How To Choose The Right Records Management System For The Organization

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Records Management|How To Choose The Right Records Management System For The OrganizationAs the volume of records and information continues to grow as organisations mature, it becomes increasingly important and challenging for enterprises to manage their recordkeeping responsibilities effectively. Choosing an effective records management system is an important and crucial step in this process.

With many different records management solutions available in the market with their own set of features and capabilities, it can be difficult and daunting to choose the right one for your business. To assist with your decision making process, we have provided some tips that will help you select the right records management solution for your business. First we’ll cover off what a records management system is.

What does a records management system do?

The primary objective of a records management system is to provide a single, comprehensive solution that aids in tracking, locating, maintaining and disposing of organisational records, whether they are paper-based or in electronic form. Nowadays, records management systems are available as cloud-based or on-premises.

Micro Focus Content Manager is the most readily used records management software worldwide that helps organisations solve the complexity of records management. This system is ideal for heavily regulated organizations and industries.

How is a records management system classified?

Generally, records management software falls into two main categories; records management software or an enterprise content management (ECM) system which is less records focused and more of a content management system, as its name denotes. A records management system (RMS) will have greater functionality relating to the classification, retention and disposal of information.

How is an RMS different from ECM?

A RMS is designed to enable the various facets of enterprise records management. This software includes record tracking, automated retention, disposition of records and access control for physical as well as electronic formats.

ECM systems are built to assist organizations with capturing, storing, managing, delivering and preserving its files and content. A complimentary information management strategy will assist organisations in managing their unstructured information.

An electronic RMS simplifies the management of records throughout their lifecycle. A records management application assists with the automatic implementation of organization-wide and consistent records policies, which simplify compliance with state, industry and federal regulations.

Another basic difference between an ECM and RMS is their capacity to enable retention of records and disposition procedures. In this respect, an RMS system takes the top position.

Characteristics to look for in a records management system

There are a number of important characteristics to look for when choosing a records management system, including a system that:

  • Is intuitive and user friendly
  • Automatically captures and classifies records
  • Won’t change the way your teams works and will capture records regardless of their location
  • Manages content across repositories
  • Can manage physical, digital and hybrid records
  • Captures email and social media records
  • Offers a high level of security
  • Provides an audit trail
  • Is compliance with federal and state based standards and policies


A comprehensive, high performance records management system is a crucial component in the lifecycle of organizational information. At a high level, this system governs the way business information is developed, stored, distributed, tracked and protected.
Before you search for the right software solution for your business, it is important to understand your own business requirements with respect to records management. Having this understanding will equip you well as you begin to assess your RMS options.

After Building Cleaning Services For Your Business

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Cleaning Services|After Building Cleaning Services For Your BusinessIf you are having any sort of building work done at your business, then the excitement of the finished product can often cloud your judgement and make you forget about all of the dirt which will be left behind because of the construction itself. Cleaning this mess can be a hefty and unwanted task and thus it is highly beneficial that you seek a professional company to provide the service of experienced cleaners in order to save yourself the hassle. There are a whole host of benefits associated with utilising a cleaning company, as you will see below.

First and foremost, the mess left behind by builders can be substantial and very difficult to clean. After all, the range of products utilised can be vast and the construction elaborate. Thus you need to proper cleaning equipment and products in order to ensure that you restore the beauty of the area. These products are quite expensive for you to get your hands on. Moreover, you may not be able to even buy them, as most high street stores do not sell cleaning industry standard goods, unless you use specialist companies like Nevertheless, you need not worry about this when it comes to a professional cleaning service because they will have the best products and equipment to deal with the task at hand.

As mentioned the products and tools required can be very expensive for you to purchase. Nevertheless, most people deter from seeking builders cleaning because they think that this will be a costly process. But, the truth is; paying for a one off clean is a lot cheaper than having to spend tons of money on products which you may never use again. After all, it is not as if you are going to have building work done every week.

Furthermore, we live in a day and age whereby time is of the essence for all businesses, and thus most people do not have the hours in their day to spend in order to dedicate to cleaning. Moreover, because the mess left by builders is usually extensive, this is a big task and is something which needs to be dealt with straight away. Therefore, if you cannot devote immediate time and effort to the cleaning process then you are simply going to let the mess get worse.

Lastly, for the untrained eye it can be quite difficult to determine what the mess is (in terms of materials) and what the most effective method of cleaning will be. Therefore, a lot of the time people end up thinking that they have cleaned when they have actually not got rid of anything properly. This can obviously result in deeper problems as time goes by, such as mould and alike.

To conclude, if you consider the four points in this blog post, then you will see why it is highly recommended that you seek a professional company to carry out the service of builders cleaning. After all, quality will be assured, money will be saved and you will save yourself a great deal of time.

Improving The Quality Of Your Service As A Business

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Customer Service|Improving The Quality Of Your Service As A BusinessThere’s always room for improvement for whatever you do in your lifetime, and when running a business, there should be a constant need to improve the service you are providing to your clients and customers. So here are some tips for improving the quality of your service as a business.

Strengthen Customer Service

Customer service is a very crucial part of the service that you supply as a whole. Without good customer service, you potentially lose out on giving your customers what they need, and that can have a negative impact on the business. Strengthening your customer service can be done in a number of ways. Firstly, look at what you’re already providing in terms of communication and explore new ways of reaching out to the customer and vice versa. Social media is one way that’s enabling both customers and businesses to directly reach out to one another via a direct messaging service or by tagging them in their status. Interaction with customers shows that you are wanting to engage as a company and to develop a stronger relationship.

Look At Quality Improvement If Manufacturing

Quality control when it comes to manufacturing products should always be a priority. Whether it’s offering prepackaged medication or using a more eco-friendly packaging, there are always ways to improve the quality that you’re providing to those companies who are then selling your product to a wider market. You can also look at what your competitors are doing too when it comes to quality control and then adapting these methods to your own but making them better.

Always Ask For Feedback

Feedback should always be welcomed, and if you’re not doing that as a company, you’re blindsiding yourself from improving what might need adjusting or developing. Several eyes are better than just the one, so always reach out to clients and customers to ask for constructive criticism and feedback on how you can improve the services you are providing. It might open your eyes to something you’ve not noticed before and is actually something that’s causing a big problem in the success of your business. So make use of your mailing list and always keep track of reviews that come in for your service or product.

Invest In Research And Training

Two of the elements that can make the biggest difference when it comes to the quality of service is research and training. Investing a budget into these can make a huge improvement on your company as a whole. Market research is always useful to see how your industry has changed and is changing so that you’re able to keep up with the trends and what’s current. Training for your staff is always beneficial and a great way to improve their own career prospects, which could benefit the company massively.

A business that is always looking on ways to improve is one that will continue to have success. Don’t become complacent and always look at ways to strengthen your business and how it operates in every area of its existence.

Strategies For Running A Better Business

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Running a Business|Strategies For Running A Better BusinessYour business will be that much more successful when you take the time to learn more about what you can be doing to improve your ways. It’s all about where your focus exists and how well you’re able to follow and stick to your business plan.

The following strategies are going to help you make sure you’re concentrating on some of the most important aspects so you can run a better business. Remember to take your time and implement changes the right way instead of rushing around and making decisions on the fly. While it may take some time before you see the results you desire, have confidence that your hard work will eventually pay off.

Monitor Spending

You can run a better business by being diligent about monitoring your company’s spending. For example, if you work in the trucking business, then look into ways for how you can reduce fleet costs. These are the types of small adjustments you should be making that will add up to big savings over time. The less you spend, and more you make the more satisfied you’re going to be at the end of the day.

Delegate out Tasks

Another strategy for running a better business is to get in the habit of delegating out tasks to others. The less daily operational responsibilities you have on your plate the more time you’ll have to focus on higher level business initiatives. Get to know your employees and their strengths so you know who will be best at handling each of the different assignments. It’s all about you having trust in your employees that they can get the job done for you the right way and by the required deadline.

Gather Feedback from Others

It’s also important that you’re a good listener and are willing to hear other people out regarding their ideas for improvement. Be proactive and gather feedback from clients and employees so you have a better idea about what you’re doing right and where you’re missing the mark. This way you’ll be able to make informed decisions based on real facts and opinions versus you making assumptions or playing guessing games.

Improve Your Website

In this day and age it’s critical you have a well functioning and professional looking website for your clients to use and potential customers to check out. Be sure to include important information on your company site such as special promotions you’re running and contact information for getting in touch with you. You may want to consider working with a professional designer to ensure that your website is easy to use and that you choose attractive colors and fonts that aren’t distracting.


Running a business is hard work and will take a lot of time and dedication on your part. However, know you can get to a better place when you follow these suggestions and are flexible with your management style and approach. Stick with it and it won’t be long before you’re on your way to experiencing more success and fulfilling days ahead.

6 Ways Your Business Is Wasting Energy

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Wasting Energy |6 Ways Your Business Is Wasting EnergyOver the past few years, we’ve become much more aware of the impact that we’re having on the planet. Ice caps have melted, forests have been cut down, and entire species have been wiped out. As a small business, you might think that there’s little you can do about these issues. Thankfully, that isn’t true. By limiting the energy that you waste, you can help the planet, as well as save money and boost your image. Or if you are intending to switch to a better more energy conserving provider, be sure to check out

Here are six ways your business is wasting energy.

Leaving The Lights On

Unless you have staff working through the night, your office should not have its lights left on all hours of the day. This is incredibly wasteful, not to mention pointless. Instead, you should go around the building and ensure that they’re all turned off. If you think that you might forget to do this, or simply don’t want to, then switch to motion sensor lights or put them on a timer instead.

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |Wasting Energy |6 Ways Your Business Is Wasting EnergyScheduling Cleaners At Night

A clean office is a productive office. This is why many employers hire janitorial staff to keep the workspace looking its best. If you have any control over when these employees work, then you should schedule their hours during the day or just after all other staff go home. By doing this, you limit how much extra energy you use and save yourself from paying off-peak energy costs.

Ignoring The Necessary Repairs

Many repairs can cause you to use much more energy than you need to. A leaking roof, for example, will let warm air out and cold air in so that you have to turn up the thermostat. For this reason, you should look into tpo roof repair. Forgetting to change your air filters will also cause heating problems, as dirt and debris will make it much harder to push air through.

Overcharging Your Mobile Devices

Everyone knows that charging cell phones and laptops is important, especially in a workplace where you tend to need them. However, once your gadgets have full batteries, there’s no reason why you should leave them plugged in. They won’t go over 100% after all. Plus, when you overcharge certain mobile devices, it can damage their batteries, making them less efficient.

Covering Up The Vents

Office occupants are going to move furniture around from time to time. You just need to be careful of where they put things. If desks, filing cabinets, or chairs are pushed in front of vents, this will block the airflow, meaning that your HVAC system will have to work much harder. This extra work will waste a lot more energy and cause your energy bills to skyrocket.

Having Unnecessary Vending Machines

A vending machine can make your staff very happy, but it also uses electricity every hour of the day. If your team aren’t using the machine very much, therefore, you should consider getting rid of it. Turning the machine off at night is also an option, but only works for machines containing items that won’t spoil without refrigeration.

Don’t let high energy bills get you down. With the advice above, you can help your wallet and the planet at the same time.