Recommended Resource – Soup: A recipe to nourish your team and culture

Soup: A Recipe to Nourish Your Team and Culture
by Jon Gordon

About the Reference

Soup: A Recipe to Nourish Your Team and Culture a business novel by Jon Gordon illustrates the significant impact senior leaders have on setting and nurturing their organization’s culture. Jon goes on to reveal how culture, in-turn, drives performance and ultimately an organization’s success.

Benefits of Using this Reference

StrategyDriven Contributors believe leaders at the top set the tone and tenor of the organization’s performance; that the workforce will, over time, embody a set of beliefs aligned with senior management’s decisions and actions.

StrategyDriven Contributors like Soup for the way in which the relationship between senior leader decisions and actions, organizational beliefs and work ethic, and overall company results is illustrated. Through the story of Soup, Inc., Jon reveals the nuances of decisions and actions by a CEO and how these effect those immediately around her and are then translated throughout the workforce. These easy-to-relate-to interactions follow closely with our own experience with personnel reactions in the workplace; making Soup‘s lessons both real and applicable.

The lessons in Soup go one step further; illustrating in an implementable step-by-step fashion how to positively impact and change an organization’s culture.

Soup‘s insights and implementable actions on how to constructively improve an organization’s culture makes it a StrategyDriven recommended read.

Corporate Cultures – Supervisor Initiated, Documented Processes Controlled Environment

The Supervisor Initiated, Documented Processes Controlled Environment represents a move toward standardized, centralized control. This culture set benefits from greater local control than the leader initiated organization while still maintaining a degree of oversight that enhances standardization and centralized direction setting. Subsequently, organizations where work activities are supervisor initiated and controlled by documented processes tend to exhibit a very limited degree of creativity and flexibility.

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Corporate Cultures – Individual Initiated, Documented Processes Controlled Environment

The Individual Initiated, Knowledge and Skills Controlled Environment represents a culture that seeks to actively harness and channel worker creativity. These organizations foster creativity among workers in a controlled manner that enables the company achieve its mission objectives while making room for a degree of experimentation. This culture set benefits from some added creativity and consistency but does stifle full-fledged creativity in order to minimize risks.

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StrategyDriven Corporate Cultures Forum

StrategyDriven Introduction to Corporate CulturesOrganization members share a collective values system reflected in managerial decisions, individual behaviors, and codified within operating procedures. These values are shaped by both individual beliefs and collective experiences. Taken together, these values form the corporation’s culture.

Corporate culture contributes or detracts from the organization’s success. Regardless of the company’s written objectives, the existing culture will drive the critical decisions and actions that ultimately determine whether or not these goals will be achieved. Therefore, it is not only important to critically and honestly identify the organization’s culture but to also assess the organization’s ability to achieve its mission goals via its chose strategy in light of its culture. Where gaps exist, either the culture or strategy must be changed in order to achieve optimal success.

Finally, it is important to recognize that there is no ‘right’ culture and that no one set of organizational values is superior to another. Rather, differing cultures each present a unique set of benefits and liabilities that should be identified, understood, and incorporated into the organization’s planning and execution process so to ensure optimal organizational effectiveness.

Focus of the Corporate Cultures Forum

Materials within this forum will address the methods to identify the organization’s values and the various value sets, their benefits and their drawbacks.

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Corporate Cultures – Leader Initiated, Knowledge and Skills Controlled Environment

The Leader Initiated, Knowledge and Skills Controlled Environment represents a unique cultural blend that develops over a long period of time. These organizations often begin as Leader Initiated, Documented Processes Controlled and, as the workforce gains experience over time, evolves into the use of less prescriptive processes; deeming them to be an unnecessary administrative burden. These organizations tend to have a relatively high tenure among executives, managers, and employees. This culture set benefits from experience-based efficiencies with limited consistency risk but often suffer a lack of creativity as employees perform work ‘the way it has always been done.’

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