Making a strong, positive first impression in business will help you to attract clients from the very first encounter, so as you can imagine it is really important that you are able to do so.
With that in mind, here are some basic things you can do to create a great first impression in business:
Focus on your workspace
If customers and clients are going to visit your workspace. Whether it is a store, an office, or a warehouse, it would be prudent to make that workspace look as impressive as possible. Whether you fit highly attractive, and efficient MCM panels to your building’s interior, revamp your office space to give it a cutting-edge modern appeal, or simply clean up your warehouse so it looks more presentable, anything you can do to create a good impression in the space you work will be of huge benefit.
Create an amazing website
These days, your website is often the first port of call for many potential clients, so you need to take the time and effort to make that look good too. A website that will make a good impression right now is a website that’s clean and clutter-free, easy to navigate, operational on all devices, and completely intuitive to use. Ideally, it should also be popular with plenty of interesting and informative content.
Be positive and confident
As an entrepreneur, if you want to sell your business to customers and clients, you need to be as positive and confident about your company as possible. You should know your business inside and out and you should be happy to talk to anyone about it in a genuine and enthusiastic tone. If you can’t manage that, chances are you aren’t going to impress very many people with your pitches at all.
Get your customer service right
Customer service is really important. The customer is always right, and when they call a company with a query or complaint, they expect to be treated well. If they do not get a good experience, they will not think fondly of your business – it really is that simple. That’s why you should make sure that you have a multi-channel approach to customer service so that clients can always reach someone, and do so in the manner that is most comfortable for them. It’s also why you should give your team a high level of customer service team to ensure that they are friendly, knowledgeable, and always willing to help.
Behave ethically
If you’re serious about creating a great first impression with your business, then you need to make sure that you, and everyone who is working for you, always act in the most appropriate and ethical manner. Whether that means buying from sustainable suppliers or being honest about what your products and services can deliver. Even small lies, when they get out, will damage your reputation beyond repair, so avoid them like your business depends on it because it just might.
Creating a great first impression is half the battle to business success,so be sure to give it the focus it deserves. 16:00:402021-06-28 15:43:55Creating Great First Impressions in Business
When it comes to buying a car people generally think of two categories, new or used. You might prefer to buy your car new. A car with next to no miles on the clock that has never been driven by another sole before. New cars can commonly be bought from Manufacturer’ main dealerships. There certainly are positives to this. Buying a new car gives you the full manufacturer’s warranty, which can be as much as 10 years. You will be able to order the exact specification you want on that car and there is no unknown car history to worry about. Brand new cars also benefit from the latest technology, safety features, and fuel efficiency. There is a lot to be said for spending big on a brand new car. That is however the downside and a big one. Buying a new car comes at a premium. You will be paying top dollar, and the value of that car will depreciate the second you drive it off the forecourt. It can depreciate as much as 20%.
Then there is buying used cars. Buying used cars will allow you to avoid taking that huge hit in depreciation. Used cars are, of course, also cheaper than new cars. You pay a reduced price to reflect the fact someone has already owned, driven, and used the car before you have. You can buy used cars from dealerships or private sellers. If you buy a used car from a dealership you will also get legal recourse should there be a problem with the car soon after purchase. Alternatively, you can buy a used car from a private seller. This option will save you money in that the purchase price will be lower but you will not get the same protections as if you had bought from a dealership. Of course one of the biggest drawbacks of buying a used car is that you are to some extent buying the unknown when it comes to the car’s history and previous usage.
Then there is a third option that isn’t so widely known, buying nearly new cars. Nearly new cars are often cars from a dealer’s demonstration fleet of cars that they have bought to meet certain targets dealers may have. Alternatively, nearly new cars are vehicles that have had an owner for a matter of months, no more than a year. A good place to look for nearly new cars are manufacturers’ main dealerships or used dealerships known for buying and selling new or high-end cars, for example, if they advertise the fact ‘we buy 2021 cars’ you know they will be selling (very) nearly new vehicles. Buying a nearly new car will allow you to benefit from the extensive manufacturer’s warranty, they will still have around 90% of the warranty left, if not more. You may not be able to order the car to the specifications of your choice but you will be buying an ultra-modern, high-tech car that benefits from the new safety features, keeping you safe on the road, and the latest mod cons of a new car. Without paying the price of a brand new car. What is more, buying nearly new will take away a good chunk of that depreciation value. Ultimately, your money will go further.
There are of course some downsides to buying nearly new, namely that it will have an extra name on the registration document and this will decrease the value of the car when you come to sell it, as you will be the second owner. Even if the first owner only did 100 miles in it. The more owners a car has had, the lower the resale value it will have. All nearly new cars will have some mileage on the clock, no more than 1000 miles so the efficiency and functionality of the car won’t have been impacted, but it won’t of course be ‘brand new’ and have that ‘brand new’ never-been-used feel about it.
Whilst there are some drawbacks to buying nearly new, the benefits are extensive. Weigh up what is more important to you and whether those negatives are a price worth paying. 12:00:392021-06-20 11:01:13Why You Should Buy A Nearly New Car
When you’re stressed at work, it’s often necessary to find a coping mechanism. Some stress-busting techniques are less healthy than others. A few unhealthy ways of dealing with stress include:
Getting aggressive
Aggression is a natural release of stress, but it needs to be channeled into the right places. Many people let out this aggression in an unhealthy way either by snapping at colleagues, getting road rage while driving or taking it out on family members. This could damage relationships around you and even risk you losing your job if you hurt someone or act very unprofessionally.
Aggression can be released in healthy ways. Exercises such as running, boxing, swimming, cycling and weightlifting are all examples. You can even try things like scream therapy classes.
Comfort eating
Many people that get overweight do so through comfort eating. Eating food can release endorphins that can combat stress. This can become a habit that is hard to break.
Comfort eating isn’t so bad if the foods you’re eating are healthy, however many people tend to choose sugary and high calorie snacks. Try to avoid comfort eating by not packing unhealthy snacks to work or making a conscious effort not to resort to unhealthy foods on your lunch break.
Smoking/drinking/using drugs
Nicotine, alcohol and other substances are a common stress-buster. However, they can all damage our health in the long run. The likes of alcoholism and drug addiction could also have negative social effects such as causing us to abandon responsibilities or act hostile towards others.
Try to break these habits before they become addictions. Smoking can be particularly hard to break – consider exploring healthier options such as vaping by looking at wholesale vape carts. When it comes to drinking heavily or taking drugs at the end of a stressful day, try to limit yourself to healthy amounts or occupy yourself with other activities.
Bottling it up
The worst way to cope with work-related stress is not to relieve it at all. This allows the cortisol and adrenaline to build up. You’ll either end up snapping and having a mental breakdown or you’ll wear down your body and suffer burnout. Bottling up stress could also increase the risk of heart disease, as well as creating short-term problems like insomnia, digestive problems and headaches. All in all, you need to find a way of releasing stress.
How should you relieve work-related stress?
Stress needs to be dealt with in a healthy way. There are lots of healthy ways to deal with stress including:
Meditation: Taking 5 minutes out to clear your mind can do wonders.
Exercise: As already mentioned, this can be the perfect healthy release of aggression. It could include a HIIT workout on your lunch break or a long workout after your shift.
Listening to music: Music can release feelgood endorphins that combat stress.
Laughter: Laughter can also release feelgood endorphins.
Taking a hot bath: A hot bath will relax muscles and lower cortisol levels.
Herbal teas: Such drinks are also great for lowering cortisol levels. A much healthier alternative to caffeinated drinks (which can make stress worse).
Taking a break: When you’re feeling stressed, don’t be afraid to take five minutes out – you could return feeling much more productive. Make sure that you’re also taking holiday. A week away from work could give you perspective and allow you to combat the source of the stress whether it’s taking on less work, fixing relationships with colleagues or getting a new job. 08:00:582021-06-20 02:10:32Unhealthy Ways To Cope With Work-Related Stress
David Geithner knows all about traveling and exercise. Here’s a look at how to choose the right exercise program for you when traveling.
To maintain a healthy lifestyle, there are many tips that need to be followed. From following a diet that supports eating in moderation to getting enough exercise, a woman’s overall happiness in life will be largely influenced by her ability to make wise choices. The exact type of exercise routine a person will need to follow is based on his or her goals. Here’s a quick look at different workout regimens and the goals that can help you achieve success when exercising while traveling.
Cardiovascular exercise
If a person is looking to improve physical endurance, as well as personal stamina, then cardio training is essential. An excellent way to begin a cardio routine is by walking one mile. As stamina is increased, a person can begin jogging. 20 minutes of cardio exercise three times a week can help a person lose weight, reduce health risks and improve the immune system. Aerobic training is a form of cardio exercise, and it is renowned for improving a person’s quality of life.
Strength and resistance training
Improving muscle and bone strength comes via an assortment of strength and resistance training. It is imperative that a person not begin this type of training without the help and advice of a professional trainer. The training itself will involve lifting weights and using various forms of exercise equipment. Strength training can be used to tone up any part of the body, including the arms, abs, and lower body.
Balance/core workouts
Balance/core workouts have four main ways of improving the body:
Transfer energy
Control movements
Improve body movements
Shift body weight
With a strong core, a person can enjoy reduced back pain, enhanced athletic performance, and improved posture.
Flexibility exercise
When looking to improve one’s flexibility, flexibility exercises will be of the utmost benefit. These exercises tend to be slow-paced, with the goal being to stretch the muscles to become more flexible. Dancers and athletes tend to favor flexibility exercises.
Cindy’s view on exercise
David also likes taking some of Cindy Crawford’s helpful advice for exercising and traveling.
Cindy’s exercise routine for herself involves doing circuit training three mornings each week. She usually spends about 10 minutes lifting weights, followed by a 5-minute cardio workout. She repeats this three times and then spends a few minutes working her abs and stretching. All in all, her workout usually takes about an hour to complete. However, when given the opportunity, she greatly enjoys biking and hiking (both of which are great for exercising while traveling), but she doesn’t view these activities as a workout.
Cindy is a strong advocate for sunscreen
About 75 percent of people don’t wear sunscreen on a daily basis. This statistic is quite shocking being that sunscreen is the most effective anti-aging tool. And not to mention it’s abundantly available and cheap. Cindy says that wearing sunscreen is of the utmost importance. Even on days when the sun isn’t out, applying sunscreen with both UVB and UVA protection is vital.
The Takeaway
Staying in shape doesn’t mean you have to hit up the gym for two hours each day of the week. In fact, by using the outdoors and taking a quick walk in a local park three times a week, you can be well on your way to staying fit and healthy. 10:25:252021-06-17 10:25:25What Is the Right Exercise Program for You When Traveling?
Not all that long ago, networking was a fairly simple process. People actually connected with one another over lunches, coffee breaks, and even in line at the supermarket. Seemingly random conversations would often veer toward career choices and job opportunities. From there, contact information would be exchanged, and further connections would ensue. Just a couple of decades ago, stopping by a prospective place of employment could help propel your career to new heights. Doing so gave people an opportunity to drop off their resumes, shake hands with some of the right people, and get their names out there.
Entering a New Era
Then, the digital world rose to fame, and the internet began to take over. From there, showing up in person would get you little more than a cold stare and curt instructions to fill out an application online and email your resume to the proper department. Though the internet technically gave people more reach, it also put a damper on their ability to truly connect with potential employers on a personal and professional level. All that happened long before anyone had even heard of COVID-19, but once the pandemic began to take shape, matters became even more distant, and Virtual Business Networking became all the more crucial.
Facing Even More Twists and Turns
While the pandemic didn’t kickstart the trend away from in-person networking by any means, it certainly took it to entirely new levels. Suddenly, face-to-face networking wasn’t only considered a less efficient approach; it was altogether forbidden. In fact, it was downright dangerous. Meeting with other people in a small space went from being the way to go to a potentially deadly experience. Spreading a hazardous pathogen isn’t exactly a great way to foster a career, and shelter-in-place ordinances and other restrictions made traditional networking all but impossible. Changes had to be made, and they’re affecting job networking even now that the pandemic appears to be winding down.
The Concept of Face-to-Face Is Evolving
Emails and online chats quickly became the norm even before the pandemic began to spread across the globe. Despite the evolution of technology over the last few decades, many potential employers, job candidates, and other networkers alike continued to feel that phone calls were a much better way to connect with others than one-dimensional messages. Whether they were one-on-one conversations or conference calls, they helped get things done.
Of course, phone calls weren’t the only options available. Video chats were rapidly growing and improving. They allowed people an extra layer of communication and connection. Written words and vocal tones account for something, but hand gestures and facial expressions can certainly add a great deal to a conversation whether you’re connecting with like-minded individuals or participating in a job interview.
Although many of the dangers and restrictions of the pandemic are fading, video conferences have become the new norm. They’re expected to remain the communication outlets of choice moving forward as well. Emails, text-based chats, and phone calls aren’t going away, but they’re certainly being eclipsed by video chats.
Opening the Lines of Communication Has Changed
Before the pandemic, getting straight to the point during networking efforts was acceptable. It was even expected. Why waste time making idle chit-chat when there was business to discuss? That has changed at this point as well. In light of all the physical, financial, and emotional hardships the pandemic has brought about, genuine concern for fellow human beings has become fashionable once again.
Just a couple of years ago, it would’ve been fine to start off a networking conversation with, “Hi, have you given any thought to the connections I asked you about the other day?” Now, that’s not necessarily the case. People have far more to worry about than the connections you asked them for a few days ago. Some have lost their jobs whereas others are struggling to adjust to working from home while also taking care of their children, houses, and other matters. Some are even recovering from the virus or coping with the loss of a loved one because of it.
Instead of focusing solely on your goals and what your network can do for you, broaden the horizons a bit. Make an effort to be a resource for others. Offer connections, advice, and other helpful amenities for those who are in your network. Stress, fear, worry, anxiety, and all the physical issues that can come with them are at all-time highs right now. Showing that you care for fellow networkers can go a long way. You can proceed to cover your own concerns at some point during the conversation, but put others first.
Job Searches Are More Dynamic
While there’s no denying that the pandemic has changed networking, it has also altered the job market itself. Some companies are slowly transitioning back to their pre-pandemic on-site operations whereas others have decided to keep functioning remotely. Many businesses are undergoing internal changes to foster productivity, efficiency, communication, and other important elements. All that has led to a complete turnaround in the way those businesses operate and conduct their hiring processes. Some companies may even be creating new positions to add to their staff and getting rid of those that are no longer relevant.
For job seekers, that means taking an entirely different approach to reaching out to prospective employers. It may also mean modifying the types of jobs you’re interested in and applying for. At the same time, it could require making certain changes to your network. With all those transitions taking place in the job market and workplace, it’s important to adjust your networking accordingly.
Bottom Line
For quite some time now, networking and the job market itself have been evolving. Many of the changes began to take shape a couple of decades ago and have simply been progressing over the years. While the pandemic didn’t cause those changes, it certainly sped them up and gave them a more specific direction. Jobs are out there waiting for the right candidates to fill them, but finding them is the key. Modifying your approach to networking can help you make the connections you need to do just that. 17:00:422021-06-16 15:39:49The Current Times: How the Pandemic Has Affected Job Networking