10 Lessons That All New Business Owners Must Heed In The Modern Era

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Lessons for Business Owners|10 Lessons That All New Business Owners Must Heed In The Modern EraLaunching a new business is a dream shared by millions and the pandemic has encouraged more and more people to take the leap of faith. When done right, it can be the key that unlocks the future you’ve always wanted. However, you must not fall into the trap of thinking success comes easily or through guesswork.

A large percentage of startups launched in the post-lockdown era will struggle. You can give your hopes a significant boost, however, by investing in the right strategy. Use the following 10 tips to avoid the common pitfalls and you won’t go far wrong.

#1. You Need To Love The Business

When starting your business, it can be tempting to fall into the trap of chasing quick profits. After all, we’ve all seen stories of overnight successes and trends that are currently doing great. In reality, though, if you choose a company idea for the wrong reasons, it will show.

It is far better to work on something you feel passionately about. For starters, a lack of care and knowledge for a subject will prevent you from achieving success in the “easy” fields. More importantly, working on your passion makes work enjoyable. This helps you through testing moments while also promoting improved mental wellness.

Crucially, you should find that your passion and positivity are contagious. This will inspire better responses from employees and clients alike. Besides, there is no greater reward than knowing than building a company that fills you with pride.

#2. You Can’t Go It Alone

The thought of being in control of the entire business model may seem like perfection. In reality, though, even the most talented entrepreneur will lack some of the distinct skills needed to run things. Moreover, there simply isn’t enough time to do it all alone.

Consequently, then, recruiting the best team of workers should be a priority for all business owners. This can include on-site workers, remote workers, outsourced services, and temporary contractors. As well as finding talented candidates, you should focus heavily on their personality traits. Above all else, they should share your enthusiasm for the brand.

A strong team of employees won’t only lead the company to increased productivity. They will also give you the confidence to let them work with autonomy. In turn, you’ll be able to dedicate more time and effort to your personal tasks.

#3. Not Everyone Will Be Interested

If you truly love your business, you will want to share it with as many people as possible. Sadly, though, it’s very unlikely that your company will have a universal appeal. Worse still, any time and money spent trying to win over outside audiences will be a waste.

Therefore, learning how to find your niche audience is key. From here, you can ensure that SEO, ad placements, and other marketing tools are built to reach the right people. You should also find that it provides significant help when choosing products and interacting with clients. Their age, location, and financial backgrounds are just some of the key features.

Conversely, if you try to reach everyone, your brand will become bland. It’s better to resonate with your core audience and alienate others than fade into obscurity. The sooner you adopt the right mindset, the better. It will save time, money, and your sanity.

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Lessons for Business Owners|10 Lessons That All New Business Owners Must Heed In The Modern Era#4. First Impressions Count For A Lot

Whether your first interactions are conducted online or offline, you only have a few seconds to create a good first impression. While getting it right won’t guarantee success, a bad one could end your hopes of a sale before you’ve started. Engaging content is key.

Nobody knows the business better than you, but that doesn’t make you the best person to promote the brand. Experts who can see your brand from a consumer’s perspective are the best choice. A skilled video production company can create visual content that wins over audiences and celebrates your USPs in style. It yields more traffic and greater conversions.

Videos are great because viewers retain more of the brand message too. However, interactive social media posts and blogs can play a huge role. In today’s climate, having a few social influencers tell their fans about the brand can pay dividends too.

#5. Clients Crave A Good Experience

Winning new clients is great, but true success stems from having a loyal fan base. It is shown to be a lot cheaper to retarget existing clients than new audiences. So, if you can increase the customer lifetime value, you should. The user experience is crucial.

Studies show that most customers are prepared to pay more for a good brand experience. This means offering better payment options and smoother transactions. It should also cover customer care as consumers need transparency and quick solutions to their problems. Supporting yourself with FAQs, chatbots, and fair returns policies will also help.

Providing a better user experience wins new clients and keeps past ones coming back because they feel valued. Better still, once you have established a community, there is a strong probability that they will spread the word to their friends and family.

#6. It Takes Time To Generate Revenue

As a business owner, you may set out to achieve several goals. However, any progress made in other aspects of the business will be rendered futile if the finances aren’t in good health. You won’t necessarily start gaining immediate sales and must adapt accordingly.

Ensuring that you begin the process with enough capital to get through the initial stages is crucial. Raising funds through personal savings, private investors, or crowdfunding are just some of the options. Whatever you do, though, learning to use the available money in the most efficient ways should be high on the agenda.

It is important to check that you are getting the best value for money when buying materials, energy rates, or insurance. When supported by the right courier partnerships and help from an accountant, you should be positioned to keep your finances in a good place.

#7. Prevention Is The Best Form Of Protection

Building a successful company is one thing, but maintaining it is another altogether. The harsh reality is that the list of potential threats to the company is huge. Without the right protection, financial and reputational damage will cause you major headaches.

Preventing many of those problems can be achieved with help from an IT cybersecurity firm. Their data protection services can be supported by staff training to prevent malware and ransomware. Intellectual assets should be guarded by copyright documents and non-disclosure agreements. It should protect you from internal and external threats.

As a growing number of risks come from digital interactions, it becomes easy to overlook physical assets. Safe workspaces that are further supported by security equipment and teams will give you one less thing to worry about. Embrace it from day one.

#8. Modern Tech Is Essential

You don’t have to be a tech-based business to appreciate the value of modern tech to your venture. The right facilities and automation can boost productivity, accuracy, and financial management. In many cases, it can spearhead quicker growth and expansion.

Modern tech features can range from cloud-based software and file management to factory equipment. Meanwhile, 3D printing can be used to print small parts or complete prototypes when testing out new ideas. The functional flexibility offered by those items can have a telling influence on the overall productivity of the team.

The harsh reality is that failure to use modern tech in offices, factories, and shop floors will hit you hard. Competitors will take advantage of your shortcomings to steal your clients. And once they do, getting them back can be a very difficult task indeed.

#9. Your Approach To Operations Is Key

Both B2B and B2C customers are now invested in brands like never before, they want to work with companies that they can relate to. Given that they can conduct valuable research with ease, they will. If they have a reason to dislike your brand, they will vote against using it.

Therefore, it’s vital that you invest in corporate social responsibility. Taking accountability for your brand’s carbon footprint can have a hugely positive influence on your workers as well as the clients. This can be further supported by volunteering at local events or donating excess stock. For example, food retailers can donate food to homeless shelters.

People buy people. So, if customers can buy into your brand they will be more likely to purchase its products. Try to introduce winning concepts and actively try to build a community. Positive results should follow with almost instant results.

#10. There Is No Time To Stand Still

Finally, if you are eager to start a business, you must remember that there is no time like the present. While research helps you make calculated decisions, sitting back on an idea could mean that the ship sails without you. And once you’ve established some success, be sure to keep moving in the right direction. When you do, nothing can hurt your progress.

The Latest Tried and Tested Marketing Strategies

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Marketing Strategies|The Latest Tried and Tested Marketing StrategiesWe witnessed unprecedented and exceptional advancements in technology in the past decade. However, what’s more, shocking is how the new technical development penetrated our everyday lives and changed the game for all human activities. From public health to education, every economic sector benefits from technology and is improving day by day. The commercial industry had a similar advantage, and the incorporation of computer-aided business strategies brought the industrial rivalry to the next level. It proves that technological developments are the need and requirement of every business unit, especially marketing.

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to consider the marketing department the most crucial one for the business. After all, marketing bridges the gap between the buyer and the seller by determining many essential factors. It decides the prices of the products, places for its accessibility, ways to communicate the message to the customers, and even the product’s features. The marketing department is responsible for the thorough research about customers’ buying behavior, then sharing it to the respective departments of the firm and advertising the product or services. All this and more makes the company’s success heavily dependent and reliant on the effectiveness of marketing strategies. If you’re a businessperson searching for ways to stand out in the industrial competition, here are some of the latest tried and tested marketing strategies for you.

1. CDP Marketing Cloud

For a sturdy marketing plan, the primary step is to consider the perfect tools for your customer’s database. Marketing Cloud is a great option, specially after the launch of Salesforce CDP, as it allows you to automate digital marketing and works with advanced analytics software. Marketing clouds will enable you to collect digital software like CRM, email services, and workflow management. It works wonders in delivering and communicating clear messages to the end customers proficiently.

Customer data platforms collect customers’ data from different sources and then organize it in the most readable way. Incorporating technology in your marketing department will help you become more aware of your customers’ choices and make more informed operational decisions. It is also helpful in keeping customers’ data safe and using it most advantageously.

2. Personalization

With customers’ databases at a single click, it would be imprudent not to stand their demographics and analyze their buying patterns. In today’s date, marketers must personalize the promotional message to capture the attention of a wider audience. Base your marketing strategy on the discoveries you make about your current and potential customers’ mind wishes, fears, and expectations. Personalization makes them feel special and gives them a sincere expression of their respect for their choices.

With the help of automation, you can create and enable adverts that your customers are looking for so that they don’t have to swipe through many irrelevant ads. But, even in that customization, ensure that you are precise and interactive. Marketers need to focus on behavioral segmentation to group audiences into respective categories and target them accordingly. Even if they all fall in similar demographic segmentation, they don’t need to have the same behavior towards your brand, and it’s crucial to understand this difference.

3. Social Media Marketing

Social media has turned the world into a digital sphere, allowing greater access to several things through the internet. It plays a significant role in connecting people, which provides businesses with essential importance to improve their connection with their market base. Social media marketing (SMM) gives companies a way to engage with their current customers and promote their products or services to potential buyers. SSM is enriched with data analytical tools, which enables marketers to gather valuable, relevant data while tracking and assessing the results of their efforts. This type is marketing is beneficial for small businesses because it doesn’t demand a huge budget. You can use organic methods to generate online sales by building brand awareness on various online platforms.

4. Link Building

Designing a website and running it successfully is undoubtedly essential for your brand’s online presence. But it is of no use if there is no optimum web traffic and not enough people visit your website. Start by discovering keywords your customers are likely to look up when searching for a product or service like yours. You can collaborate with link partners, who can help you find high-traffic terms to develop the list of search results. Additionally, you can download SEO software to help you achieve search engine optimization, which would bring people to your website.

Other than improving search results, you can benefit by adding these SEOs on blogs or reviews where your potential customers might be active. When highlighted by your website’s hyperlink, they will likely click on these words and visit your website. You can approach non-competitor websites to feature your articles or add some of your content on their blog sites. This way, even if your website doesn’t make it to top searches, they could help by becoming a channel between you and your web traffic.

5. PPC Advertisement

Pay per click is a type of internet marketing that has proven helpful in today’s date. Advertisers have to pay a certain fee every time their ad appears on someone’s screen, and they click on it. It increases visits to your site, and if it’s interesting enough for the visitor, they are likely to stay and further surf on your website. You can use PPC in search engine advertisements, especially Google Ads, as they allow your company’s name to appear in the search result when someone looks up a related brand. To succeed in this type of marketing, you need thorough research and digging to get to the right keywords. Google charges you less if your content and website are more relatable to the searches, and hence, it is necessary to choose the exact and most relevant keywords.


Research is bringing up excellent marketing opportunities for all types of businesses every day. Due to the high demand for differentiation, marketers are working on their analytical skills to develop out-of-the-box ideas. Luckily, AI and automation prove to be exceptionally useful at taking over manual jobs for human capital to spend more time critically thinking and evaluating the best decisions for their business firms.

5 Convincing Benefits of Sustainable Business Practices

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Sustainable Business|5 Convincing Benefits of Sustainable Business PracticesThe concept of sustainability in business practices has rapidly gained importance over the years. There is growing awareness about crucial issues like global warming and the overuse of depleting resources among the masses. Consequently, people are actively looking for alternative products and services that suffice their needs with minimum negative consequences to the environment.

Plenty of proactive companies are shifting and adjusting their operations to incorporate sustainable practices. In today’s ever-changing and dynamic world, businesses no longer have the option of taking sustainability practices lightly if they seek to survive in the market.

So, what exactly is sustainability when it comes to a business? It refers to devising practices and strategies that help make the world better for this generation and the next generations. Nonetheless, it is not only limited to environmental changes that are taking place. By definition, sustainability comprises three significant implications; environmental, social, and economic. Therefore, a sustainable business focuses on its financial gains alongside its impact on the world, particularly the environment and society. Companies have plenty of opportunities to ‘go green’ such as reducing wastage and pollution, using renewable energy and biodegradable materials, community volunteering, and more.

Now, let’s determine five advantages you can gain by making your business practices more sustainable.

Improved operations and lower expenses

Sustainable business practices pave the way for a company’s longevity and survival in the market. A notable benefit gained from adopting techniques such as green manufacturing is cost-effectiveness.

For instance, simple recyclable material for packaging helps reduce costs significantly rather than spending tons on harmful packaging materials. The use of renewable energy alternatives is another prime example of cutting down expenses. However, deploying renewable energy and evaluating its costs and benefits can prove challenging. Fortunately, with the help of demand management, you can track your energy requirements and capacity and control costs. Smart energy utilization will enable your business to curb inflating energy costs and achieve operational efficiency.

Enhanced corporate social responsibility

The cruciality of corporate social responsibility cannot be stressed enough in today’s world. Modern-age consumers favor businesses that promote social and ethical values and support the marginalized. It instills the consumers with a sense of affiliation or positive associations with the company, boosting the brand image and customer loyalty. Therefore, it is wise to work towards a social cause that the target market strongly believes in to forge better customer relationships.

According to a recent article, a growing majority of consumers expect businesses to promote initiatives that benefit and support the people, planet, and plants. It’s known as the triple bottom line approach. The latest study by Accenture highlights the rise in purpose-led brands, serving as an indication of consumers engaging with brands that have a socially responsible image. A perfect example would be Google. It occupies the top ranking on RI’s CSR score, majorly due to high energy conservation at their data center and more than $1 billion in investments in renewable energy.

Better relationship with employees

Employees, like the consumers, also want to be part of a company that strives towards the greater good. A business that practices sustainability needs to take the interest of the employees into account. It is especially true when a company is attracting new talent, particularly the younger workforce, as they are more aware and passionate about social causes.

According to a survey, 45% of employees find a company more attractive if it incorporates sustainable business practices. Retaining a valued workforce is thus also less of a hassle if the company has a positive image in the market. Patagonia serves as a good example. The company persuades and empowers its employees to participate in the green programs and become part of the change. As a result, the company experiences only 4% employee turnover.

Rising demand for sustainable goods

The latest WWF research indicates an astonishing 71% increase in the consumers searching for sustainable and green products. The segment, which used to be a niche a few years ago, is turning out to be a lucrative opportunity for market expansion. With rising awareness about social and environmental problems, consumers are actively looking for environment-friendly products. Whether in fashion, beauty, food, beverage, pharmaceutical, or other industries.

Many international fashion brands such as Levi’s have identified that their industry is one of the most prominent contributors to landfill wastage. Thus, they are working towards making their apparel and accessories more sustainable. It helps the company in attracting a wider audience of customers and ultimately increasing its sales revenue. Another major cause of pollution, the pharmaceutical industry, has also invested more towards R&D in making their operations less environmentally damaging.

A survey by Nielsen suggests that this segment of consumers looking for sustainable goods is likely to rise to a value of $150 billion in 2021. Therefore, companies need to be swift in responding to this rising new market by providing them with precisely what they seek and reap the benefits in return.

Increased Profits and Investments

The above advantages indicating improved revenues and lower expenses suggest a substantial increase in businesses’ net profits, their prime objective. Undeniably, it would turn out to be a favorable outcome for the stakeholders of the company. It can also provide resources for more research and development for implementing better sustainable business practices in the future.

Rising profits signal current and potential investors to invest more in the company. Coupled with the fact that the business has long-term plans for sustainability is an added plus as far as investment is concerned. The concept of socially responsible investments has gained immense popularity. Thus, more investors want to put their money into projects or companies with a broader positive impact and higher financial gains.


The future is undoubtedly green. With the rising awareness of consumers, employees, and investors regarding social and environmental concerns, the market dynamics have changed substantially. With shifting trends, a business needs to be proactive enough to take advantage of any opportunity that presents itself and mitigate any potential threats.
Sustainable and green practices are, therefore, both an opportunity and a threat to a company. Businesses that do not recognize this opportunity today might be wiped out of the market soon by the competitors. Along with focusing on conventional business strategies and practices to stay relevant, a business needs to invest in sustainable practices for its long-term survival.

Why a Business Coach Is Every Entrepreneur’s Best Friend

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Business Coach|Why a Business Coach Is Every Entrepreneur’s Best FriendThere are certainly a lot of attractive selling points to starting your own business, including increased freedom, personal fulfillment, and an escape from the traditional nine to five career. However, venturing out on your own also carries its fair share of risk. As a result, there are a few key things you need to know before you start a business. Sometimes, getting all of this information can be tricky and time-consuming. You may find yourself bouncing between websites, reading multiple business books, or attending multiple conferences.

Luckily, there’s a simpler way to gather all the knowledge you need: hiring a business coach. Business coaches help entrepreneurs and business owners clarify the vision of their companies. They aid in setting goals and creating strategies for reaching these objectives. Hiring a business coach is an excellent way to streamline your knowledge acquisition process, among other key benefits. A business coach is every entrepreneur’s best friend when they are preparing to start their business. Here’s why you need to hire a business coach today.

Increased Accountability

When you’re in the early stages of your entrepreneurial journey, it can be tough to hold yourself accountable. Since it’s just you, you might be a little too lenient with yourself if you don’t get certain things done on time.

When you pay to work with a business coach, you want to ensure you get your money’s worth. You also don’t want to feel guilty when your business coach checks in on your progress only to find you haven’t implemented any of the strategies you decided on together. In these two ways, a business coach can be an outstanding accountability tool.

Impartial Third-Party

When you’ve dedicated so much time, effort, and potentially money to your business idea, your perspective can get a little blurred. Similarly, because your business proposal is your passion personified, you’re likely going to be a bit biased and view it favorably – even if there are areas for improvement.

A business coach, on the other hand, is a completely neutral, impartial party. They can take an honest and critical look at your venture and complete a type of SWOT analysis, identifying its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. They can then use their unique position to provide some constructive feedback on how you can strengthen your business idea.

Helping You Stay On the Right Track

Building a business from the ground up is a huge challenge. You need all the guidance and resources you can get to help you steer the path and stay on the right track. A business coach can provide exactly that.

While it’s easy to get distracted or overwhelmed by entrepreneurial opportunities, a business coach can help you stay focused and streamlined in your approach. They can consistently remind you of your company’s vision, its mission, its goals, and its strategies for achieving them. With these helpful reminders, staying on track will be easier than ever.

The future of your business is now. With the help of a seasoned business coach, you can get one step closer to making your business vision a reality. Reclaim control over your future by hiring an experienced business coach to back you and guide you through every step of your entrepreneurial journey.

Essential Tips For First Time Business Owners

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article | Essential Tips For First Time Business OwnersRunning a successful business can be one of the most rewarding endeavors an individual can pursue, both financially but also due to the satisfaction it can bring. With that being said, running a business, be that a small start-up, mid-sized enterprise, or a global brand, managing your business is not easy, especially if you’ve never been in that position before.

Many exciting and budding entrepreneurs see their first-time businesses have to fold year after year, all because they may not have been prepared in some way and, due to that, mismanaged the business. If you find yourself in charge of a business for the first time, here are a few vital tips to ensure that you can excel in the role and grow your business too.

Get An Education

One of the best ways to ensure that you’re prepared for all the different responsibilities involved with running a business is to get an education and understanding of everything you’re expected to do. One of the best ways to do this is through a business degree, as this will give you solid foundations in all departments, such as business analytics, finances, team management, and more.

However, this option might not suit everyone, especially those who have too many responsibilities that they can’t give up to get an education. If that’s the case, the next best thing is to learn as much as you can through online learning and tutorials (LinkedIn Learning and Skillshare is fantastic for this). You can also attend seminars, both in-person and online, and read books from industry experts.

Make Sure Your Business Is Efficient

Time means money within business. This means that if you can perform tasks quickly at a good standard, your business will serve more customers and generate more income. One of the best ways to ensure that your business is prepared and efficient is to invest in automation software. With this type of software, you’ll be able to perform certain tasks quickly, giving you more time to work on other things. Automation software can help with financial management, organize calendars, and so much more. Click here to find out some of the best business software you need.

However, with this emphasis on software and digital solutions, you need to make sure that your IT and computer hardware is up to scratch. Furthermore, as you will be utilizing digital platforms, you need to ensure that you are protected and that your hardware and software are well maintained. This can be hard for a new business to do in-house, which is why it’s a good idea to invest in the small business IT support London companies like Computer Being offer.

Listen From Others

It can be easy, as a new business owner, to dismiss the naysayers and doubters. However, it’s actually a good idea to listen to these concerns if they’re coming from people more experienced than yourself. Understanding why people might not support your business proposal can help you tackle the problem head-on and ensure that your business starts with a more solid foundation.

Furthermore, when you hire your first team members, be sure to listen to them, including their advice, concerns, and ideas. These people will likely grow with you and the business, so it’s a good idea to get their insight, as it can be helpful. There’s nothing wrong with being confident in your abilities. However, you should never dismiss and ignore valid criticism and concerns.

With these tips, you should be more comfortable with the prospect of owning a business and should be in a better position to be successful within it. However, these tips are not the be-all and end-all, and it’s a good habit to continue learning and developing as a business leader, as this will drive you forward and be more successful.