The Hallmarks Of A Good Entrepreneur

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Good entrepreneur|The Hallmarks Of A Good EntrepreneurIf you are aiming to be the very best entrepreneur you can be, you need to make sure that you are aware of what it is going to take to be that. This is something that many people might have different ideas about, but as long as you are looking into it in some way or another, you should find that you are able to become a better entrepreneur in no time. By way of some examples, we are going to take a look in this article at some of the most important hallmarks of a good entrepreneur that you may want to try and develop in yourself. You might find these to be especially important.


Probably the most important thing of all is that you need to try and be as enthusiastic as possible if you want to be a good entrepreneur. You can’t simply fake enthusiasm, however, or force it to come about: it arrives when you are genuinely spending your day doing what you love and what you actually want to be doing. If you are not currently feeling enthusiastic about your work, it may be time to make a switch to something that you are likely going to enjoy more. You might be surprised with how much this can actually help.


You’ll also find that it is really important to be as detailed as possible if you want to be a good entrepreneur. This simply means that you are capable and willing to look closely at the details of whatever you are working on, whether that is in the context of a specific daily goal or the larger sense of building a business. Getting the help of a contract research organization to show you where you might be going wrong is a good example of this in action.

A good entrepreneur should also be able to take care of their business premises, if they have any. This means keeping your building clean and taking care of any building washing that needs to be done. A tidy environment to work in is of the utmost importance and can drastically alter your levels of productivity. A tidy workspace isn’t just a pain in the back, it’s also a pain in the brain. Keeping a tidy workspace requires a high degree of mental energy, and if you’re already struggling with a hectic workload, it could push you over the edge. If you keep your desk and filing cabinets impeccably organized, it’s going to take a lot of effort to break that organization down when you need to start a new project. You’re unlikely to be able to do this without getting stressed out, especially if you’re working to a deadline. If you’re always rushing to get your organization back to tip-top shape, it’s going to be hard to focus on your tasks. You might also find that you can’t think straight when you’re trying to break down your organization’s walls. This is going to make it harder to get things done, and could also lead to mistakes.


You might not think that creativity is an absolute must, but in truth it’s something that is radically going to help you to be the best entrepreneur you can be. If you are not creative enough at present with the business you are running, you might want to take a step back, look at it from a fresh perspective, and then see whether you can make any improvements. This alone can mean that your approach is considerably more effective, so it’s something that you are going to want to think about at the very least.


Finally, you will generally need a lot of competitiveness if you hope to be truly successful. For many leaders, this is exactly what spurs them on to do better and greater things, and it can be the fuel that you really need in order to make that happen. Being competitive is likely something that you either have or don’t have, so that is simply a quality that you should hope you have. If you do have it, you should try your hardest to make use of it in your work, as that could spur you on considerably for your business.

However, you should always remember to take time out for yourself and your mental wellbeing when you are pursuing a career, as a tired-out and exhausted entrepreneur cannot be a successful one, so if it is in your best interests to also take care of yourself.

How Entrepreneurs Find The Energy To Keep Going

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Entrepreneurs Energy|How Entrepreneurs Find The Energy To Keep GoingIf you run a business and you are keen to make sure that you are doing so as well as possible, there are many things that you might want to bear in mind. One of the most important of these is knowing and understanding how to find the energy to keep on going even when things get tough, or when you feel as if you are at the end of your tether. As it happens, there are many things that help entrepreneurs to find the energy they need to keep on going, and in this post we are going to take a look at just some of the most important and powerful of these.

A Good Diet

First of all, you really can’t overlook the importance of a healthy diet. Although you might find yourself thinking that this surely can’t be all that important, you would be surprised just how important it really is, and it’s something that is always worth focusing on as best as you possibly can. In general you are going to want to make sure that you are eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, so that your body has the required energy to keep on going when it needs to. That can make a surprising difference to how you act in business.

Helping People

If your business is designed to help people out in some way or another, you will probably find that this acts as a fantastic driver for doing what you do, and might inspire you to do it more effectively and with much greater levels of energy. So you might want to focus more and more on what it is that your business is doing for other people and if necessary get training through the Premier Practice Accelerator to ensure that you are doing so as effectively as possible. When you know that you are helping people with your business every day, you will find it so much easier to keep on going.

Rest & Recover

A lot of people think that successful people are those who work themselves to the bone day in, day out. While it does indeed take a lot of persistence to be able to find success, you also need to allow yourself plenty of opportunity to rest and recover as necessary. As long as you are doing that, it is going to mean that you have more energy to bring to each day, regardless of what you might be doing. This is a really important thing to bear in mind, so make sure that you are thinking about it if you are keen to make the most of your business from the start. Give yourself plenty of chances to rest and recover as necessary.

As you can see, there are a number of things that you might want to focus on in order to have more energy as an entrepreneur. Do these, and you should find that you are much more likely to find success as you need to.

Ways To Make Your Self-Employed Business Look More Professional

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Look more professional|Ways To Make Your Self-Employed Business Look More ProfessionalIf you’re thinking of becoming self-employed, then you’re in good company. According to recent figures, there are almost 10 million self-employed people in the US alone.

There are a lot of advantages to becoming your own boss, but you also have to compete with more established companies who have more resources than you. Even if your business is just you working at your kitchen table, you need to make yourself look like a professional to the outside world.

Create your brand

Your brand is not just your logo, it is a representation of who you are and how you do things. Putting thought and resources into this, in the beginning, is a good use of them as they will go a long way to giving you a professional and consistent edge. Hire a marketing freelancer or agency to help you refine your brand and design your look. This can include logos, social media, custom signs, and anything else that you’re going to be showing to the world or clients.

Get a virtual address

Let’s face it, you don’t want your personal home address out there for everyone to find. But when you’re self-employed, you’re going to find that you need an address for correspondence purposes, or to comply with email marketing regulations. Virtual offices are great for this. They allow you to have a legal business address at a different location, where you can receive mail to. Many of these buildings also have meeting rooms or desks you can hire out when you need to.

Depending on the type of service you buy, you can also have your mail forwarded or scanned and emailed to you. The virtual address can be for purely practical purposes, or you can select one at a prestigious address.

Get a virtual phone number too

You’ll probably be doing most of your talking on your cell phone, but you might not want to put this number all over the internet or in your marketing materials. Not only does it make it nearly impossible to separate your home and work life, but you could end up on a lot of scam call lists.

A virtual number only costs a few dollars per month and can give you a landline number for people to call, which looks more professional. You can also set up a professional answering service too so that you’re not missing calls when you’re too busy to answer the phone. If you receive a lot of calls, you should think about a virtual answering service.

A business domain email

You don’t want your business emails to end in a or other personal domain. It doesn’t look professional and will often get you to put it in a spam folder. Buy a business domain URL and set your email up on that. Having your website and email use the same domain is pretty much expected now.


Give your new business a great start by ensuring you’re putting out the most professional appearance possible. These don’t have to cost a lot but can make a huge difference.

Best Tips How to Grow Your Business: Strategy for Business Growth In 2022

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Strategy for Business Growth|Best Tips How to Grow Your Business: Strategy for Business Growth In 2022As the world continues to change at an ever-increasing pace, businesses must adapt in order to stay ahead of the competition. In order to run and grow your business in today’s market, you need to have a clear strategy and be willing to put in the hard work. In this article, we will discuss some of the essential skills and tools to improve your strategy for business growth. So if you’re ready to take your business to the next level, let’s get started!

Essential Skills For Business Growth

In order to achieve success in business, it is essential to have a strong set of skills. Hard skills are specific knowledge and abilities required to perform a particular task or role. They may include typing speed, proficiency in a foreign language, knowledge of programming languages and more. On the other hand, soft skills include personal qualities that allow you to interact effectively with other people, manage stress and emotions, and make sound decisions. Following are some great hard and soft skills for business growth:

Soft Skills

Strategic thinking: It’s not enough just to have a great idea – you also need to execute it flawlessly. A big part of this is being able to think strategically about how to grow your business. This means to identify opportunities and threats, including finding potential in new products or services, and develop a plan that takes advantage over the market.

Leadership: As the saying goes, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” In order to grow your business, you need to inspire and motivate others to join you on your journey: to a strong leader who can provide direction and support when needed.

Teamwork and Communication: Communication skills and interaction are the key to successful work. You need to listen attentively, ask questions, and share information accurately. If you can’t communicate your vision or explain your product clearly, it will be difficult to get people on board with your idea. Your dedication and recognition of everyone’s contribution to the common cause is the best incentive for work.

Networking: Networking is another crucial skill for business growth. It can help you find new opportunities, make connections with new customers, partners, and suppliers, and keep you up with industry trends and developments.

Problem-Solving and Decision-Making: As a business owner, you will inevitably face challenges and obstacles. It is significant to identify problems and find solutions that work best for your business.

Time Management: Managing your time effectively includes being able to set your goals and deadlines, prioritize tasks and delegate them when necessary. Create to-do lists, take regular breaks, and eliminate possible distractions. This will help you avoid emotional exhaustion, release stress and stay organized.

Flexibility: If something becomes a stumbling block in your business strategy, hindering progress, flexibility will help you quickly reorganize and explore new horizons in your business. Your flexible and agile mind will help quickly adapt to changes and cope with different work schedules. Never stop learning and always be open to experiment with new ideas and ways of doing things.

Hard Skills

Management: Good management skills are essential for any business owner. You need to delegate tasks, manage employees, create the highest level of efficiency, and have a clear vision for the future of your company. If you’re not sure where to start, there are plenty of resources on effective management techniques available online.

Marketing, Sales and Customer Service: One of the essential business growth strategies is to market and sell your products or services effectively. This means having a good understanding of your target market and what people are looking for. It also requires providing good customer service and having a sales plan to assess interest and analyze customer behavior, use methods, systems, and practices to attract new customers. There are many marketing strategies that you can use, so it is important to find the ones that work best for your business.

Financial Literacy: All profits and losses of the company are primarily the responsibility of the businessman. Therefore, you need to keep them under strict control. To organize finance, you need to master payroll principles, tracking sales, payment reconciliation, buying and selling assets, preparing financial statements and more.

Project Management: Having a strong project management team in place is critical for any business looking to expand. A skilled project manager can help to plan, organize, and manage resources to bring about the successful completion of specific project goals and objectives.

Useful Tools and Platforms For Business Growth

Of course, having the right skills is only half the battle. You also need to have access to the right tools and platforms to grow your business efficiently. Some software include:

Project Management Software

For any small or large-scale project, it is important to have all the relevant information in one place so as not to lose the necessary files and keep everything in order. That’s where an appropriate project management tool helps a lot. It is designed to store and edit files, schedule and delegate tasks, folders and workflows, and track performance and growth. It is one of the crucial tools for improving team work, as it greatly facilitates and speeds up projects to achieve the desired results.

Customer Relationship Management Software

CRM tools help to track, organize and analyze customer interactions. They have the ability to automate marketing communications, analyze customer behavior, identify sales opportunities, and provide such features as email marketing, inventory management, sales automation and forecasting, and more. Customer relationship management systems help to consolidate all customer information and documents into a single database, simplifying and streamlining contact management.

Business Intelligence Software

Business Intelligence platforms are used to create dashboards in the form of graphs and tables where you can store important data information such as KPIs, financial indicators, sales funnel, recruitment data and more. BI gives you insights into how your business is performing, what areas need improvement, and where you should focus your efforts going forward.

Social Media Management Software

Social media marketing is one of the best strategies that can open you up to a large audience, help you uncover trending topics and showcase your brand uniqueness.

Social media management platforms help with automating and scheduling your emails and social media posts, analyzing your audience, and finding the right influencers to promote your brand. You have all of your social media accounts in one place, which facilitates their management and saves a lot of time.

Screen Recording Software

Screen recording help easily capture every information on your screen, including video and audio. It’s useful when you need to share your screen with your colleagues for some training purposes or to teach and demonstrate to your audience how to use a particular product or service. By using screen recording software you can make tutorials and product demos, record customer service calls, describe issues, share knowledge and more.


Running and growing a business is not easy. It takes hard work, dedication, and most importantly, the right skills. Technology has made it easier than ever for businesses to reach a wider audience, so applying the right techniques combined with the use of helpful tools and platforms will undoubtedly lead to greater success for your company.

3 Tips To Stay Motivated As An Entrepreneur

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article |Stay motivated as an entrepreneur|3 Tips To Stay Motivated As An EntrepreneurBeing an entrepreneur means you’ll need to manage multiple things to varying degrees of success. At a certain point, you could feel as though things aren’t going as smoothly as you’d want; you mightn’t have as many customers or as much revenue as you expected.

It’s natural to feel deflated and unmotivated if this happens. Persistence is key to overcoming this and achieving success. That’s much easier said than done. You’ll need to know how to stay motivated as an entrepreneur to do this.

That doesn’t need to be as difficult as you’d think, provided you keep a few particular tips in mind.

How To Stay Motivated As An Entrepreneur: 3 Top Tips

1. Have An Inspiration

Many people feel unmotivated because they believe they won’t get to where they want to go. They’ve no idea about how they can get there. You can get around this by having an inspiration; someone that’s been in a similar position and that you can base your entrepreneurial path on.

That could be the likes of award winning business women Krissy Jones or someone more specific to your industry. The important part of picking an inspiration is that you use their career as a guide to yours.
With that, you could feel more motivated to get things done.

2. Set Goals

Goals are vital to everything. You need something to work toward to keep you motivated. You should set growth goals and then set a plan in place to achieve them. When you’re doing so, make sure to keep them achievable and realistic.

Failing to do so could have the opposite effect on you; not being able to achieve certain targets can make you feel like you never will. Start with something small and build up to a larger goal. If you plan on doubling your revenue, for example, start with a 10% increase and make a new target once you’ve reached that.

These will feed into your overall goal and help you keep motivated.

3. Expand Your Network

No business exists in a bubble. The same can be said for entrepreneurs. You’ll need to have a network to support you and keep you motivated. That motivation can come in the form of inspiration, as mentioned above, or people telling you how well you’re doing.

Coupled with this is the professional help that having a well-rounded network can have. These connections can help you overcome the hurdle that’s making you feel overwhelmed and unmotivated. By getting help with this, you could find yourself more motivated than you previously were.

That’s one of the main reasons you should expand your network. When you do, don’t be afraid to rely on it when you need it.

How To Stay Motivated As An Entrepreneur: Wrapping Up

Figuring out how to stay motivated as an entrepreneur can be a stressful process, especially with everything else you’ll need to juggle. It doesn’t need to be, however. Instead, following a few particular tips will help you get over the hump.

Remember that success is on the horizon, as long as you’re persistent and passionate enough to get there. With the above tips, achieving this should become easier.