4 Golden Rules for Effective Social Media Marketing

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Social Media Marketing|4 Golden Rules for Effective Social Media MarketingSocial media marketing has become ingrained in the majority of our lives. We used to skim over adverts on our social media timelines, and we’ve mastered the art of skipping YouTube ads automatically. Every advertisement we see on the internet has been carefully crafted to appeal to us.

We are more likely to come across adverts that will move us or compel us to pay attention based on our internet activity, purchasing history, and the content we usually view.

Despite our habit of disregarding advertisements, it’s not uncommon for them to strike a chord with us and pique our curiosity.

We might recall a brand name and go check it out for ourselves, or we might try to take advantage of a limited-time offer that we can take advantage of right now.

However, how can firms develop a successful social media management strategy?

First off, they can start by hiring a social media marketer or if you are a small business then you can a social media marketing course.

Apart from that, we feel that if you follow the golden principles below, you’ll be able to make this strategy a success no matter what. Being so well prepared can’t hurt:

Boost Your Participation

When it comes to social media marketing, knowing how to generate engagement is crucial.

A tactile and intriguing time-honored alternative can often entice visitors to take a look at what they have to offer.

For example, it’s very uncommon for Play or App Store games to provide you with a short software slice and trial of their game, allowing you to play a low level or completely bypass an ad. This type of engagement works well because it immerses individuals in the experience rather than trying to sell it.

However, an interaction this immediate and up-front might feel aggressive at times, and not all audiences will appreciate it. Furthermore, without prior understanding of the goods, being offered with an offer code is unlikely to pique their interest.

This implies that your target audience must comprehend why they should take the time to investigate what you have to provide. For example, rapidly showing a unique assortment of products, playing a beautiful tune, or coming on with a nice, uncomplicated advertisement can remove the artifice and increase interaction. Following that, test what works and keep track of your progress.

Know Who You’re Talking To

When it comes to social media marketing, knowing your audience is crucial. It’s not only about what your followers want to see on their feed. It all comes down to how they use social media.

For example, if you’re marketing to avid readers, it wouldn’t harm to fill your advertising space in a unique way, such as with flowery copywritten language. If you’re marketing to artists, high-end, sophisticated, and symbolic graphic design might be a good strategy to capture their attention.

But don’t make it too intricate, because you’ll be battling the impulse to swipe over things quickly, as we’ve all been taught to do on social media.

Are the people you’re attempting to reach on social media more active on one site than another? Is it possible that using an influencer to generate awareness for your product will be more effective?

For example, having an athlete with noticeable muscles and a high frame to advertise it on their social media accounts is frequently more important than selling protein in a neat advertising message. The more wisely you can identify your platform and use it, the more likely your audience will be receptive to whatever you have to say.

Your Targeting Should Be Balanced

It’s critical to focus on customers that you believe will respond positively to your advertising.

However, it’s also important to avoid being overly detailed in your marketing, as this reduces the amount of individuals who are likely to view your ad, some of whom may be eager to learn more about what you have to offer.

It’s possible, for example, that you’d like to market your plane-flying simulation software to video gamers.

Could it be that, while individuals who enjoy playing video games are more likely to make a purchase, those who enjoy plane spotting, taking flight lessons, or learning about aviation history could benefit from your offering as well?

Never make your margins too low, as this will lead to an underestimation of the people you’re trying to reach.

Targeted marketing employing analytics becomes that much more influential in every aspect when you keep the doors open while staying within steady bounds. That’s something to be proud of, right there.

Also Read: Best Digital Marketing Institutes

Think about how you fit into the timeline.

What schedule do you expect to stick to, and how can you use this knowledge to make a stronger impression?

Due to the very visual nature of the timeline on Instagram, for example, consumers will often anticipate seeing a higher degree of marketing material. Expert visual design, as well as the ability to promote a lifestyle that appears intriguing, exciting, or important, are both worthwhile investments.

When chatting with individuals on Twitter, it’s not uncommon to see brands reduce the stiffness of their marketing language, because people want to know that they’re speaking with a human, not a lawyer or a promotional professional looking to increase their commission.

You must first comprehend these goals before using an app to achieve them.

As a result, conducting an extensive study into the culture of your target audience is an essential and crucial first step in this long journey. We believe that by following this guidance, you will be able to apply the best principles to successfully adapt your brand to social media.

When marketing on these platforms, keep in mind that they are changed on a regular basis, and your strategy should reflect this. Typically, a seven-second video may be a terrific way to show off your brand’s wit, possibly even putting your spin on a trend that has gained traction and becomes part of the app.

To Conclude,

A digital marketing course may be the best option if you want to learn social media marketing while also aiming to incorporate other digital marketing tactics into your marketing strategy.

As you begin your social media marketing journey, bear in mind that once you take the first step, you must continue walking. Make sure to update your content on a regular basis and keep in contact with your audience.

About the Author

StrategyDriven Expert Contributor | Karan ShahKaran Shah, Founder and CEO at IIDE. Karan Shah is an Edu-preneur, Tedx speaker, Harvard alumnus specializing in eCommerce, and the founder of IIDE – The Digital School. He is a reputed author on the topics of education, digital marketing, and Ed-techs. Over the years he has penned a plethora of articles in leading news outlets such as Entrepreneur, BusinessWorld, Education Times, and Youth Magazine to name a few.

4 Benefits of Video Marketing

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Video Marketing|4 Benefits of Video MarketingThroughout the last few years, what is something that you may have noticed? Chances are, you may have noticed that when it comes to marketing, videos have reigned king. Honestly, this seems to stay in the long future of marketing as well. YouTube, TikTok, Twitch, and old fashion commercials all seem to work. It’s a great way to catch someone’s attention and clearly get the message across through entertainment. Video marketing has been the most effective way to reach your target audience in the digital era. It can help you to create a personal connection with your audience, which is why it is highly recommended by content marketers.

It’s cheaper than other forms of marketing, it’s easier to share on social media, and you can get a better response from viewers than with other types of marketing because they’re more likely to engage with the content if it’s in video format. Most brands, even some of the great companies out there are utilizing video marketing to boost their sales and to build their reputation. So, here are some benefits for businesses who use video marketing!

Increase brand awareness

Video marketing has the power to engage your audience and build brand awareness. Videos are eye-catching and easy to digest, which is why they’re perfect for companies that want to reach a broader demographic. Compared to just standard pictures or even just word-based marketing (think of copywriting), video marketing is a great way to grab attention. Attention-grabbing content leads to more brand awareness.

Build trust and credibility

Video marketing has taken the internet by storm, and with good reason. There’s a huge amount of data that videos can provide for your company. By using videos to showcase your business, you can build trust and credibility in your audience. How so? Well, videos allow audiences to catch a glimpse of who you are. What your brand is all about, and maybe even a hint of the culture. It also shows that there are humans actually running the business. Sincerity goes a long way and it builds trust.

Build loyalty and increase customer retention

Video marketing is a powerful way to communicate with your audience. If done properly, you can build loyalty and increase customer retention. Video marketing can be used in a variety of ways such as introducing new products, teaching people how to do things or even sharing company values. When you provide value, you gain trust, when you gain trust, you gain loyalty.

Video allows businesses to tell their story in a way that is genuine and relatable. Customers can see the people behind the brand and get a sense of the company’s values and mission. Videos also provide businesses with an opportunity to show off their expertise. By collaborating with a video production and marketing company, businesses can get high-quality videos where they demonstrate their knowledge and credibility in their industry. This helps to instill confidence in potential customers, and it builds trust that the company knows what they’re doing.

Increase engagement and conversions

Vide marketing is a quick, snappy, and entertaining way to bring engagement and conversions in order to boost sales. How so? Well, when it comes to this form of marketing, it’s much faster and easier to get your message across. It’s a lot easier to demonstrate why your message is strong. Plus, if you’re selling a product or service, with video marketing, you can easily display it. This is definitely a way to spice up how things are going!

Tips in Creating an Effective Video Marketing Strategy

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Video Marketing Strategy|Tips in Creating an Effective Video Marketing StrategyWhen you’re trying to create an effective video marketing strategy, there are a lot of puzzle pieces to be solved. You need to think about what kind of video content you want to create, where to host it, and how it will appear in social media feeds. You also need to think about how much time and effort you can put into creating videos on a regular basis. In return, you get to connect with your audience. You can show them what you’re all about, and they can see how you think and feel about your products and services.

Tips in Creating an Effective Video Marketing Strategy

You can maximize the potential of video marketing as a powerful tool for building your business if you will follow these tips:

Understand your Target Audience

First of all, identify your target audience. After that, you need to understand their needs, wants, and desires. By doing so, you can create a compelling story that speaks to them. Once you really get to know your target audience, you’ll be able to craft better videos that resonate with them. And the more you create content that resonates with them, the more likely they are to see it and engage with it.

Use Different Platforms in Connecting to your Audience

You can use different platforms to create and distribute your video content, depending on your goals and audience. There are so many different platforms and options for video marketing. The trick is making sure that you’re using the right ones and not just the ones that are easiest and most convenient for you. Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram are some of the platforms you can choose to connect your business with your target audience.

Focus on Quality Video Content

When it comes to video content, quantity does not equal quality. A single amazing piece of video content will get more views and shares than ten mediocre ones. Always take your time to plan out each video before you start shooting it, and make sure everything from lighting to sound quality is perfect before pressing the record button. You can easily achieve high-quality video content if you work with a video production agency that will help you with your needs.

Make your Videos Short but Interesting

Most people will only watch a video for about one minute before they decide whether or not they’re interested in watching it any further. If your video isn’t grabbing their attention within that first minute, then chances are they’ll click away and find something else to do with their time. You need to be very selective about how much information you give viewers in each second of your video. If there’s something important about your product or service that should be communicated quickly and clearly, do it in the first few seconds of your video.

Embrace Paid Promotion

Paid promotion is the act of using a paid channel to drive traffic and engagement to your videos. There are many different ways that you can pay for promotion, including buying ads on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, buying sponsored posts on YouTube, paying influencers to promote your content, and buying ads on other websites or blogs.


Creating an effective video marketing strategy takes more than just a good idea and some equipment. It takes careful planning so that all aspects of the production process flow smoothly from start to finish. Even though creating a strong video marketing strategy is not easy and it can be difficult to balance the needs of your business and your audience, these challenges are surmountable. If you follow these tips above, you’ll be able to create a video marketing strategy that will help you reach the right people at the right time with the right message.

5 Ways to Tailor SEO for Your Manufacturing Business

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Manufacturing Business SEO|5 Ways to Tailor SEO for Your Manufacturing BusinessAs a business owner, you may or may not know about search engine optimization. But it can help when you tailor SEO to rank higher in Google results for increased business potential.

Create Structured Data FAQs for Your Business

Structured data helps Google create rich snippets to display in SERPs for organic traffic. Organic traffic is visitors to your site from unpaid sources, such as searching on Google. Rich snippets are extra work. But they offer advantages related to your search results. They provide a user with supplementary information, and they help your content stand out. For example, suppose your manufacturing company is obscure, such as making gummy molds. You could include FAQs in your post meta data related to what they are, who uses them, and the benefits.

Include as Much Local Info as Possible

Local SEO isn’t anything new. But it has been somewhat neglected for a long time. From a business perspective, this is a missed opportunity. Including local SEO helps Google drive more traffic to your business based on local searching. For instance, if someone were to Google “gummy molds near me,” they would see results based on location and distance. If you don’t tell Google where your business is, it cannot include you in the results. The easiest way to configure local SEO is to register with Google My Business and fill in all details.

Hire Professionals to Tailor SEO

You can’t do all the SEO yourself, especially when it comes to backlink off-page SEO strategies. Backlinks aren’t 100% necessary for good SEO. But they can be a massive help. When your site is linked from a reputable and relevant source, it tells Google you are trusted and boosts your SEO score. But placing links yourself isn’t advised. One method is to pay an agency to build link juice for you. SEO agencies can produce relevant content that contains your link and place those articles on various websites across the internet, boosting traffic and SEO.

Attach a Blog to Your Manufacturing Company Site

Of course, you have some control over content related to your business. One of the easiest ways to generate more traffic and boost your SEO score is to attach a blog to your company website. Of course, a company website alone doesn’t work for you. But when you develop a blog, you increase the chances of more traffic because you are distributing content relevant to your sector or niche. In this example, gummy mold manufacture. Therefore, you could write posts about making sweets or anything else that a mold can be used for.

Check All the Boxes of Standard SEO Practices

The subject of SEO is vast and becomes complex as you drill down. But on the surface, you can achieve excellent results with meat and potatoes standard SEO. Standard SEO relates to the basics that are the core of anything you publish online. These include on-page SEO such as focus keywords, proper use of headings, bullets, and images, and post meta descriptions. Further, you should tailor posts based on adequate keyword research and write them naturally for your intended audience. Basic SEO is anything but. And will impact your traffic significantly.


All SEO should be designed around your business or niche for the best results. You can begin local and on-page SEO. But you can go further with rich snippets from structured data.

5 Simple Ways to Ecommerce Business Growth

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Ecommerce Business Growth|5 Simple Ways to Ecommerce Business GrowthAmong many ways to improve your online business and stand out from the crowd, some can be very pricey and difficult. That’s why we prepared a list of simple tasks you could implement on your eCommerce site without investing too much money and time. In this article, we will present 5 easy and relatively inexpensive ways to increase traffic and increase income from eCommerce.

By running an eCommerce business, you probably have realized how difficult it is to break through the crowd of your competitors.

Among many ways to improve your online business and stand out from the crowd, some can be very pricey and difficult. That’s why we prepared a list of simple tasks you could implement on your eCommerce site without investing too much money and time.

In this article, we will present 5 easy and relatively inexpensive ways to increase traffic and increase income from eCommerce.

1. Fix UX (User Experience) Mistakes

You can’t imagine how much income e-commerce platforms are losing, simply because somewhere at some stage there are UX (User Experience) mistakes that prevent customers from smoothly browsing products or even shopping! Although most online stores currently use platforms such as Magento or Shopify, it does not mean that your store is always intuitive and hassle-free.

Sometimes you wonder if changing the eCommerce platform, re-design, or some UX solutions in your online store will increase your sales. The answer is yes, but only if they are based on analytics and research, not just your own intuition. What managers may consider to be the right direction must always be verified in analytical data. Most stores use tools such as Google Analytics or HotJar to analyze the behavior of their customers. The analysis of such studies can really tell you a lot.

However, rather than engaging in costly changes, simply listen to your clients and pay attention to the problems they encounter. Focus on the checkout experience first: how smooth it is, how much time it takes, does it fails on some devices. Remember that the majority of your client will use mobile devices and not desktops. Never ignore what your clients say. Fix these problems so that the sale in your store is always as intuitive as possible!

2. Optimize Your Website for SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

While major changes to your platform can be costly and time-consuming, there is nevertheless something you can implement quickly and with much less effort. This is the optimization of your website for SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Never miss an opportunity to analyze and correct errors that lead to poor visibility of your content in search engines like Google. When necessary, hire an SEO specialized agency to analyze your website and carefully analyze the report. Implement their recommendations quickly, remembering that time is against you. SEO errors can be fixed quickly but their effects disappear slowly from the search engines. The sooner you fix them, the better.

3. Add Good Photos and Descriptions.

Good photos are essential for e-commerce sales. Remember that they should be of very good quality, they must show the product in a clear and descriptive way and should look attractive. Customers buy your products by looking at their photos. Do not forget about it!

In a world focused on images, we used to forget how important the word is. Make sure that the text information, namely descriptions on your website is correct, clear, and interesting for the readers. Good descriptions are not only a pleasure to read and drive the reader’s attention but are also unique content in search engines. Both your SEO and your customers will benefit from it.

4. Run Promotions and Giveaways.

Promotions are an easy and inexpensive way to increase your sales. It’s just like the best way to get your existing customers to spend a few dollars more. Why? Because they use the element of luring customers with the charm of getting something special, so important for our psyche.

There are many types of promotions that you can apply on your platform, and since you are already running your business, you must know a lot of them. Use promo codes, do not forget about specific occasions like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Mother’s Day, or others when everyone is shopping and looking for some great deals.

Consider organizing sweepstakes or giveaways with prizes for new or existing customers. Goods from your online store will be the excellent prizes themselves but consider also giving away something unique. Customized promo sets with some personalized touch will grab even more attention!

You can use the Socialman giveaway app to organize a contest on any platform of your store. Socialman can be installed on any website and works as a widget. This application runs competitions like quizzes or polls but also uses users’ activities on the most popular social media as entry methods. It will give you an additional boost in the form of a viral effect for your brand

5. Grow from Referrals and Affiliate Marketing

To increase your sales, you should also consider participating in partnerships, partnering with social media influencers, and the use of affiliate marketing tools. Particularly 2022 has seen the incredible rise of cashback platforms, which also give a lot of opportunities for eCommerce businesses.

Did you ever use any of them? Not yet? Then it’s a great time to check whether they work for your brand and increase your sales. I bet they will!

Wrap it Up

Like any activity, eCommerce is subject to trends. Being at the forefront of trends is not only an option, it is simply necessary. But among many trends, these five simple ways to grow your e-commerce business should never be ignored. Go ahead and boost your sales!