Boost Your Creativity in Our Overloaded Information Environment
Einstein used to say that when he’d hit an impasse on a problem, he’d go sailing – and the answer would often come to him on the water.
- Is it harder to be creative when information is constantly coming at you from all directions?
- Is our digital environment interfering with our employees’ ability to see the big picture?
- Are we so overloaded with information that we don’t even have time to think?
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About the Author
Joanne Cantor, PhD, is an internationally recognized expert on the psychology of media and communications. She is Outreach Director of the Center for Communication Research at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, where she was an award-winning professor for 26 years. Through her consulting firm, Your Mind on Media, she speaks before business, professional, and educational organizations on productivity, creativity, and stress reduction. In recognition of her expertise, Dr. Cantor has testified on numerous occasions before U.S. Congressional committees as well as the Federal Communications Commission. To read Joanne’s complete biography, click here.