StrategyDriven Enterprises

StrategyDriven Enterprises, LLC

StrategyDriven is dedicated to providing executives and managers with the planning and execution advice, tools, and practices needed to create greater organizational alignment and accountability for the achievement of superior results.

We help our clients create and execute a clear, forward-looking strategy – translatable to the day-to-day activities of all organization members – that’s critical to their realizing success in today’s fast paced market environment. Not only does a compelling, well executed strategy align individuals to a common purpose, it ensures that purpose best serves the company’s mission.

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Collectively, our products offer business leaders the opportunity to access the knowledge of a highly educated and experienced staff without the associated overhead expense.

At StrategyDriven, our seasoned business leaders deliver real-world strategic business planning and tactical execution best practice advice – a blending of workplace experience with sound research and academic principles – to business leaders who may not otherwise have access to these resources.

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Industries That Provide Stable Careers

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article
It’s important to find a job that feels like the right fit. Any job is going to be challenging and exhausting, at times, but that doesn’t mean you should go for a role that you hate. The key is to focus on your preferences as well as your academic ability or experience. But you probably want to pursue a career path in an industry that can provide a stable long-term job. If you’re trying to find a career that both suits your personality and promises the possibility of financial stability (for as many years as possible) then here are some of the best industries to consider.

Real estate

The property market provides a very stable landscape for anybody looking to build a long-term career. If you have a passion for socializing with new people on a daily basis then you could translate this skill into a sales environment. Essentially, that’s the core requirement of a real estate representative; you have to know how to sell properties to potential buyers. But this is definitely one of the best sales environments in which to be based because you’re dealing with an asset that’s always going to have a market. The better you are at selling, the better your commission will be. It’s a career that can earn you a substantial income. If you’re interested then you should look into potential routes for pursuing a career in this industry. Usually, you need a license if you want to practice real estate.


The construction industry is another one that can provide very stable job opportunities. Governments, businesses, and even individual homeowners always need experienced professionals to help them construct things. There are so many different routes to take in this industry, but many of the job positions can provide a long-term career that spans years or decades (depending on your aspirations). If you’d be looking for a senior role in a well-paying career then you might want to consider becoming a civil engineer. You could study to get a civil engineering degree online. Getting qualified at such a high level would open many different doors for you in the construction industry. It all depends on the type of job role you want to secure.


What’s the one thing that businesses will always need? Marketing. It’s a very smart industry in which to pursue a career if you’re looking for stability. If you’re a creative person who wants a job role that’ll allow them to tackle different challenges with every new project then there are plenty of paths you could pursue. You could design artistic adverts, write captivating marketing copy, or simply communicate ideas with an equally-passionate team. Marketing is a great career path to pursue if you’re creative, sociable, or you simply want to be part of a constantly-changing industry. With technology and social media driving the new landscape of advertising, you won’t have to worry about becoming bored of this career route; the industry is always adapting to a changing landscape.

How To Decide If Working Abroad Is Right For You

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article
When looking to move abroad for a job opportunity, you’d be forgiven for succumbing to the stress of the entire process. When moving in general, there is plenty you need to consider but when it comes to going overseas, you could have to think about visas, location, language and even culture.. To get you started, here we are going to help by looking at how to decide if working abroad is right for you.


When looking to make the move abroad for work, finding the right location for your new home that isn’t too long of a commute away from your new workplace is a must. With thorough research into your new location, you can make the move a success with relative ease, helping to ensure that you are buying a property that is in a nice area with all of the necessary local anemities nearby. The research will also help you to find out more about the area so you can settle in quickly after your move.

It is also important to make sure you research in great depth. After all, you’ll be moving here, not just jetting off for a holiday! It is important that you pack what you need for every weather condition such as wetsuits in the summer and coats for the winter as you will need to be prepared for anything. The more research that you put into your location, the more likely you are to settle in comfortably.


When moving abroad for a job, it is important to look into every aspect of the role as this could be the difference between accepting the offer and staying where you are. Moving for work is no menial matter and it is therefore important to make sure that the move is worth your while with opportunities for progression in your field. If there is room for progression and you feel like this would be an unmissable opportunity, then it is well worth moving. However, if the job that you are being offered has no room for progression or you’re apprehensive about what you are being offered, it may be worth rethinking.

Additionally, the economy of the country you are moving to should be a contributing factor to our decision, as there may be limited chances for you to progress due to the state of the economy. What’s more, the exchange rate for all your finances could cause you to lose money so take this decision with care in these instances.


When organising to move abroad, it is important to ensure that you are thinking about every element of the process and this includes your finances. The exchange rate into the currency, the cost of housing and the price of other additional taxes are all important to research and calculate before you move, as they can make moving abroad very expensive. With plenty of financial advisors available to help you, it is made a lot less stressful to ensure that you have all your finances sorted and secure for if you decide to move.

It is important to also ask your potential new employer how much you will be earning before you accept. This will help you to work out what you can afford and ensure that the move is cost effective for you as this could be a main contributing factor to the job role not being quite right or worthy of a relocation.

With all this in mind, it is important to really consider the job role that you are looking to take before you take it to ensure that it is right for you and will leave you as financially stable as possible.

How To Decide If A Career In Healthcare Is Right For You

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article

A career in healthcare offers various opportunities – including becoming a doctor, nurse, chiropractor, physiotherapist, and dentist, to name a few. If you are reading this article, you may already be thinking about pursuing a career in healthcare but are not yet completely sure. The same way you would choose any career path, you need to think about the choices you are making, and thus weigh the pros and cons. Although, in this case, you need to consider what entering the healthcare industry means, including the money aspect, job security and even time required. The three most notable factors to keep in mind are education, your strengths and the lifestyle choice itself.


What type of education do you need for a career in the healthcare industry? As with all industries, the different career options require different degrees. While some nurses may only require a college degree, becoming a doctor requires medical school and is a longer process. Yet another option in today’s day and age is advancing or completing a degree online. This is beneficial in order to gain work experience and school knowledge at the same time. The online MHA program is one example of this, allowing you to obtain a Master of Healthcare Administration online while continuing to work in your current field. When thinking about education, one of the most important considerations is that of time spent. How long will it take to obtain the degree? It is for this reason than an online degree is often beneficial. Read more

An Employee Ascending Is A Leader In Waiting

The working world is not two-tiered. It’s not workers and seniors, it’s a multi-layered and complex professional world. It’s akin to a soup, you need the overall flavor to come through, and the base to provide body but, there are lots of other different components that bring out the best in the dish. Here’s where people get flustered. Sometimes there are unofficial roles that have almost the same power as the intended purpose they serve. However, since they’re not official, this means that there are many people that hold greater power than the average employee, but aren’t quite middle management or senior higher-ups. It’s called employee ascension. Slowly, you’re being recognized as someone who potentially has leadership qualities, but since there aren’t roles open in the middle management and no positions open for middle management to be promoted to a senior role, then you are in effect in limbo. Don’t worry though, you need to keep up your progress and maintaining your upwardly climb.

How do you know

Are you getting more and more tasks to do, despite no official word with you about them? This could stir up the feelings of resentment because it can seem as if you’re being bullied or perhaps being taken advantage of. However, if you can see that the other employees are getting the same amount of work as you used to, then perhaps it’s far from bullying. Notice that you are being asked to check over someone else’s work? Some work can seem like it’s in the middle of being classed as something the management should do and something that employees may also do. These are clear signs that you are being trusted to do work that requires a little finer touch and an increased skill level from the other employees. Continue doing this work for a few weeks, and then have a chat with your superior. Inform them that you have no issue doing the work but that it seems odd to be giving you a higher class of work. Most likely they will inform you that you’re being tested, which is basically a confirmation that a promotion is waiting in the wings for you.

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article
In your stride

Promotions can sometimes be a rocky road. Companies may want you to take on more work but they don’t have the salary expectations of a middle management or top worker to give away. Instead, you should take it in your stride and relish the opportunity to play a larger part in the company. If you work in the construction industry and your employer is looking for someone to take on a large role, you can apply for an excavator license test. The course teaches you how to use the latest machines and abide by the latest safety rules as well as effective techniques to speed up the work. You should be jumping at the chance to play a larger role while and based off of your performance, be ready to accept a promotion.

Ascending through the career ladder to get a better job is at first daunting. The first thing, however, is to get noticed and want to get noticed at that. This means taking on the added responsibilities when they’re given to you. Remember that it’s a test and should you pass you are in line for a leading role.