5 Powerful Ways to Generate More Business Leads

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, 5 Powerful Ways to Generate More Business Leads

Never undervalue the power of promotion when it comes to selling a product. You could have the best item on the market, but it doesn’t mean a thing if your target audience doesn’t know about it.

To generate a substantial revenue year after year, you need people to take notice of your brand and product. Carve a place for your brand in an industry by checking out the five powerful ways to generate more business leads.

1. Publish & Optimize Your Content

Experienced digital marketers will be the first people to tell you about the importance of high-quality content on your website, as it can serve as a superb source of web traffic, which can consequently result in more leads.

To drive visitors to your site, you must regularly publish informative, entertaining copy that is unique to your competitors. You also must optimize your content with stunning images, insightful videos, and professional infographics, which will increase your readership, share count, and backlinks to your website.

2. Apply for Tenders

Amplify your profitability by applying for tenders to secure a bid to supply a company with your products or services. Whatever industry you are in, the experts at Executive Compass can help you to produce winning tenders to receive large or small contracts, which, in turn, can help your business grow at a rapid rate.

3. Use Email Marketing

Engage your subscribers with an effective email marketing campaign. It can help you to connect with past customers and those interested in your brand, so it is a viable way to generate leads.

Ensure a subscriber opens your newsletter by writing a compelling subject line that makes them want to find out more about what’s inside. Also, don’t forget to feature a call-to-action button to convert a subscriber into a customer, as it can help to guide them to the checkout.

4. Focus on Direct Engagement

Rather than talking to the masses, which can make your customers feel like just another number on your database, you should focus on direct engagement. While FAQs can be an effective way to answer a potential customer’s questions, it lacks the personal touch.

Give your demographic a reason to want to buy from your brand by focusing on direct engagement tactics, such as a live chat facility, forum, and help center. Make sure you regularly have friendly and welcoming customer service representatives available to answer their questions, which could lead to more leads and a positive reputation in your industry.

5. Market Your Brand Via LinkedIn

LinkedIn is more than a social platform to connect with your past and current colleagues. It provides a space to strike up relationships with new clients, as you can personally reach out to business owners, directors, and managers in a friendly, laidback manner.

Not only should you communicate directly with busy professionals, but you also should regularly publish exceptional content on the platform to engage LinkedIn members and establish your business as a thought leader, which can lead to potential customers and clients reaching out to your company.

Here’s Why Your SEO Strategy Isn’t Working

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, Here’s Why Your SEO Strategy Isn’t Working

In modern business, there is one thing that can either make or break your business: marketing. More specifically, digital marketing.

If you don’t get it right – and a lot of businesses simply don’t – it can mean the loss of profit, poor brand exposure and ultimately stilted business growth. As simply put, people are more and more interested in what a business is doing online in the modern age. So failing to put forward an effective digital footprint can be a real hindrance to your business efforts.

At the top of these failures tends to be a business’s approach to SEO. They understand that good SEO can push their business website forward, but don’t particularly have the right approach to make it work and actually gain the benefit that SEO presents. It’s a big issue and one you want to prevent from Day One of your digital marketing exploits – or at least very early in your campaigns.

So, if you are frustrated with the SEO aspect of your digital marketing then here are some sure-fire ways you’re going wrong. And, more importantly, how to fix them!

Outdated Tactics

The best practice when it comes to SEO changes every day. Largely because Google will cotton on to a new technique, view it as ‘spammy’, and update their algorithms accordingly. Some of these tactics may even be considered to be Black Hat SEO. Take the recent August update, for example. It saw a big problem that many people were exploiting – long, advice based, content that may or may not has been actually helpful – and made it more sustainable. Ostensibly, to better both user experience and help legitimate advice sites prosper.

For this reason, it is very important to keep on track of Google’s and other search engines guidelines. Be aware of the different tactics and what may be considered ‘spammy’. Otherwise, you may find that your site faces punishment as a result of not actually following the right rules.

On the whole, SEO tactics vary from person to person. Some people swear by link building, others value content and even more think the technical side is where the future of SEO is heading. Test out what you think might work, but then don’t be afraid to change tactics if something isn’t working for you.

Technically Incompetent Website

Yes, the quality and ‘technical’ backdrop of your website actually have a big impact on your SEO and subsequent rankings. If you have a website that isn’t particularly good, has thin or weak, or poor user engagement then it simply won’t help to convert for your business. In fact, you could even find it more of a money drain and hindrance than anything else.

If your website is poor, then you’re going to struggle both in terms of ranking and conversions when users actually do go on site. Also, bad sites simply turn off users; so, having the right level of ‘polish’ to a site is simply necessary. Otherwise, you will find your site filtered out by the masses who simply expect better from their online experience.

Misunderstanding Data

A lot of SEO is incredibly data-driven. You have to understand the traffic your site is gaining, what this means about your acquisitions channels and ultimately how to generate more. All from a few numbers and line graphs that Google Analytics presents.

It’s easy to see all of the data presented by Google Analytics or other sites, then feel disheartened or as if your efforts aren’t quite there. However, it’s not necessarily about the data. It’s much more about your interpretation thereof. Interpret right and you could end up generating thousands of more users, better conversions and overall have a better website. Whereas interpret it wrong and it will simply sit there with very little views and traffic.

If you’re confused about analytics, there are plenty of resources to help you become a Google Analytics expert.

Terrible Keyword Targeting

You understand keywords. Which means that you know how to research them, implement them on your site and the supposed results that this should bring. However, it simply doesn’t. Your rankings remain a flop, even with the ‘right’ implementation of keywords. Chances are you have really miscalculated your keyword targeting.

This miscalculation can come from a number of different issues. Targeting keywords with too much search volume, targeting those with too little and sometimes you may target the wrong keyword altogether. It really is a mixed bag of reasons on a good day.

Try changing your tactics. Pick two targets; one long-term and one short-term. From there, you can decide whether your strategy is working in the short term, then make adjustments to ensure it continues or begins to do so in the long term. Thus, hopefully, removing the issue of wasted time potentially.


One of the worst things, in terms of your SEO campaigns, can be a level of impatience on your part. By no means is SEO a get rich fast tactic. In fact, when done right SEO is a slowly building organic process and gradually improves over a long period of time (though this differs from business to business, good SEO can take up to a year or more). It’s all about sustainability and not appearing ‘unnatural’.

This level of impatience is why many clients and marketing agencies fall out, as the client is often impatient for quick results. Some of these situations even lead to the involvement of mediation solicitors. However, this is unfair in many cases as SEO is a slow method for achieving great results.

For that reason, even when your SEO strategy doesn’t seem to be working the best thing to do is to not panic. Simply look at what you’re actually doing and look to adjust. Make beneficial, smart, changes and you can easily find a strategy that does actually work for your website and business.

10 Signs Your Website Is Not Working Anymore

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, 10 Signs Your Website Is Not Working Anymore

A business’ website is the basis of their online presence and marketing strategy. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that it is effective and up to date. The set up and initial design of your website is important, but so too is the website redesign. After all, what was effective several years ago is not going to be now. The following ten points are indications that it is time to engage in some redesigning.

  1. First and foremost, you should never leave your website for longer than two years without an element of a redesign. The reason for this is that your website will almost certainly be out of date and old-fashioned if you leave it unedited for such a lengthy spell.
  2. The second telling sign that you need website redesign is if you are suffering from a lack of visitors. This means that you have lost a connection with your viewership; this is likely to be as a result of the fact that you no longer offer them anything new.
  3. In addition to this, you should consider redesigning your website if it is entirely based on flash. This is because search engines view flash as one page and so you are missing out on a whole host of visibility and traffic possibilities. Moreover, flash can take a while to load and this also impacts your search engine ranking.
  4. A fourth reason why you should consider a revamp is simply if your website looks old fashioned. It is advisable to keep up to date with the latest trends in regards to colours, patterns and fonts.
  5. Another factor you should consider is how high you are ranking on the search engine pages. If you are not ranking high up then some changes need to be made.
  6. If the navigation of your website is slightly complicated, then this is a massive indication that you need to engage in website redesign. After all, convenience and ease of navigation is everything. You will lose customers if you have a complicated interface.
  7. The seventh reason why you would need to revitalise your site is if you have a high bounce rate. This is when someone visits your website but then leaves it from exactly the same page. This indicates that your website was not engaging enough. A slow website is one of the main reasons for this, and switching to VPS can assist.
  8. Furthermore, if your site is not compatible with all browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari etc.) then you need to redesign it so that it is.
  9. The ninth reason in the list as to why you may need a redesign is if you are benefitting from high visitors but are still suffering from low sales. This means that your design is not effective with regards to e-commerce and directing people to the sales section.
  10. And finally, if your website is no longer reflective of your business image and aims then you need a change. After all, companies’ objectives are constantly changing and thus your website will need to adapt to this too.

To conclude, if your website falls into some of the categories mentioned above then it is highly recommended that you consider the prospect of website redesign.

Nathan Ives

StrategyDriven Service Provider NetworkNathan Ives

Like most entrepreneurs, Nathan Ives wanted to bring his digital products to market without impacting his family’s already tight budget. So began a ten year journey of research, trial, and error to develop an inexpensive, fully integrated, and rapidly deployable digital products platform.

Today, Nathan Ives’ creative genius drives the elegant professionalism of numerous online businesses and digital product platforms. His flagship website, www.StrategyDriven.com, hosts hundreds of digital products – ebooks, videos, podcasts, articles, and full-scope training programs – and has been visited by over 1 million people and garnered over 10 million page views.

Nathan solved both the financial and technical challenges of creating a truly integrated Digital Products Platform, one that automates the marketing, lead capture, sale, and delivery of digital products without the need for expensive third party services. With this knowledge and experience in-hand, he developed the Digital Products Platform training program; showing entrepreneurs and business owners how to get their digital products to market effectively and inexpensively.

Nathan Ives online training programs are copyrighted and offered by StrategyDriven Enterprises, LLC. These programs support StrategyDriven’s commitment to providing entrepreneurs with the planning and execution advice, tools, and practices needed to create greater organizational alignment and accountability for the achievement of superior bottom line results.

Contact Nathan Ives

Phone: (770) 284-0926

Email: [email protected]

Website: https://nathanives.com

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StrategyDriven Enterprises

StrategyDriven Enterprises, LLC

StrategyDriven is dedicated to providing executives and managers with the planning and execution advice, tools, and practices needed to create greater organizational alignment and accountability for the achievement of superior results.

We help our clients create and execute a clear, forward-looking strategy – translatable to the day-to-day activities of all organization members – that’s critical to their realizing success in today’s fast paced market environment. Not only does a compelling, well executed strategy align individuals to a common purpose, it ensures that purpose best serves the company’s mission.

The StrategyDriven website provides access to a wide array of best practice business planning and execution tools, streamlined process flows, how-to articles, example-rich podcasts, and customizable ready-to-use program management templates. Premium Members receive access to over 200 members-only articles, whitepapers, models, and tools and templates; providing an in-depth look into critical business performance areas; placing specific focus on the alignment of organizational standards, programs, and behaviors to the optimal achievement of mission goals. Sevian Business Program purchasers receive fully implementable business performance improvement processes out-of-the-box, enabling the acceleration of business growth and heightening of operational efficiency needed to significantly improve bottom line results.

Collectively, our products offer business leaders the opportunity to access the knowledge of a highly educated and experienced staff without the associated overhead expense.

At StrategyDriven, our seasoned business leaders deliver real-world strategic business planning and tactical execution best practice advice – a blending of workplace experience with sound research and academic principles – to business leaders who may not otherwise have access to these resources.

Contact StrategyDriven Enterprises, LLC

Phone: (770) 765-3692

Email: [email protected]

Website: https://www.strategydriven.com

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