How to Write an Executive Resume That Works in 2023

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article | How to Write an Executive Resume That Works in 2023

If you are looking to land an executive-level job, there is often a lot that goes into it. You often need the right connections, need to have good references, and need to be able to nail your interview with flying colors.

Of course, you also need a good resume to make a good first impression. Your resume helps you get your foot in the door and provides a quick overview of your past accomplishments, education, previous positions, and skills. Unfortunately, resume writing is a skill that eludes many people, and what they create ends up not doing them any favors.

With that in mind, this guide is going to take you through some helpful tips to ensure you can write an executive resume that works in 2023.

Use the Right Format and Template

Arguably the most important part of a resume is the format. The right format helps you show off the most important parts of your background and makes it easy for hiring managers to skim your resume to find the important information. Your resume should be organized logically and be structured well, too.

If your format is overly confusing and difficult to navigate, you may not even get considered for the position. These hiring managers have to sift through dozens (if not hundreds) of resumes, and as such, don’t want to spend a ton of time looking at each of them.

You can create the format yourself, but using an executive resume template can help give you a head start and act as a great jumping-off point. These templates provide the structure, and you simply populate it with your content and can feel confident that your resume won’t be dismissed due to formatting issues.

Customize the Content

Next, you need to make an effort to ensure that the content within your resume is customized for each executive position you apply for. If you tailor your resume, you can ensure that it perfectly lines up with what the hiring manager is looking for.

Make sure to populate your resume with the right skills they desire, mention duties and results that are relevant, and highlight how you can help this specific company succeed. If you’re not sure exactly what to include, the job posting or job description can usually give you a great picture of what they are looking for.

While some general resumes can be passable, if you really want to stand out and land a potentially-competitive executive position, you need to go above and beyond and create a resume for each company you are applying to.

Lead with Results

In most cases, you want to build a resume that focuses on your results more than your duties and past responsibilities. The hiring manager likely knows exactly the type of things you did, based on seeing your title, and doesn’t need a recap. Instead of simply repeating the job description, you need to highlight the results you were able to achieve and the accomplishments you had.

Employers want results from you as an employee, and if you can show and highlight the past results you have achieved, it can help them see what you bring to the table. Use stats and numbers when possible to really drive home how much you contributed to your previous employer. Showing your overall impact, as opposed to simply what you did, can go a long way in helping you land the job you want.

In conclusion, we hope that this guide has been able to help you write an outstanding executive resume that works in 2023.

Top Tactics To Maximize Your Real Estate Investment Value In 2023

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article | Top Tactics To Maximize Your Real Estate Investment Value In 2023
Real estate investment has emerged as a highly lucrative business vertical in post-pandemic times. It was among the verticals that recovered the fastest from the pandemic lull. With the demand and prices showing a consistent increase, investors have a valid reason to join the bandwagon. But you must do it strategically, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned investor. You can achieve more with less by being creative and tactful with your investment strategy. Here are a few top tactics to maximize your ROI value in 2023 and beyond.

Figure out your finances

Start by figuring out your finances in the New Year because they determine your capacity to invest. Check factors like your current income, expenses, and savings to decide how much you can set aside for investing. Knowing your money facts clearly enables you to pick profitable projects when they are around. Remember to factor in the down payment and closing costs in your budgeting to invest comfortably. Also, decide on how much you can pay for monthly mortgages.

Diversify your investment

The more you diversify, the better your chances of profitability in the real estate domain. Think beyond a specific neighborhood or a local market, and explore the potential of new ones. Likewise, diversify the kind of holdings, such as adding warehouses and vacation homes to your portfolio. The good thing about diversification is that it lowers your risk in the long run, so it makes a wise approach for beginners and experienced investors.

Think sustainable

Another tip to go the extra mile with the profitability of your real estate investment in 2023 is by thinking sustainable. Opting for Greenfield Projects is the simplest solution because these projects are inherently sustainable. Also, learn the basics of green design so that you can empower your portfolio by choosing properties wisely. The good thing about the approach is that you never have to worry about demand and pricing in the long run.

Look for affordable financing options

The profitability of your investment depends on the way you finance its purchase. Look for the best financing opportunities to achieve your growth goals in 2023 and beyond. Conventional mortgages are not the best approach because they are becoming significantly more expensive. But you can overcome the challenge by searching for alternative financing options that lower the overall cost.

Invest in value-addition

Investing in value-addition is the key to maximizing your profits as a real estate investor. Set aside a budget for property improvement projects such as landscaping for a residential property and increasing the cash flow of a commercial property by setting up space for ATM rental. Although these projects entail some expense in the beginning, they generate more income and enhance the value of the property in the long run.

Reworking your real estate investment strategy is the best way to start the New Year. After all, you must do your bit for business growth. Fortunately, you can achieve excellent results by implementing these simple measures that foster growth and profitability.

Strategic Tips To Handle A False Workplace Molestation Accusation

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article |Workplace Molestation Accusation|Strategic Tips To Handle A False Workplace Molestation AccusationMolestation incidents in the workplace are common, but false allegations are equally prevalent. Senior managers and business leaders are at the highest risk because subordinates look for ways to tarnish their name and reputation. You may even encounter a false accusation from a vindictive peer. Such charges can take you by surprise, which makes them even more daunting. But losing your cool is the worst way to deal with the situation because it can only worsen things. You must take a calculated approach to clear your name and salvage your professional reputation. Here are some strategic tips for handling a workplace molestation accusation.

Avoid a confrontation

You will probably want to question the accuser about the charges in the first place. But a confrontation can do more harm than good because the accuser may record your conversation and use it against you in court. Strategic thinking can get you out of the fix, so take control of your emotions and rely on reasoning. Anyone bringing up such serious charges has an ulterior motive, so you must handle the situation with caution. Avoid getting into a state of panic and keep a clear head in the first place. A calm approach also helps you stay sane amid stressful circumstances.

Gather evidence to prove your innocence

Nothing except hard evidence can establish your innocence. You cannot argue to prove false allegations, but having proof to validate the argument puts you in a strong place. The best way to get through is to gather as much evidence as possible. For example, you can prove that there was no foul play in the situation and that it happened with their consent. Emails, messages, and phone records can prove that you did not force yourself on the accuser. Video footage is another robust piece of evidence to establish that molestation never happened in the said time frame. An eyewitness can help you, so ensure you get them on your side from the outset.

Plan a defense strategy

Gathering evidence to establish the fallacy of charges is a good start, but you also need a proper defense strategy to counter the fake allegations in court. Get an experienced sex crime defense lawyer on board sooner than later because they can clear your name and save your career. Having them on your side puts you in a good place because they can pick the smallest points in the accuser’s statement to show they are false. Share your side of the story, and do not conceal facts. Also, provide them with the minutest details and every piece of evidence as they can strengthen your case.

Build your internal support system

A false accusation at the workplace can be disastrous because it hits your career and reputation. Of course, the repercussions may affect your personal life as well, but a professional black mark can ruin your future. You need a support system at home and in the office to deal with stressful situations. Share the truth with your clan and colleagues to get them on your side. People who know you well will believe you without second thoughts. In fact, you can even get some valuable testimonies from your co-workers willing to vouch for your good character in court. Such testimonies can play a significant role in strengthening your case in court.

Rebuild your reputation

Rebuilding your reputation is as crucial as clearing your name in a false workplace allegation. Molestation is a heinous crime, and even people facing false charges may have to work hard to prove their innocence. In fact, the social stigma may stay after getting a clean chit from the court. But you can do your bit to address the reputational damage before it ruins your future. Do not hesitate to speak up and share your side of the story with people around you, no matter how apprehensive you feel about it. Also, invest in self-care because your mental health is vital to building back your confidence. It reflects on the way you deal with the situation. Hold your head high because you need not pay for a false accusation.
False charges are no longer rare in workplaces because people want to get back at peers and managers with such accusations. But you cannot let the situation be the end of the road for your career. Take a strategic approach to proving your innocence and getting life back on track. A robust defense plan by a seasoned sex crime attorney can be a true savior for you.

Tips to Become A Smart Student?

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article |Become a smart student|Tips to Become A Smart Student?Being smart is really important if you want to succeed in your academic career. Many students try to take online IQ tests to measure their IQ scores and figure out how well they can perform in this field.

Of course, it’s good to know your IQ score, but there are some ways to become more successful without being extremely intelligent.

In this article, we’ll provide some tips to help students become smarter and more successful.

What Makes a Student Smart?

It’s important to understand who a brilliant student is before we explain how to become one. Someone who possesses a high cognitive ability is said to be “intelligent.”

A bright or clever pupil has a large and brilliant intellectual potential when it comes to this. These are pupils who have no trouble understanding various topics.

Many other characteristics influence a student’s intelligence. In order to be successful in their jobs, students need management, learning, and communication skills. By using many online resources and guidelines, students may become more skilled in their personal, professional, and academic lives. This article provides some advice for students who want to learn more at school.

Everyone wants to be the best student in their school or institution and to obtain a high mark. Only maintaining a good routine, such as working and studying with dedication and passion, can help you achieve this goal.

Methods to become an intelligent student

For people to succeed in school or university, there is no one clear way to do so. Students may still reach their goals using certain tactics. As a result, you’ll need to carve out time to evaluate all of these techniques and consider them as guidance.

Stay organized and consistent

Students are given a number of tasks that must be completed within a certain amount of time. Students might occasionally require assistance organizing their schedules and workloads. Being organized according to a schedule is one of the best ways to avoid this. For example, students may use a table to organize their study time.

Students will be more likely to remain consistent if they are organized. Students may establish daily habits by establishing routines. You should keep your energy and stick to your schedule if you want to improve your academic performance as a student.

Set your goals

Before making any judgments or preparations, you must establish your goals. The first step you should take as a student is to become smarter by setting a goal. It’s one of the most important things to keep in mind as a student when it comes to completing their tasks.

Your aim might be to increase your public speaking skills, for example, or it might be to enhance your website skills. You must develop a timetable to organize your time and prevent squandering it because you have only one opportunity to do so, and you can never get it back. You’ll be more focused in school if you have goals.

Ask questions and take notes

Suppose you’re a timid individual who finds it tough to ask questions. In that case, If that’s the case, you’ll remain shadowed and require clarification, while other bright kids will move ahead of you since they may enhance their speaking and communication abilities.

Writing down key lecture pointers or information is also a good idea. You may create a personal diary using this approach, which includes numerous significant key aspects. After a period of time, following this technique will become second nature, and you will be able to succeed in school. It will also improve your reading and writing abilities.

Make sure you attend your class

Missing classes are common among students in schools and universities, and their absence can have a negative impact on their performance. You should attend all of your classes if you want to be an intelligent student. You can better grasp the material in class, particularly if you have concerns; you may readily get the teacher’s assistance when you are confused.

You’ll miss out on this opportunity if you’re not there in class. To comprehend what’s going on, you’ll need assistance. Teachers and lecturers are also skilled, competent individuals who will aid students in comprehending and mastering the material. As a result, being in class is one of the most convenient and essential ways to raise your intelligence level.

Complete your assignments on time.

Taking care of one’s tasks on time is one of the essential aspects for students. Students have enough time to read and research when they begin working on their tasks early.

You may also repeat and read your work, make any needed changes, or make edits if required before the due date for your tasks.

Have fun and have a positive mental state.

Never forget to remain calm and not take anything too seriously. Whatever occurs in life has a purpose, and you will learn from your failures. As a result, you must take from your mistakes.

Intelligent pupils should not stress themselves or place themselves in uncomfortable situations because they are afraid of failing. You should always remember to appreciate the little things while you’re a student. You’ll have more energy if you’re in a good mood; additionally, take time to enjoy yourself and relax once in a while.

Give yourself a reward after each study session

After finishing your task or assignment, consider a small reward for yourself before you begin studying. You may enhance your memory capacity and learning ability if you follow this technique. As a little reward, consider the items listed below:

  • Go for a short walk
  • Eat a snack
  • Listen to your favorite music or play a musical instrument
  • Do some outdoor exercises
  • Take a shower

When you reward yourself at the end of a task or study session, you will learn faster and study smarter.

Study with a partner or a group

Students should seek to form pleasant connections with their classmates to boost their study skills. Enhancing your learning abilities can be done by joining a study group or studying with a study partner. You must choose a suitable study environment and the right people to reach your goal.

You can learn more quickly and boost your intelligence if you pick a motivating partner or study group. Sit close to your instructor in the front row to stay active and alert. Imagine that you are having a hard time understanding something or a lecture. In any case, your instructor, study partner, or studying group should be contacted for assistance.

Focus on the process, not the outcome

Instead of focusing on obtaining a particular grade, students who succeed in school concentrate on learning and digesting new information and knowledge.

Students will concentrate on the process rather than the outcome as a consequence, focusing on effort rather than achievement. If they put in enough effort and energy, the students believe they can improve even in areas where they may feel weak. These youngsters embrace the difficulties and strive to expand their knowledge, not only to obtain the highest grades.

Unsuccessful students often set performance targets. Successful students, on the other hand, tend to establish learning goals.

Sleep eight hours a night

You should treat your sleeping time seriously when studying effectively. The majority of people claim that they need more sleep, claiming that there is too much to do and that sleeping isn’t a priority. They argue that they don’t get enough sleep. Many students at this age see sleep as a pleasure rather than a necessity.

According to studies, adequate sleep allows you to think more clearly and train quicker; your memory and stress management will improve. As a result, at least eight hours of sleep per night is required. Participating in classes this way allows you to learn more effectively and spend less time with your books.

Also, avoid becoming a night owl. Students who stay up all night may not get good grades and make more careless errors.


Although there are basic differences between people’s IQ scores, it doesn’t mean that you can’t improve your mental ability and your performance in school. It’s been well-established that you can increase your IQ score. Several simple and useful tips were mentioned in this article to help you in this regard. But remember that you should not focus only on your intelligence. There are many skills and abilities, like communication skills, that you have to acquire to become successful.

What Is The Best Hydrolyzed Protein Food?

Protein obtained from various food items like the best beef jerky is a healthy nutrient that has an ideal role in the growth of the body and performs countless functions in the body’s systems. So select foods which have enough protein such as eggs, milk, thin beef jerky, cheese, seafood, etc for proper muscle building. We can’t ignore its nutritious worth in body functions and development. Protein’s fundamental component amino acids are known as building blocks. All of us need a sufficient amount but those who are involved in sports and hard exercises need it critically. Therefore they utilize nuts, yogurt, fatty beef jerky, etc in a proper amounts in their daily routines. Protein’s benefits for the body are amazing so we all should make it a part of our diet. Instead of natural protein, another type of protein called hydrolyzed protein is used in many processed foods that are also beneficial for us, especially for wrestlers and sportsmen.

What are hydrolyzed protein foods?

Hydrolyzed proteins are regarded as excellent options for improving the taste of many food items. In other words, they are flavors achieved from plants that are used to enhance the flavors of other foods and convert them into delicious one. Mostly they are added to meat, soups, stews, poultry, etc.

Pros of hydrolyzed protein foods

Here are some points to exhibit the advantages of hydrolyzed protein foods.

  1. Useful in hard workouts.
  2. Absorbs and digest fastly.
  3. They have low fats and low carbs.
  4. Supply healthy nutrients to the body.
  5. Are helpful in the recovery process.
  6. Help to decrease the muscle pain felt due to tough exercises.
  7. Enhance flavor and tastes.
  8. They are perfect for healthy skin and hair.
  9. Increase muscle mass.
  10. Control hunger for long periods.

Cons of hydrolyzed protein foods

Some negative points attached to such foods are explained below.

  1. Causes rashes to skin.
  2. Raise the risks of heart disease.
  3. Excessive use increases weight.
  4. Much use of such foods causes kidney issues.

Hydrolyzed protein food for dogs and cats

Some hydrolyzed protein foods particularly made for cats and dogs save them from allergies, provide the perfect energy for many functions and improve digestion in them. there is a lack of digestive enzymes in them that create obstacles to proper digestion. In such situations, hydrolyzed protein foods are beneficial to manage and regulating the digestive system in them.

Best hydrolyzed protein foods for pet dog

So many brands have been established to provide people best-hydrolyzed protein foods for dogs and are earning money while receiving orders from those who have pet dogs at home. Some popular brands are given below.

  1. Royal Canin Hydrolyzed Protein Dog Foods.
  2. Royal Canin Hydrolyzed Foods For Small Breed.
  3. Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets HA Hydrolyzed Formula.

Hydrolyzed protein food and human beings

Hydrolyzed protein foods are healthy and safe for all human beings, particularly for those who have weak stomachs and face troubles and pains due to improper food digestion as such foods easily digest and supply enough energy to the body. Similarly, sportsmen and wrestlers who are indulged in hard routines and remain busy with tough exercises need hydrolyzed protein foods to get quickly absorbed energy to upgrade energy levels. These foods are excellent for them as compared to others and assist in the recovery of the injuries which they bear during hectic routines. Sometimes they become prey to severe muscle pain that is also reduced with the assistance of hydrolyzed protein foods that consist of amino acids which are necessary for tissue growth and management of metabolism. studies indicate that these acids are also helpful in shedding extra weight.

What is the best-hydrolyzed protein food?

Hydrolyzed protein a type of powder and solution is added to various processed foods to make them tasty and nutritious for us. According to surveys and research, meat and poultry products are excellent hydrolyzed protein foods for all types of people, especially sportsmen and wrestlers. and we can get benefits from them to gain a proper quantity of protein for our body to perform many functions if we correctly consume them.

Briefly, Hydrolyzed protein foods are not bad for us if we eat them properly according to our requirements.