Running a small business requires wearing a lot of different hats. You don’t have to do everything yourself or hire full-time staff to take care of all the daily tasks needed to keep your business going. Here are four services to consider outsourcing.
1. Technological Support
If you use any technology to operate your business, even if it’s just website maintenance and email, you need some type of IT support. It may not be cost effective to have your own team on staff, though. IT outsourcing can help you manage your technical infrastructure and keep everything running smoothly.
2. Janitorial Services
When you have a brick-and-mortar location, you want to keep it clean to protect yourself, your employees and your customers. You can ensure that regular cleaning happens when you enlist the help of janitorial services Minneapolis. You can set up a schedule that works best for your business.
3. Accounting
You hope that all areas of your business run well, but one area you need to be as close to perfect as possible is accounting. Accounting helps you keep track of payroll, revenue, expenditures and taxes. You can use payroll software for basic functions, but hiring outside experts can help you avoid costly mistakes.
4. Marketing
Analyzing the marketing strategies that will work best for your particular business can be time-consuming. That’s why it makes sense to outsource your marketing to a team of professionals. Marketing specialists can focus on finding the best way to reach new customers and keep your current customers informed. This releases you to have the time you need to focus on what you do best.
Part of running a small business is making sure everything is taken care of. Instead of trying to add a lot of employees to the payroll, try outsourcing as many services as possible. 18:00:582020-03-18 18:50:464 Services Small Businesses Can Outsource
Only large corporations can actually afford to hire all their needs in-house and have that be the most cost effective solution. Everyone else needs to work together. Knowing who to work with, or even that you need to work with someone to start with, is what trips many new and established businesses up.
Outsourcing can and should be your friend, but if you find the wrong partner you could end up price-gouged at every turn. That is not the only option. Outsourcing is smart for small and medium-sized businesses so that they can enjoy top of the line services when and if they need it. So, if you are new or feel like you are drowning, follow this guide:
The Benefits of Outsourcing
It is impossible to hire everyone you need when you first start out. Many people today only have themselves, which means they’re not just the boss or the expert, they’re the marketer, the accountant, the salesperson, the receptionist and any other role that comes your way.
Frankly, you can’t do it all. Thankfully, you don’t have to.
By outsourcing jobs you can rely on experts at a fraction of the cost and only when you need it. Hire a web designer to set up your website and then learn how to use the CMS to update the blog or anything else. Hire an accountant during tax season and use a software for the rest of the year.
What to Look for When Outsourcing
When outsourcing you need to make sure that one, the person or team you are going to are actually qualified and two, that they are affordable. When you are just starting out it is a good idea to look for options that offer a flat-fee rate, so that you can budget in their services without worrying about hidden costs.
The New Business Guide: What to Outsource
1. IT Services
One outsourced service you will absolutely want to have on call are IT services. IT specialists are expensive – and for good reason. They know what they’re doing and can help provide support and logistics for the behind-the-scenes aspects of your company. Thankfully there are companies like IT Connect that offer managed IT services at a flat-fee rate.
You need these services to help keep your systems up and running, troubleshoot problems, help you and your team with daily questions, and even to help prevent a hacking attempt. Ransomware in particular is deadly to a business – and it doesn’t matter what the size is. Managed IT services can help you strengthen your defenses and provide the support that makes you a difficult target for hackers.
2. Tax and Accounting Services
There is business accounting software available that can help you keep your books in order, but tax laws are complex. Hiring an accountant to go through your books and get you the best tax rebates is smart and will ensure your business stays legal.
You will need to outsource more as you grow. HR services, marketing services, and so many more will need to be hired as you grow. Outsourcing when you cannot afford the full wage of a specialist in-house is the smartest move you can make, but be sure of who you hire before you commit. 07:00:002020-03-18 00:40:56Everything You Need to Know About Outsourcing for Your Business
With the recent virus outbreak many people have become concerned with sanitizing their workplace to prevent the spread of the virus and germs. As a cleaning professional with over 25-years of experience, I have some good insights on how to handle this process. We at Cleaning Group Inc. have developed a protocol for disinfection and preventing infection in offices, gyms, medical facilities, restaurants, and other venues where the public meets with your staff.
The first piece of advice I can give you is don’t panic. Panic prevents rational thought and hinders the ability to make informed decisions. The first thing to do is assess the actual exposure. This is determined by how many people visit your facility on a regular basis and the probability that those people may be infected. Medical offices that treat patients or perform procedures in-office are at higher risk of infection than an office that only has a few employees and rarely receive visitors. The next thing to consider is where germs can be transferred. The most common places transfer takes place are telephones, door handles, light switches and restrooms. Air quality is another consideration as germs may become airborne and spread through ventilation systems.
Whether your workplace has a high or low risk, you should consider consulting a professional to assess what needs to be done in your facility. A professional cleaner will determine exactly what your individual needs are. There are safeguards that everyone can take. Start by informing employees, coworkers, clients and visitors of the risk factor. If you are a medical office treating infected patients or if you have employees who have been exposed, you need to inform everyone who enters your facility to take precautions. If you are hosting a meeting or conference, designate areas where visitors will be and properly clean and disinfect those areas before and after the meeting. Put hand sanitizing stations at entrances and lobby areas. Most people will use it if it is available. I recommend a touch free dispenser. When several people touch a soap dispenser before actually using the soap, they are leaving germs on the dispenser. Designate a phone that your visitors may use and place disinfecting wipes next to it with a sign asking people to wipe the phone before and after using it. Any keypads or touch screens that are heavily used should be treated the same way.
Signs should be placed in all restrooms asking everyone to please wash their hands. Touch free soap and towel dispensers are a great idea. Touch free faucets are beneficial. Electric hand dryers are better than paper towels. The restroom fixtures should be disinfected at a frequency that coincides with their use. A cleaning professional will be able to determine the proper frequency. Using the proper chemicals is key. For example, bleach evaporates much quicker than most other water-based disinfectants. In order for a disinfectant to work properly it must remain on the surface for several minutes. All surfaces should be wiped with a disinfectant daily.
Treating the air can be the trickiest. I recommend changing filters weekly using a high-quality filter that traps the most amount of allergens. Hepa filters work best. Having ducts professionally cleaned will help prevent germs from collecting in the ventilation system. Disinfectant fogging is the best way to treat the air and kill airborne virus. This process must be done by a professional. The fogger atomizes the disinfectant and sprays it into the air. This will treat areas that are hard to reach and may normally get overlooked.
Lunchrooms and kitchens are another area where disinfecting is important. Utensils and cups should be washed, dried and put away in a cabinet. Everyone should clean cups and utensils before and after each use. Water cooler handles should be disinfected as well. Make sure you replace kitchen sponges frequently and use an antibacterial dish soap. Wipe counters with disinfectant before and after each use also.
The best defense against germ and virus transfer is a good plan. Work with a cleaning professional and consult your local health department to assess risk factors and determine the level of reported infections in your area. These and other tips are available in more detail in our guidelines for disinfection. I realize that some of these things may seem extreme or expensive. Most business owners are reluctant to increase the cleaning budget. I can assure you that the money is well spent. Keeping your customers, clients and employees healthy is as equally healthy for your bottom line.
About the Author
Glenn Greeley is founder of CGI Cleaning Group Inc. headquartered on Long Island. For more information visit, call 631-669-6033, or email [email protected] for a free disinfecting guideline. 15:00:062020-03-14 12:44:29Keep Your Workplace From Going Viral
When it comes to being in business, it’s safe to say that you’re going to want to make sure that you can grow. But this isn’t something that you can do overnight. And it’s not always easy to make it happen. And so, when you know that you want to get somewhere with your business, you have to be intentional about it. Being intentional with your business means knowing what it is that you need to do to grow. It means having a plan and focusing on the right things. And this can be hard. So, it’s important for you to work on the things that are the most important to your growth. Let’s consider a few options.
The Right Intent
To begin with, it may be as simple as you having the best intentions for the business. Sometimes, it’s easy to think that you know what you want to achieve, But then your actions don’t match that. And so, you need to be able to make sure that you are setting goals and then following through with actions that allow you to achieve them. If you are really keen to grow, this is something you definitely have to stick to.
Better Research
Or maybe for you, the most important thing to focus on right now is research. If you have a particular product that requires advancement or that is in a technological or scientific area, then research is everything. And you will want to invest here. Whether that’s in Chemyo SARMs for research or for the team and equipment, it’s important to do it. Because if this is the one thing that will guarantee you success, you should go for it.
More Sales
Sometimes, it can be as simple as needing to get more sales. When you want to increase your revenue, it can feel like you have to jump through hoops to get there – but that’s not always the case. Have a great product, try to help others, and watch the sales come in.
A Connection
When it comes to finding any kind of success in business, you’re likely to find that it matters for you to make a connection with your customers. So if you know that you want to see exponential growth soon, learning how to connect with your customers can really help you. So this is definitely something that you should make a priority. Because if you care to connect with them, it really makes a difference.
Sometimes, the most important thing that you can do is just keep going. Business success doesn’t happen overnight. It’s not a quick thing – it takes work and perseverance. It’s important that you can be patient and keep going – because the results will come. You never know whether the thing you need to make everything a success is right around the corner. So keep going – the growth will come. 15:00:362020-03-12 22:38:23What’s The Most Important Thing For Your Business Growth?
Money may be the king, but other options could be even better. Since the holiday season is around the corner, your search for choosing the best gifts for a family member or a loved one must have begun. More than excitement, there must be a lingering feeling of confusion, indecisiveness, and cluelessness. Choosing a gift can be a grueling process, especially if you have little or no experience.
Well, in such a case, gifting prepaid visa gift cards nestled within greeting cards can be an excellent option. It is just what you are looking for. As everyone has busy schedules, and it is hard to take out time while you are traveling or working, therefore prepaid gift cards are a win-win in circumstances such as these. Cash is like a gift that people often forget. The moment it is spent or placed into our wallets, it is over and done with. And a gift might turn out to be not useful or liked by the receiver. But something like a visa gift card is the best of both cash and a gift. However, do not be fooled, where there is a bright side to it, there are also some negatives.
Why do people buy visa gift cards?
Visa cards are purchased by people who want flexibility while making choices between how and when to redeem the gift card. Places like stores and restaurants gift closed-loop cards, which can only be used at the issuing merchants.. So the person who gives a gift card will have to make sure that they choose a location that is easier for the recipient to make a purchase. On the other hand, visa cards are redeemable and accepted at stores and restaurants. For further information click here to explore the various options available in this regard.
Many are not aware of the numerous benefits of a visa card. Not only for gifting purposes, but visa cards can also be utilized for practical use such as, if you want to co-pay on your next doctor’s visit or pay any utility bills, then visa cards can be beneficial. There are also options for popular reward cards, which are ideal for businesses. It is very cheaper for companies to issue reward cards and rebates in the form of a card.
Prepaid Visa Gift Cards:
Nothing is more upsetting than having an important event coming up and not having a clue about what to buy for a friend or a family member. In such a case, one can let them choose their own desired present by giving them a prepaid visa gift card. Prepaid cards are cards that you can transfer money onto beforehand to make a purchase or a transaction. However, it must be noted that they are not linked to a bank account.
You will not have to worry about finding the right item for a special occasion. Just load the card with cash, and the respective recipient will select what they want to buy.
They are easy to purchase and can be wrapped and mailed for someone who lives far away from you.
Visa cards are super convenient. All you have to do is grab a merchant card or master cards at a drugstore, retailer, or supermarket. They can also be purchased online as well and sent to your giftee via mail.
State laws often provide them with additional protection and prevent them from expiring for at least five to seven years from your purchase date.
They can be marked as a check, although a processing fee might apply.
They can only be used at the walk-in or online store of issuing retailers.
You might not get the full value of the card if the company is shut down permanently.
When you are sending a gift card to someone in a different country, there might be only a few convenient stores or none at all.
Scammers can copy gift card codes while they are still on display and then steal their desired amount of cash that you would have loaded onto the prepaid visa card.
Prepaid visa gift cards may not be the right choice for a friend or a relative who is sensitive about the monetary value of gifts.
Some people dislike shopping and are a fan of saving. Unfortunately, a prepaid visa card might not be a good option for them.
Prepaid Visa Gift Cards for Self:
Discussed above are some of the possible and impossible ways to make a gift purchase for your loved ones and friends. It doesn’t mean that visa gift cards are not for you. They are. As discussed below, there are some pros and cons that come along with shopping for oneself. For those who consider shopping as retail therapy, these are some of the considerations.
A prepaid visa gift card might not be the same as your debit card, but it surely can carry money without having to get it cashed all the time.
Visa cards are versatile, just like our standard visa debit cards. They are easy to use and sometimes even accessible via ATM’s.
There is a zero risk that your identity might be compromised if you lose your visa gift card.
You can’t add more money once you have ultimately used up your prepaid gift card. The lack of reuse leads the majority of people to switch towards reversible prepaid cards.
The money that you put into your visa card may get used up through bank fees as a result. Try finding a gift card that charges either a low fee or no activation fee at all.
Your transaction may be declined if you plan to buy something that is twice the amount of money you have loaded on that card.
Make Your Choice:
As someone who enjoys shopping or giving gifts, the prepaid visa cards, can be a great gifting option for you. They also provide a very flexible and secure way to pay for items you need while keeping your bank account protected, and the same case is with your identity.
Final Word
Visa gift cards provide a lot of benefits as they can be the perfect gift for everyone, every time. Understanding the possible advantages and disadvantages of visa cards is very important. You have to see it for yourself. Is this method convenient for you? Do you want to use this particular method of payment? If it is easy and convenient for you, then start with a low balance to try out a prepaid card experience. Although the prepaid card is not reloadable and the banks might charge a lot of activation fees. The choice is yours whether you decide to purchase it or not. 20:00:462022-02-02 17:31:33Pros and cons of prepaid visa gift cards