Two Simple Ways to Make Your Small Business Look Professional

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Launching a Small Business|Two Simple Ways to Make Your Small Business Look ProfessionalIf you’re on track to launch your own small business, it can be tempting to dive straight in and announce yourself to the world before you’ve got all the bells and whistles that go with a legitimate company. While that go-getter energy might mean you hit the ground running, you might miss your chance to nail that all important first impression. If those early months are as busy as you hope they’ll be, you may never get around to making sure your business looks as slick outwardly as you know you are. The two simple tips will help you avoid looking unprofessional.

Get Yourself a Proper Email Address

Even if your business is totally legit, asking your clients to contact you via a Gmail or Yahoo address signals to them that at worst, you don’t care about their privacy or security of their data, and at best, that you are not a professional outfit. It doesn’t cost much these days to secure a business email account, especially when you consider that this small fee will pay off in terms of customer trust. Email hosting for small businesses is a good option if you want a professional email address on a platform you are accustomed to. Depending on which web hosting service you use for your website, you may be able to select an add-on to obtain a business email that corresponds to your domain name. Whichever route you go, move on from that Hotmail address before you start communicating with customers!

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Launching a Small Business|Two Simple Ways to Make Your Small Business Look ProfessionalCreate A Professional Website

These days a website is non-negotiable if you want people to take your business seriously. Yes, some companies only have Facebook pages, but bear in mind that not everybody uses Facebook—Millennials, for example, certainly use it less than their parents. Younger people these days prefer other apps like Whatsapp and Snapchat, so if you’re hoping to market your product to younger generation, you’d be crazy to limit yourself to Facebook, or any social media platform. And don’t worry about making it super modern – a simple, clean website that accurately describes your business is more than enough to start off with. As long as your webpage informs your audience of who you are, what you offer and where to find you, it will be adequate to announce to the world that you are open for business and are here to stay. You don’t have to be a tech nerd to make a website these days. Sites like Squarespace can do a lot of the work for you, allowing you to spend your precious time on your business. Whatever you do, make sure you don’t launch your website until it is complete! Pages that say ‘under construction’ are a really bad look, as they undermine the impression you’re trying to create of a stable going concern. Once your company finds its feet, you may want a more elaborate website, at which point you could look into getting a custom built website to suit your requirements. Hiring a professional web builder can be costly; don’t take that step until you calculate that the outlay will pay off in terms of sales.

Whether you’re on the brink of your launch, or just getting set up as a business, make sure you announce yourself properly by taking into account these tips.

Huge Mistakes To Avoid When Relocating Your Office

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Office Relocation|Huge Mistakes To Avoid When Relocating Your OfficeAs a successful business, you will experience many exciting times during your growth and expansion. Part of this is bound to include an office move or two. Relocating your office, while a fun experience, is also a logistical nightmare. Whether you’re moving halfway around the world or just down the road, the process is complicated, which can lead to mistakes being made. To save yourself any unnecessary stress or expense, here are five huge mistakes to avoid.

1. Skipping The Planning Phase

The relocation of your business is not an experience to be taken lightly. Due to its complex nature, you must have a precise plan in place well before moving day. Leaving all of the work until the very last minute will only cause unnecessary stress and could lead to further mistakes being made. It might also result in unexpected costs. For this reason, you should write a checklist of every task that needs completing for the move and use this to implement a moving timeline.

2. Forgetting About Your Technology

All businesses rely on technology in one way or another. When this technology isn’t running effectively, therefore, it can cause huge problems within your company. This is why it’s so important that you have managed IT services. With a team of experts by your side, you can ease the transition of your equipment from one location to the other, eliminating downtime and other problems. Those experts can also help you to plan a new office layout suitable for your IT.

3. Doing It All Yourself

With an undertaking as huge as an office move, it’s not just IT that you need help with. There’s also cleaning, decluttering, packing, and so much more. As a busy entrepreneur, you don’t have the time to handle all of these tasks alone. This is why you should begin delegating them to others. You can give some of the work to your team, but other tasks you should leave to the experts. You may want to hire a moving company, for example, and a project manager too.

4. Having No Budget Restrictions

Failing to budget a relocation is not a good idea. After all, moving isn’t cheap. There are many costs that you’ll need to cover, and this is sure to leave a dent in your finances. Without a concrete budget, you may get carried away and spend more than you can actually afford to. This will put your entire business at risk. To avoid that, you must plan for every expense that you might face. You should also add a cash cushion to your budget to cover any unexpected costs.

5. Attempting To Move Everything

Never use moving offices as an excuse to buy new stuff. This will make the process more expensive than it needs to be. If you did have to make a few upgrades, however, now would be the best time. Just make sure that you have any new technology or furniture delivered to the new location. This saves you the time and money it would take to move your current equipment. You should also take the time to declutter the office before you start packing up.

Relocating can definitely be stressful, but avoiding the mistakes above will make the process much easier.

How To Choose The Right Records Management System For The Organization

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Records Management|How To Choose The Right Records Management System For The OrganizationAs the volume of records and information continues to grow as organisations mature, it becomes increasingly important and challenging for enterprises to manage their recordkeeping responsibilities effectively. Choosing an effective records management system is an important and crucial step in this process.

With many different records management solutions available in the market with their own set of features and capabilities, it can be difficult and daunting to choose the right one for your business. To assist with your decision making process, we have provided some tips that will help you select the right records management solution for your business. First we’ll cover off what a records management system is.

What does a records management system do?

The primary objective of a records management system is to provide a single, comprehensive solution that aids in tracking, locating, maintaining and disposing of organisational records, whether they are paper-based or in electronic form. Nowadays, records management systems are available as cloud-based or on-premises.

Micro Focus Content Manager is the most readily used records management software worldwide that helps organisations solve the complexity of records management. This system is ideal for heavily regulated organizations and industries.

How is a records management system classified?

Generally, records management software falls into two main categories; records management software or an enterprise content management (ECM) system which is less records focused and more of a content management system, as its name denotes. A records management system (RMS) will have greater functionality relating to the classification, retention and disposal of information.

How is an RMS different from ECM?

A RMS is designed to enable the various facets of enterprise records management. This software includes record tracking, automated retention, disposition of records and access control for physical as well as electronic formats.

ECM systems are built to assist organizations with capturing, storing, managing, delivering and preserving its files and content. A complimentary information management strategy will assist organisations in managing their unstructured information.

An electronic RMS simplifies the management of records throughout their lifecycle. A records management application assists with the automatic implementation of organization-wide and consistent records policies, which simplify compliance with state, industry and federal regulations.

Another basic difference between an ECM and RMS is their capacity to enable retention of records and disposition procedures. In this respect, an RMS system takes the top position.

Characteristics to look for in a records management system

There are a number of important characteristics to look for when choosing a records management system, including a system that:

  • Is intuitive and user friendly
  • Automatically captures and classifies records
  • Won’t change the way your teams works and will capture records regardless of their location
  • Manages content across repositories
  • Can manage physical, digital and hybrid records
  • Captures email and social media records
  • Offers a high level of security
  • Provides an audit trail
  • Is compliance with federal and state based standards and policies


A comprehensive, high performance records management system is a crucial component in the lifecycle of organizational information. At a high level, this system governs the way business information is developed, stored, distributed, tracked and protected.
Before you search for the right software solution for your business, it is important to understand your own business requirements with respect to records management. Having this understanding will equip you well as you begin to assess your RMS options.

After Building Cleaning Services For Your Business

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Cleaning Services|After Building Cleaning Services For Your BusinessIf you are having any sort of building work done at your business, then the excitement of the finished product can often cloud your judgement and make you forget about all of the dirt which will be left behind because of the construction itself. Cleaning this mess can be a hefty and unwanted task and thus it is highly beneficial that you seek a professional company to provide the service of experienced cleaners in order to save yourself the hassle. There are a whole host of benefits associated with utilising a cleaning company, as you will see below.

First and foremost, the mess left behind by builders can be substantial and very difficult to clean. After all, the range of products utilised can be vast and the construction elaborate. Thus you need to proper cleaning equipment and products in order to ensure that you restore the beauty of the area. These products are quite expensive for you to get your hands on. Moreover, you may not be able to even buy them, as most high street stores do not sell cleaning industry standard goods, unless you use specialist companies like Nevertheless, you need not worry about this when it comes to a professional cleaning service because they will have the best products and equipment to deal with the task at hand.

As mentioned the products and tools required can be very expensive for you to purchase. Nevertheless, most people deter from seeking builders cleaning because they think that this will be a costly process. But, the truth is; paying for a one off clean is a lot cheaper than having to spend tons of money on products which you may never use again. After all, it is not as if you are going to have building work done every week.

Furthermore, we live in a day and age whereby time is of the essence for all businesses, and thus most people do not have the hours in their day to spend in order to dedicate to cleaning. Moreover, because the mess left by builders is usually extensive, this is a big task and is something which needs to be dealt with straight away. Therefore, if you cannot devote immediate time and effort to the cleaning process then you are simply going to let the mess get worse.

Lastly, for the untrained eye it can be quite difficult to determine what the mess is (in terms of materials) and what the most effective method of cleaning will be. Therefore, a lot of the time people end up thinking that they have cleaned when they have actually not got rid of anything properly. This can obviously result in deeper problems as time goes by, such as mould and alike.

To conclude, if you consider the four points in this blog post, then you will see why it is highly recommended that you seek a professional company to carry out the service of builders cleaning. After all, quality will be assured, money will be saved and you will save yourself a great deal of time.

Improving The Quality Of Your Service As A Business

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Customer Service|Improving The Quality Of Your Service As A BusinessThere’s always room for improvement for whatever you do in your lifetime, and when running a business, there should be a constant need to improve the service you are providing to your clients and customers. So here are some tips for improving the quality of your service as a business.

Strengthen Customer Service

Customer service is a very crucial part of the service that you supply as a whole. Without good customer service, you potentially lose out on giving your customers what they need, and that can have a negative impact on the business. Strengthening your customer service can be done in a number of ways. Firstly, look at what you’re already providing in terms of communication and explore new ways of reaching out to the customer and vice versa. Social media is one way that’s enabling both customers and businesses to directly reach out to one another via a direct messaging service or by tagging them in their status. Interaction with customers shows that you are wanting to engage as a company and to develop a stronger relationship.

Look At Quality Improvement If Manufacturing

Quality control when it comes to manufacturing products should always be a priority. Whether it’s offering prepackaged medication or using a more eco-friendly packaging, there are always ways to improve the quality that you’re providing to those companies who are then selling your product to a wider market. You can also look at what your competitors are doing too when it comes to quality control and then adapting these methods to your own but making them better.

Always Ask For Feedback

Feedback should always be welcomed, and if you’re not doing that as a company, you’re blindsiding yourself from improving what might need adjusting or developing. Several eyes are better than just the one, so always reach out to clients and customers to ask for constructive criticism and feedback on how you can improve the services you are providing. It might open your eyes to something you’ve not noticed before and is actually something that’s causing a big problem in the success of your business. So make use of your mailing list and always keep track of reviews that come in for your service or product.

Invest In Research And Training

Two of the elements that can make the biggest difference when it comes to the quality of service is research and training. Investing a budget into these can make a huge improvement on your company as a whole. Market research is always useful to see how your industry has changed and is changing so that you’re able to keep up with the trends and what’s current. Training for your staff is always beneficial and a great way to improve their own career prospects, which could benefit the company massively.

A business that is always looking on ways to improve is one that will continue to have success. Don’t become complacent and always look at ways to strengthen your business and how it operates in every area of its existence.