, the final thing that you need to keep in mind is to make sure you do not drift away from the plan. This is something that can easily happen when the end goal seems so far away. This is why it is vital to make sure that you set smaller milestones and targets along the way to keep everyone on track.

Top Tips For Construction Project Managers

StrategyDriven Project Management Article |Construction Project Manager|Top Tips For Construction Project ManagersConstruction projects are famously difficult to manage, and this is because there are often so many moving parts. A small issue that can arise in construction can end up having huge consequences, and this is why so many projects often end up over budget and/or past the deadline. So, what can you do if you are managing a construction project and you want it completed on time and within the pre-agreed budget? There is never a guarantee for this, but read on for a few tips that will hopefully help you to find success with the project while keeping stress levels down.

Establish Clear Plans

The first step to take is to make sure that you and everyone else are on the same page regarding plans, budgets, and timelines. Communication is key to success when it comes to construction, so you will want to make sure that you have a clear understanding of exactly what is expected of you and then that this information is communicated to everyone else involved with the project. You should never shy away from asking a question if you are unsure and encourage people to come forward with any questions or concerns that they have.

Create A Schedule

Scheduling is everything when it comes to construction projects, especially if you will be using different contractors that will only be able to work once a certain aspect is already taken care of. This is why you need to take the time to carefully review plans to get a clear understanding of the different tasks that need to get done and in what order. Once you have done this, you can then start to create a logical schedule that will fit with the deadline (you may want to give yourself some leeway with each task in case something goes wrong).

Identify Key Resources

Around this time, you will also need to start identifying and sourcing your key resources. This will include the manpower that you need, materials, tools, and any equipment that will be needed during the project. Identifying and sourcing resources can be a lengthy and time-consuming process (and never one that should be rushed), so you should always give yourself enough time for this stage.

Find The Best Contractors

Following this point, choosing the contractors for your project will be key and determine the project’s success. You should find specialists for the different aspects of the work, such as full-service drilling contractors like Earthworkz if you need directional boring, site electrical excavation, or any other drilling work done. Using specialists will ensure that the work is always completed safely and to a high standard, which could end up saving you both time and money in the long run.

Make Safety A Priority

Construction is a hazardous industry, and every year there are serious injuries and sadly even fatalities. In fact, two construction workers die from work-related injuries each day on average in the US. You will obviously need to make safety a priority to protect your workers and anyone else on site, which will help to prevent the chances of injury, keep the project running uninterrupted and provide peace of mind. There are a few key steps to keep in mind to make safety a priority, such as:

  • Carrying out a risk assessment
  • Making sure that staff are properly trained
  • Making communication easy
  • Providing sufficient PPE and ensuring that it is used at all times
  • Keeping the site safe, tidy, and organized
  • Making sure equipment and tools have been maintained
  • Using signage around the construction site

Anticipate Issues

As the project manager, you will want to anticipate what problems might arise at each step of the way. Hopefully, you will not encounter any issues, but it is helpful if you can identify what might happen so that you can find ways to prevent these issues from arising but also develop contingency plans to mitigate the impact of a problem. As mentioned before, a small issue could end up having a huge impact through a domino effect, so you need to anticipate what might go wrong and do all that you can to avoid issues.

These tips should be useful when managing any construction project and hopefully help you deliver both on time and on budget. Construction projects are amongst the hardest to manage because there are so many elements that need to be planned for, and issues can arise that can have a big impact on all other areas of the project, but knowing how to manage and prevent issues should help to deliver a successful project and reduce stress.