Simple Online Money Making Ideas In 2021
If you are still stuck largely at home during the pandemic; there are a lot of different ways you can spend your time. From organising your pantry to investing in your own professional development through courses – we all have had to find ways to use our time as productively as we can.
One thing you may not have considered though is how to make money from home using the online world. Working from home is commonplace these days and there are so many amazing methods to make some extra income from your own living room this year.
Today we want to take a look at some of the different ways you can make money online to help you gain some extra income for yourself and your family this year.
Start a blog
It seems that since 2012, every man and his dog has started a blog – and when you realise the opportunities it brings with it you can start to really see why. Blogging is not only a great way to share your thoughts and feelings and the things you love but it is also a simple way to make money. You can earn money through blogging by hosting advertisements on your website, buy posting affiliate links through programmes such as Amazon Partners, and working with brands. It can be a great way to make money doing something creative but you will also be able to go to exclusive events, get access to new products, and meet a lot of people.
Manage a YouTube Channel
YouTube is one of those careers that has taken off incredibly over the last decade and you can create a whole empire at home by sharing your skills and interests on this platform. There are a lot of elements that can go into a YouTube channel such as social media channels and a supporting website – and you can always contact an IT Support Company to help you with the set up and maintenance of these aspects. YouTube allows you to be super creative and you can talk about anything you want.
Create a podcast
Podcasts have become super popular in the last few years and they are on the rise. If you have a story to tell or a passion to share, a podcast is a great way to do this and you can reach a wide audience with your creation. Whether it be cooking tips, wellness, or true crime stories -there are endless ways to make money through a podcast and recording one every week will allow you to start making some passive income in a fun way.
Share your skills
One more way to make money online if you have a professional skill to share is to create online courses on Skillshare. You can create your own course on a subject you are expert in and teach other people about it. It will be a simple way to make some passive income and can really be a useful tool for you this year.