Everything There Is To Know About Buying A House

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article |Buying a House|Everything There Is To Know About Buying A HouseBuying a property is definitely one of those things that is on many people’s bucket lists of things they want to do in their lives. At some stage, you may even start planning to do it yourself. But often you need that little push to make it happen and to take that leap of faith of actually buying somewhere. After all, it is one of the most expensive purchases you will ever make in your lifetime, sounds scary when you put it like that doesn’t it? But when it is your first time, how do you know exactly the right steps to take or what is needed when it comes to buying a property? There is so much to think about, and in many cases, it can be less than straightforward. So with that in mind, here are some of the steps involved when buying a property and everything that is to know about it. I hope it helps you in the future.

Finding the right house and considering what you want and need

One of the first things you need to think about is finding the right house and considering what you want and need from it. This is when it could be a real good idea to sit there with a pen and paper and writing down everything you need from your new place, everything you would want or like to have, and the non negotiables. This will help you decide on the best course of action and help you to research and search out the right place for you. Looking online will help you figure out some of the other aspects. It isn’t just about the house either, you could also do with considering the area you want to live in, the outside space and other factors like the commute to work, schools, and local shops and other amenities. A house is the main aspect, but everything else has to be right as well in order to be living exactly what you imagined it to be.

Knowing what your budget is and if extra funding is needed

The next thing you need to think about, now that you know exactly what you want and need from a house and location, is to figure out the budget you have. In some cases this can be the hardest and more emotional side of the decision making process as the financial side of things will indicate whether or not you can afford what you want. A good idea would be to look at mortgages and seek out the best home loan for your purchase. Once you know this important factor, you will be able to refer back to your wants and needs on your list and hopefully be able to keep things on there or perhaps make some changes to it as your budget dictates what you can afford to spend.

Having a plan on what you want to achieve

Having the right plan is so important. You need to make sure you plan every aspect of this house move from start to finish. This is so you are not left with any nasty surprises when it comes to moving. The plan can include everything, from how you plan to find the right property to how you intend on progressing through the process of buying and selling. Searching online is one of the most common ways to find properties these days, and many websites will show you a range of potential properties from different agents, saving you from having to look from one website to another. You might also want to plan for any contingency funds that may need to be spent such as fees for the legal side of things, or agent fees, as well as funds for anything works that might need to take place once the house sale has gone through.

Having a solicitor that is good

It is also important for you to have a good legal aid on your side when it comes to navigating the home buying process. There is a lot to think about, and there is also a lot of paperwork and checks involved to make sure that a house sale can go through. A good solicitor will be able to highlight these areas and also ensure that all paperwork is in order before the house sale completes. These people will also handle the money transactions and ensure all gets paid, so it is vitally important for you to make sure that you pick the right solicitor to help you with your house purchase. There are also fees involved so as mentioned earlier you may need to factor in these costs so that you are not left stuck at the final hurdle.

Allowing for the timescales involved with the process

There is a lot involved in buying a home. Once you have put your offer in and had it accepted you signify a chain of events that can take time. Initially, any mortgage company will want certain checks taking place on the property to ensure it is in good condition. This is to identify structure issues, damp or other aspects and tend to be very common on older properties. These checks can take time and some companies may ask for further checks to take place, or even certain works to be done before a full release of a mortgage can be had. A solicitor will handle this for you. You also need to think about other people involved, which brings me on to my final point.

Being aware of the chains you can end up in

In many home buying processes you are not the only one involved and this can mean that you enter into a chain. The chain needs to complete at the same time in order for one person to move from one place to another. If the person you are buying from can’t move into their home then you can’t move into theirs, if that makes sense. This is when it can get time consuming and the process can last longer than it needs to.

Let’s hope that highlighting some of these steps will help you when it comes to buying a property right now or in the future.

3 Types Of Listening Skills That You Can Adopt For Your Next Conversation

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article | 3 Types Of Listening Skills That You Can Adopt For Your Next ConversationHave you ever been a part of a conversation where the other person constantly shuts you out? And they just won’t let you speak! Don’t worry; you’re not the only one. We all have had to go through people dominating conversations through combative listening. It’s not a pretty picture!

But what are your options? What is the best way to react? Should you be competitive too? Probably not. An active listener would be more likely to grasp what the person is saying and defend his point of view. Makes sense, no? Although it is difficult to apply in heated debates, with a little bit of practice, you’ll know what type of listener you need to be and in which situation. Here are a few that you may already be practicing but didn’t know about! Keep reading.

#1 Competitive Listening – The One Who Shuts Someone Down

Don’t you hate how your boss interrupts conversations to emphasize his point of view? Well, it’s a type of listening skill. Instead of listening to the other person, this model involves pushing your opinion onto someone else. Whether arguing with your spouse or friend, you may have realized that you have been doing this as well. Sometimes, we jump in to say what our opinion is and make a point. This type of listening is predominant when someone wants to list the flaws or drawbacks of the other person’s argument.

One can but not necessarily should apply this to have the upper hand during a negotiation. You may have realized that when you are being a competitive listener, you may indulge yourself a little too much and have a closed mind about everything else. Which isn’t ideal – especially during conversations with important people.

#2 Reflective Listening – The One Who Is An Active Participant

The best kind of conversations are those when someone is actively listening and responding to you. This is known as active listening since a huge part of it includes listening to the other person’s side of the story. It’s necessary to be patient and reflective since hearing alone does not do the job.

Remember when your spouse told you that they would be late for dinner tonight? But you were glued to the television! You may have heard it, but did you listen? If you listened, you would have responded and asked questions or given an opinion. So, it’s necessary for both people to be interested and intrigued while this takes place. Interactive conversations can lead to discoveries about oneself and the people around you. Any conversation can become an intense one. Like an adventure ride. So push beyond your comfort zone and activate your ear lobes. This conversation is going to be a thrilling one!

#3 Passive Listening – One-Sided Conversations

Some people simply like to listen. They are attentive listeners and are absorbing all the information they get with every passing minute. However, this can get monotonous for the other person if it’s a long conversation. Although ideal when you want to pay attention to someone, you may use this while someone is giving a lecture, a talk, or narrating their experiences.

Rather than being reflective, you would want to listen with utmost curiosity and be 100 percent engrossed in the smooth-flowing conversation.

Here, unlike when you’re actively listening, even if you agree with the other individual, you’re not doing so vocally. This can be a good practice to understand what someone is saying, instead of trying to put your point across.


There you go, those were the three different types of listening skills that you probably didn’t know about. We all use these at different points in our conversations throughout the day. Sometimes you can be an active listener with your friend but a passive listener with your boss and a competitive listener with your partner!

6 Obvious Signs that it’s Time to Quit Your Current Job

Have you ever questioned the reason why you joined your company? Sometimes your workplace may not turn out to be what you expected. While every job has its pros and cons, if you feel unhappy at work or feel like you do not fit, you should be ready to move on and do something else.

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article | 6 Obvious Signs that it's Time to Quit Your Current Job

But things are not always so clear cut. There is no fairy tale office where everything is always as you want them to be. You have to encounter both the negative and positive aspects of a job when working. In such a situation, making the wrong decision can lead to the loss of a good job promotion. You may also end up destroying the goodwill you have created since starting the job.

So how do you tell that it is time for you to move on?

When you lose the Thrill of Going to Work

Do you no longer feel excited getting up early to head to work? Do you feel like a machine when you start working on some of your daily tasks? That is a clear sign that you need to end your job and find something else to do.

The lack of excitement in doing your daily tasks can lead you to waste your time searching for other things that may excite you, such as playing online games or watching movies at work. Instead of wasting your valuable time, you should make use of it somewhere else.

When Your Ideas Are Not Being Considered

How long have you held out waiting to impress your boss? Sometimes you have to bear being left on the sidelines until you can prove your capabilities to your boss. But if you remain in the same position for a long time, you should consider working at a different place that identifies your value.

Moreover, if your workmates exclude you when making decisions or don’t appreciate your opinions, you should find somewhere else that is more welcoming. It is essential to work in an environment that appreciates your effort and work and makes you feel valued.

When You Are Smarter than the Boss

It is not a crime to be the smartest person in the room. But if you believe you have more skills than your boss, you may have to consider switching to another job. It can be very frustrating since you may have to downplay your thoughts as you conform to your boss’s even when you know they are disastrous.

Additionally, you will constantly be uncomfortable if you do not trust their decisions regarding the company. If you do not want to go down with a sinking ship due to poor leadership, you should seek a more challenging working environment.

When You are Underpaid

Does the work you do equate to the amount you receive as payment? You should not consider sticking around if your salary is too low. Aside from your monthly income, a good company should offer you work benefits, an employee health insurance, a 401k program, and a paid time off, among other monetary benefits. If you’re looking for a better job opportunity, you will find that there are plenty of advantages of Truck Driving for Barr-Nunn Transportation that you cannot find in other similar companies.

You Cannot See a Future

Does your company offer you opportunities to grow? A good company should create an opportunity for you to grow and rise in the hierarchy. Everyone is entitled to go after new opportunities and create a name for themselves. However, if your company does not provide you with such opportunities, you should find somewhere else to explore that.

When Your Work Environment is Toxic

Does your company tolerate bad behaviors, or does it hold perpetrators responsible? The culture of a company is depicted by how it responds to particular behaviors in the workplace. How does it deal with bullying, gender, and sexual harassment, or conflicts in general?

It would be best not to work in a company that does not protect you from such acts. Not only can they be demeaning, but some of them can hurt you mentally, physically, and emotionally.

It does not matter if you receive a good salary; if the environment is toxic, your productivity will be affected. You should instead find somewhere else that provides you with a safe working environment.

Summing up

Do not stick in a work environment that does not benefit you in any way; the grass is greener on the other side. Once you decide to leave, you should figure out what you want and find ways to get there. Take the step forward, fearlessly, and pursue a positive future.

How You Will Bounce Back From Job Loss

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article | How You Will Bounce Back From Job LossLosing your job brings up a variety of unwanted thoughts and feelings. You’re flooded with worries about how you’ll cope without a regular income. How and if you’ll ever find a new job. And depending on the circumstances of losing your job, you may begin to doubt your capabilities at work.

Although things may seem difficult now, there are brighter days ahead.

Bouncing back from job loss isn’t a matter of if but when. To help you get back on your feet quickly, breaking down what you need to do into manageable chunks is crucial. And so, through this post, you’ll find four vital steps to follow, manage your job loss worries and bounce back.

Don’t Beat Yourself Up

Before moving onto the next step, it’s essential to take time out to grieve your job loss.

Investing in self-care, such as eating healthy, positive thinking, exercise, and taking time to do something you enjoy will ensure you maintain a healthy body and mind. Both of which are essential to keep your head high and focused on putting your life back together, following losing your job.

Contact A Lawyer

The moment you lose your job, everything can seem a bit of a blur. You may not have truly taken the time to understand or even question your ex-employer about why they’re letting you go.

Finding out your rights as an employee, from experienced labour lawyers, is an essential step to take. By sharing your situation with a lawyer, they can advise if your employment agreement stipulations have been violated. Or, for example, whether you may have been subject to wrongful dismissal. In turn, professing your case to your company to ensure you are treated fairly or receive adequate compensation.

Manage Your Finances

Although it may be painful to look at your bank balance and budget right now, it’s necessary to avoid missing payments and falling into debt.

For this step, you want to work out how much money you have to live on for the coming weeks while finding a new job. In doing so, you can establish the urgency of needing to get a new role.

If you’re drowning in debt, you need to contact the collectors urgently to explain your situation. They may be able to freeze your payments until you get a new job.

Other areas where you can make positive changes to ensure you can afford to live for a while if you find a new role is trimming your budget. Whether cutting down your food shopping budget or letting go of a few unused subscriptions.

If more drastic measures are needed, you could return a vehicle you’ve leased to the provider, to save yourself a monthly lump sum. Or downsize to a less expensive home.

Survey Income Options

Depending on the circumstances of your dismissal, you may be able to claim benefits. Contact your local government to see if you’re entitled to any financial support.

If you have a side business, you could use your free time to make the most of your entrepreneurial talents and expand it into a full-time gig.

Otherwise, you could seize this opportunity to take a new course and learn something that can either enhance or change your career path.

Taking time to take care of you. Alongside sourcing a lawyer for support, managing your finances and surveying new potential income options. Are the essential stages to follow to help you bounce back from losing your job.

How to Transfer Business Skills to Manage Your Life

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article |Business Skills|How to Transfer Business Skills to Manage Your LifeStarting and running a successful business requires a great number of skills, including fantastic organization, great financial planning, and people management. If you are an entrepreneur, chances are you have worked to hone these skills to the peak of your ability. Yet they don’t have to be confined to your business world. These abilities can help you manage your personal life, ensuring you stay on top of your finances, personal investments, and work-life balance. By taking a holistic approach to your life, you’ll find you make better decisions, and that you’re able to approach your business with greater focus and positivity.

Managing Personal Property

When you buy a new house, it is never simply a personal decision. You are also investing in a property, one that you can profit from in the future if and when you decide to sell, and it’s worth using all your business acumen to ensure you make the right decisions. Properties come in all shapes and sizes, with all different circumstances attached, and it’s worth doing your research. For example, if you’re buying an apartment that falls under an owners corporation, this can have many advantages, but it’s worth investigating strata law as the bylaws that govern these bodies can be complicated. A specialized lawyer may be able to advise you and make sure you’re getting the best deal possible in this situation. Whatever the type of property you’re considering, treating it as a business decision as well as a decision of the heart will ensure you are investing in your future.

Overseeing Your Accounts

For some reason, many business owners with an incredible grasp of their company’s accounts and finance can fail to apply this same attention to detail to their own personal financial situation. Don’t let this be you. Keeping a close eye on the state of your accounts is a vital part of living a successful life, one that allows you to plan for the future and accomplish everything you desire. There are also tips and tricks you can pull from business models to help you manage your finances more easily. Just as you may have ‘pots’ of money separated for different departments in your business, why not apply this same structure to your own bank account? Put aside a budget each month for clothes, groceries, and casual spending, and make it more efficient for yourself to keep track of your expenditure.

Scheduling and Prioritization

Do you ever feel like achieving the perfect work-life balance is an impossible task? You’re not alone. Many business owners find it difficult to make time for themselves. One solution to this is simple: schedule personal time and social events into your calendar just as you would a meeting or a work deadline. This may seem frivolous, but in fact, taking time out to destress and spend quality time with family and friends is vitally important in maintaining your physical and mental health. In turn, this will affect your ability to concentrate, and therefore the health of your business.