Non-Verbal Customer Communication: It’s More Important Than You Think

When we think about communicating with customers, our focus is usually on establishing the right things to say. However, as any communications expert will tell you, there is far more to getting your message across than just words. According to lots of different studies, non-verbal communication is a lot more important than you might think – in fact, it represents up to 50 percent of the message you are trying to get across.

Some of this non-verbal communication is obvious, of course. We all know that talking to a customer with a smile on your face is a lot more effective than doing it while looking at the floor or slouched behind a desk with your feet up. However, there are a lot more aspects of non-verbal communication that are incredibly subtle, and if you don’t know what to look for, you could be giving off the wrong signs. Let’s take a look at everything you need to know.

Appearance counts

How you look and what you wear is a lot more important than you can imagine. Simply put, if you aren’t dressing properly with clothes that are in excellent condition and smart, you will lose custom. Make sure your employees are aware of the impact of how they dress, and also that they have good hygiene habits!

Your business appearance counts, too

But it’s not just your appearance that counts. It’s also the cleanliness of your vehicle or the state of your store. If customers come into spend money with you, they want to see a clean environment. You need to take care of tidiness and ensure that your business premises are free from dirt and mess. Good ventilation, concern for excessive environmental noise – it’s all important and has an impact on your customer’s opinion of your business.

Make it easy

Not all customers want to have a chat with your employees. For example, shoppers who come into your store on a lunch break may just want to pop in, make a purchase and leave as quickly as possible, not get drawn into the finer points of your industry. So, it’s vital that you communicate well with these people, too. Signage plays an important role here, so consider using visual cues – not just text but images, for instance. Hang displays from ceiling magnets, defining each area of your premises. Guide your customers with arrow symbols. And make it easy for them to get what they need without talking.

The importance of eye contact

Finally, as humans, we talk to each other face to face. We do this because it is a better way of establishing intent and, therefore, trust.  For example, if someone is going to punch you in the nose, you will usually be able to ascertain their intentions beforehand because you will see it in their eyes. So, if you and your employees are avoiding looking your customer in the eye, the simple truth is that they won’t trust you – even if it’s only subconsciously. It’s a sign of indifference and bad manners, too, and it will cost you in customers and sales.

Is Your Business As Eco Friendly As It Could Be?

Running your own business can be incredibly tough. When it comes to acting as the leader, all the responsibility is put on you, and sometimes you can doubt your ability to handle it. However, that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth it! There’s no need for you to worry, there’s a lot of advice out there about how to operate best as a self owned business, and how to take your company higher and higher in today’s world.

And if you want to keep on operating for the world of tomorrow, you’re going to have to make sure you’re working with the future in mind. In other words, it’s time to be as eco friendly as possible. But that doesn’t have to be as hard as you might think! Here’s some tips on making sure you’re as operating as energy efficiently as possible.

Change How the Office Works

Changing how the office operates is a lot easier than you might think, and implementing new rules bit by bit is going to allow people to adjust smoothly. So first of all, start buying reusable items to use at your desk, such as pens whose ink can be refilled, and a recycling bin underneath every station to make sure the waste is thrown away in the right place.

At the same time, try to send everything digitally, and only print when it’s absolutely necessary for someone to have a hard copy of a record. You can keep all of your own records on the cloud on a secure server, and thus it’s going to be rare you’ll actually need to use the printer. Cut down on both wasted paper and the couple hundred dollars you can lose on ink each month.

Make Use of Your Waste

Depending on the kind of business you’re running, you’re going to have different waste products by the end of the working week. But if you’re in the agriculture or hospitality sector, there’s a lot of waste you can reuse to help fire up your machinery if you have the right tools to do so. And as a small business, you have a better chance of implementing these energy saving techniques than the bigger companies out there.

If you’ve got both a lot of waste stuck at the bottom of the trash by the end of the day, and manufacturing or cooking equipment in the kitchen, it’s time to invest in a Briquette press. You can easily break down everything you throw away at the end of the day and then make it into a recyclable energy source when you’ve got the machine to do so, and it’s a lot more cost effective than tipping everything into a skip at the end of the day.

Your business can become a lot more eco friendly when you look into the different ways to optimize your operations. Don’t worry, these kinds of investments always pay off, and make your carbon footprint a lot smaller at the same time. Change today.

Three Reasons Not to Give Up on Running Your Own Business

Business is sometimes full of unexpected twists and turns that are out of our control. However, one thing that we do have control over is how we respond to these things. When a business is facing multiple challenges, it can be tempting to throw in the towel. There are, however, a number of reasons that you should try and hang in there. Undoubtedly, there are times when a business has reached the end of its road, and it’s time to let it go and turn a new page. On the other hand, other times all it requires is effective re-strategizing to get your business back on track. In light of this, in this article, you will find three reasons that you shouldn’t give up on running your own business.

It’s a Chance to Make an Impact

Businesses play a vital role in society. They create job opportunities, profit in most cases, and have a purpose to make people’s lives easier in one way or another. This means that whether it is intentional or not, your business is going to make an impact on society. While some businesses make a negative impact through environmental pollution, poor services, and worker exploitation, there are others that make an extremely positive impact in their communities. The point is, when you run a business, you give yourself the opportunity to positively impact the lives of your customers and environment. This can be done by making your business more socially conscious and as a result, carrying out genuine outreach, minimizing harm, being transparent about your business operations, mistakes, and setbacks, thinking locally, and promoting passion and unity amongst your employees. By not giving up when the going get’s tough, you give yourself a chance to make a lasting impression that can be imprinted in the hearts of people for years to come.

There’s Always a Solution to Every Problem

One of the reasons you may often think of giving up on running your own business is the many challenges associated with it. Every business has its high’s and low’s. However, when the lows seem disastrous, it’s easy to think that perhaps the business isn’t meant to be. On the other hand, you should try and exhaust all possible options and see where you’re going wrong before giving up. This could mean you need to check your strategy and ensure you’re executing it effectively or go back and review your initial business plan. Some other ways to revive your business when it seems it’s about to fail is reviewing your marketing tactics, ensuring you focus on general business principals, and checking that you have the right management team for your business.

It’s an Opportunity to Live on Your Own Terms

When you run a business, there are many things that you stand to gain personally. For one, you have the chance to live life on your own terms and have control over your time and how you make your money. Although running a business doesn’t guarantee that you’ll be a millionaire, you can achieve a level of financial freedom if your business does well. One of the ways that you can achieve this is by making smart and calculated personal and business investments with lower fee investment options like wealthsimple. The reality is, when you own a successful business, you have more financial flexibility and sometimes greater opportunities.

No matter of what path you decide to take in life, you’re always likely to face difficulties. If, however, you can find a way to push past these challenges and grow, it’s likely there is a lot that you can gain. This same principle can be applied in business and is one of many reasons you shouldn’t give up when the going gets tough.

Keep On Truckin’? The Future Of The Haulage Industry

At this moment in time, many entrepreneurs are concerned about the welfare of their businesses that are, seemingly, being left in the past. The trucking industry is one of those. If you are managing a small freight, or your employees have concerns about being usurped by autonomous driverless trucks, what does the future of the trucking industry hold?

Are Drivers Being Put Out Of Jobs?

Because so many of the modern approaches to the any industry is hedging its bets on automation, and with the advent of driverless trucks on the horizon, the average truck driver is, naturally, very concerned about their earning potential. But, the overarching ideal with driverless trucks is that it’s not meant to put people out of jobs, but rather make those that already work in the industry operate far safer. Of course, it’s not all going to be automated, we’re going to need people to refuel the vehicles, react in emergency situations, and so forth.

Are The Rules And Regulations Going To Change?

As it stands, the industry looks like it’s going to operate in the same capacity as it ever did. For any startup business looking to trade in the trucking industry, the standardized documents, such as the freight broker bond and so forth, are still going to be commonplace. The rules and regulations of the modern trucking industry are looking to stay in place for the near future. But of course, as automation rears its head and becomes more commonplace, this does bring up a lot more quibbles as far as monitoring the machinery is concerned. But in the meantime, this is quite difficult to regulate because there is such a big transition period occurring, from the humanized aspect, through to the automated approach. Luckily, there are trucking permit services and similar resources to help navigate the rules and regulations.

Does It Make Your Entrepreneurial Role Easier?

There are changes on the horizon, that you may very well be concerned that it’s going to make your role far more difficult. This isn’t the intention. With automation, the trucking industry is going to be far more self-sufficient. The idea behind automating every aspect of the trucking industry, not just the trucks themselves, but the loading and unloading, is supposed to make the entire process cost-effective, but also safer. Yes, this should mean an easier life for any entrepreneur, but as we all know, machinery breaks down on occasion. So this does make many workers naturally reticent to embracing automation completely. But, the idea behind a lot of these processes is to imbue the human and the non-human aspects together perfectly. So in this respect, it should make life easier for you.

As a business opportunity, the trucking industry is very much up in the air at the moment, because its undergoing so many potentially drastic changes. But for the dynamic and new age entrepreneur, there has never been a better time to take advantage of all this changing technology and major developments, not just in the trucking industry, but the automation of every industry. As a business opportunity, it’s imperative that you get on board this exciting time now. And for those who are already concerned within the industry, it’s time to roll with the changes.

Kickstarting Your Biz The Right Way

Starting a new business can not only be exciting, but it can also be quite overwhelming. There is just so much to add to your plate as a business owner. You have to think about initial start up costs, the manufacturing if applicable, the relevant services to offer, the advertising and marketing, all while ensuring that you don’t fall into a pit with some of the common issues every startup business can face. Sounds fun, right? The truth is, it is, but you need to ensure that you kickstart your business the right way. I thought I would share with you what some of those things are.

Social media will become your best friend

Social media is one of the easiest ways to get your business heard, so it will become your best friend, your sidekick, and your main way of getting your business message out there. However, not everyone uses it to its full advantage. The main key elements to remember is to ensure that your platforms and profiles are consistent. That you add content frequently, but what you share isn’t just always about a sales pitch. People should want to follow you, find your business and information useful and informative, and to buy in to you as a brand. Many people use social media to humanise their business and this can be very effective.

Ensure that you manage your business effectively

The next thing to consider would be the management of your business. There is much to think about in terms of finances, people you employ and even the likes of your stock and inventory. Make things easier on yourself by incorporating ways to keep track such as inventory management software, timelines and even spreadsheets to help you keep on track. There are many plates to spin, so whatever you can do to save time and make things easier to manage will ensure that you do the best job possible.

Manage cash flow effectively

The next thing to think about would be the cash flow element of your business. This can be something that can easily get out of control. Invoices that need paying, but yet still waiting for invoices to be paid to you can be one of the biggest hurdles you need to overcome. Looking at ways to maximise the amount of cash you keep in your business at any given time while still ensuring your business runs smoothly will become one of the priorities of your business. However, employing an accounts team for it or even outsourcing it could save you time and hassle.

Remember your own attitude and ambitions

Finally, throughout all of the start up and first year of trading, you need to be accountable for your attitude and your own ambitions. The truth is, you have made the business and brought it to life, and so your attitude plays a key part on how you move your business forward, while still ensuring that you take into account your own ambitions and goals for yourself and for this business.

I hope that these tips help you to kickstart your business in the right way.