Internal Communications Within Your Business

StrategyDriven Business Communications Article |Internal Communications|Internal Communications Within Your BusinessHow your team communicates could be the difference between a project going smoothly, and some serious miscommunication that blows the budget. There isn’t a single communications style that is applicable to all industries.

For example, those who work within an office will be able to communicate via video calls, instant messaging, and emails. For those who work in construction, or in fieldwork a two-way radio can often be a better option. For more information about that communication type, read here for more.

Internal communication for your business can always be improved and modified to make sense for your company and team. Here are some of the ways that you can improve your business comms within the team.

Be the example

All of the management and team leaders should be in a position to show what great communication looks like. Since we aren’t all blessed with natural communication skills, it might be best to have training.

Work with certified communications experts to improve the skills of your leadership team. You can do it with formal training, having assessments, open feedback sessions, and more.

The better of an example that your leadership and management sets, the more likely it is that your other staff will follow suit.


Face to face meetings, although they can be useful, take up a lot of time. 2020 has leaned heavily on online video calls and meetings. Taking communications online saves time and money. Although there is a balance to find within the online world, it is usually faster to communicate this way.

As leadership, it is important that you research and understand what video call fatigue is, and how you can best support your team.


If there is no value for the people attending the meeting, then ask yourself do they need to be there? Requiring attendance at multiple meetings should serve a purpose for all involved. Make meetings impactful, so they always have a reason.

If there is a value for the project updates or they play a vital role it will be of value to them.

Attending meetings for the sake of it takes up time, resources, and costs money.

Open goals

There will be team specific goals and company-wide goals. Making these public will mean that everyone will always be held accountable for themselves, and within their team too. We know that setting goals are the best way to achieve progress, making the goals transparent to your team will encourage them to achieve more


When your team is working remotely, you need to make sure they have the tools to communicate well. It might include some of the following tools:

  • Slack
  • Zoom/Teams
  • Asana/Monday/Trello
  • Company email account access
  • VPN or otherwise managed security to keep communications secure
  • Hardware like a laptop, mobile phone, and other items to be able to do their job

Internal communication is one of the keys to ensuring that your projects, services, and products meet the high standards you set for your company. The right communication system can save money and increase productivity – but it starts with management.

PowerPoint Strategies – How to Create a Data-Driven Presentation

StrategyDriven Business Communications Management Article |Powerpoint Strategy|PowerPoint Strategies – How to Create a Data-Driven PresentationPresenting information can be done in several different ways with high-end softwares and extensive tools on the internet. With the help of these infrastructures, design and the display gets full points. But do these highly-captivatingly prepared presentations actually pass the message through or just intrigue the audience? The answer is that even though most presentations make people and shareholders get in awe with it, but leave them with several questions and confusion. And when this happens, people either become displeased with your presentations or make diverse decisions about it.

Your presentations must not only be crystal clear and captivating but must come with highly supportive data. It’s true that finding supportive data that is also resourceful can include extensive research and take time, but many times it is needed and required. Other times, it can be a professional addition to the presentation that makes it knowledgeable. While there are several other benefits of a data-driven presentation, we believe that you may have grasped the idea by now. So let’s move onto how your presentations can be more data-driven than design replete:

Simplify the Grounds

Before placing your data and while constructing your designs, make sure to understand the space your ideas will take and make way for them. This means that you must build a presentation space that can include the data clearly without splitting it up in weird sentences or unrecognizable places. For inspiration on well-formatted presentations, you can view some samples online or get help from quality presentation design services with the know-how. If the result of the data and design combined comes out distorted or even slightly awkward, make sure to redesign it quickly.

Identify Your Purpose

Or the presentation’s purpose. Think about the exhibition as an entity that can speak for itself. For this, you have to identify and stay stern on the meaning of the presentation. Many times adding too much information into one presentation can confuse the preparer and make them transcend far away from the cause. For this reason, it’s best to write the ideas down first and craft the purpose efficiently to not stray away from it.

Highlight the Main Takeaways

Unlike an article or a pdf on the web, your presentation needs to be interactive and highly comprehendible. This is due to the fact that presentations are given in a set amount of time and should be mostly intuitive for attendees to understand the concept quickly and positively. For this reason, a data-driven presentation must have a thorough analysis of a point and must highlight the key facts for fast coherence. In the end, there should be an area for takeaways that is simple yet comprehensive enough.

Smarten the Data

Data is always in the raw form when collected and needs to be streamlined to create a natural flow from it. In a presentation, the data you collect needs to be distributed efficiently in tables and charts. For this reason, it needs to be divided, trimmed, and brushed up where needed to make sense out of it. In order to create a data-driven module, you need to filter the data to your audience’s liking and make it aim towards the purpose. You can start by first sorting out the data and place it in different categories. Then gradually add it to each slide by necessity.

Title Your Information Nicely

A data-focused presentation is never a bad idea that gives out copious information and supports the statements well. However, this data should be marked efficiently to create a sensible outlook. This should be done by careful titling the charts and graphs as well as written material. Always make short descriptions of your data to make it more comprehensive even for people who are far seated or enter the room late.
This also creates a uniform look to make the presentation proposal be seen through. Furthermore, try to look at ways presentations can be made more efficient by observing these tips

Choose Charts Carefully

Charts and graphs in excel are impendent for showcasing data the right way. In addition to giving out written forms, it’s wise to choose visual charts that present data in simplified and intuitively understandable means. However, make sure that you choose the right kind of bar, line, or pie charts for the display of data. While bar and line charts are the most straightforward, pie charts can also be highly natural but only in certain situations.

Go in Depth

Making presentations that easily get through can be a skill in itself. It needs an eye to detail as well as an eye to the boundary. Talking about specifics, for a data-driven presentation, a slide can go more in-depth than any other aspects. To prove your point, don’t hesitate to include as much information as needed. Or hand out more data in the form of presentation flyers to make your point. Make all the data captivating enough that the audience doesn’t lose interest due to the length and help them go into detail to understand all technicalities.

Describe Developments

Each style of facts or statistics presentation comes with its specifications to be followed. Similarly, there are specific ways to make a data-driven presentation to make it engaging. In every piece of information, there is a part that has the biggest impact by being an amazing or fascinating fact. Likewise, you need to choose these development points where the information is going somewhere and highlight it from your data. This information can be anything that needs more attention to make it stand out.

Make an Intriguing Story

Lastly, when creating a data-driven presentation, you need to strategize your slides of graphs and charts in such a way that it becomes a fascinating story. Nothing can be more engaging than a show that has a story-like interface and a lesson at the end.

You can create a story-like streamlined structure of a presentation that builds as it moves along, and in the end, the purpose is clear, and there is something in it for everyone. Such a structure can help your data-filled presentation be appealing enough to make its purpose successful.

Language Barrier: Solving Communication Problems As An International Business

StrategyDriven Business Communications Article |Communication Problems|Language Barrier: Solving Communication Problems As An International BusinessEffective communication has always been an essential element of a business. If you’re unable to communicate properly, it can be impossible to get your work done, making it incredibly hard to run a successful company when you can’t talk to those around you. Of course, though, when you work internationally, issues like language barriers can make this issue even harder to overcome. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring some of the work that can go into ensuring that you can always convey the right information to the people you work with and serve.

Website Translations

Your website is going to be one of the first places people visit when they want to learn more about your business. While web browsers like Chrome have built-in translation tools, these are rarely good enough to make your website work perfectly in every language. This can make it worth paying for a dedicated translation service that can make your website readable in every country you work in. Automated tools will never be as accurate as a human translator, even if you have to pay for them.

The Phone 

Talking on the phone will be just about impossible if you don’t speak the same language as the person on the other end. Of course, though, you need to make sure that you’re able to do this if you’re working in different countries. Hiring bilingual team members will cost a small fortune, and it will be hard to find people with skills like this who are willing to settle for jobs in call centres. A bilingual answering service could easily solve this for you, providing you with the means to talk to people across the world.

Social Media & Marketing

There wouldn’t be much point in working across different countries and regions if you’re not going to tailor your marketing efforts to them. A big part of this will mean changing the languages of your posts to make sure that as many of your customers as possible can read them. It’s becoming increasingly common to see businesses with more than one social media channel to sell themselves, opting to use multiple accounts so that they can post in different languages.


Buying a complex product and struggling to understand the instructions that come with it can be very frustrating. Packaging should always be tailored to the country it will be sold in, with the language on the box reflecting the person who has bought it. This can be hard to achieve when you work across the world, and some companies opt to have more than one language on their boxes to make the whole thing easier.

With all of this in mind, you should be feeling ready to take on the challenge of communicating with people across the world. Running an international business will always come with challenges, but you can often overcome them by simply using the tools you have available to you. Of course, though, you still need to figure out exactly where your business will be operating.

How Transparency Can Benefit Your Organization

StrategyDriven Business Communications Article | How Transparency Can Benefit Your OrganizationTransparency in communication has become more common in all sorts of enterprises. In the nonprofit and responsible profit sector, candor and authenticity are considered high value. Customer loyalty tends to increase when there’s an emphasis on transparency. Leveraging the power of a good story, transparency is a positive alternative to a competitive, secretive attitude; it’s a more compassionate way to function. For stakeholders, trust is a major issue; transparency helps facilitate it. Consider several ways that transparency can benefit your organization.

Relationships With Investors

If you’re building a relationship with a possible investor, increasing the trust level can be facilitated with the wise use of transparency. There’s a good bit of competition for funding, and investors want to recoup their money as soon as possible. It may be daunting to decide how you want to present your brand story; the assistance of professionals such as PR firms in Portland Oregon can get you started in the right direction. Judicious transparency indicates that you’ll be honest and thorough with your business plan and consistently keep investors in the loop.

Community Trust

In this case, your “community” is everyone you come into contact with — it’s not only a geographical designation. Transparency is all about awareness of the social norms of your customers and stakeholders while having sincere communication content and style. While it’s important to have a reputation for honesty and integrity as sort of a baseline, portraying an image of absolute perfection is unsustainable, unrealistic, and may backfire. Keep it real by being straightforward about the bumps along the way, and describing how you’re overcoming them.

Employee Morale

As you build your organization, transparency with employees is a valuable investment, especially in the early stages. Higher productivity, more confidence and creativity, and less turnover are associated with greater transparency. You’ll also build your word-of-mouth reputation in the professional community.

Customer Relations

Customer confidence starts from a foundation of trust, and transparency helps build it — particularly if you’re a human service provider. Firms like a healthcare PR company Portland can help you craft your message so it resonates with customers. Your organization gains credibility if customers see moments of vulnerability within a framework of integrity and commitment.

Depending on your type of organization, there are many ways to be transparent and professional. Take a look at similar businesses and see how they’re effectively weaving transparency into their stories, and mine your own experiences to craft a compelling message.

How to Streamline Your Business Communications

StrategyDriven Business Communications Article |Business Communications|How to Streamline Your Business CommunicationsCommunication is one of the key tenets of any business. Without clear communication, things just don’t get done, and start to fall apart. Whether your business’s communication is good or bad though, there’s always room to streamline, and doing so can have huge benefits for your company.

There are many ways you can look to improve your communication, both internally and externally, and find the systems that are going to allow your business to offer a better service.

Here, we take a look at five ways in which you can streamline your business communications.

Clearly Define Roles

When you’re working on an important project, it’s important that everyone clearly understands their roles. If everyone’s roles aren’t clear, that’s when communication can break down, as nobody knows who they need to communicate with.

You may think you have defined someone’s role within the project, but it really needs to be made sure that they understand exactly what that role is and what they’re responsible for.

Have a Point Person

You need to have a person at the top who is in charge of the project. Otherwise, different pieces of information can get passed around certain pockets of the project without ever making it to the person who’s actually in charge.

Communication needs to flow through the point person, who decides what to do with the information and how to proceed. Otherwise, people begin to communicate as individuals rather than as a team.

Bring Your Communication Together in One Place

We have so many different ways of communicating these days, which in many ways is great, but it also brings its own problems. Every minute someone spends trying to remember if they received that important piece of information through email or an instant messenger is time wasted, and this time can really add up.

Bringing your different communication channels together through unified communications (UC) with a company like Code Software can help streamline your team’s communication, making it more efficient and effective.

Make Use of the Data

When you use a UC system, you have access to so much data that allows people to learn about the way they communicate and improve their performance.

When it comes to communication with the customer, there are so many variables that happen in every call, so it can be difficult to judge how you’re performing. It’s only when you have access to all the data that you can see which areas you can improve on.

Make Rules for Different Communication Channels

Another way to overcome the problem of having too many communication channels is by having different rules for each communication channel. For example, if you’re seeking someone’s opinion, it can be quite tricky to do it through written word because it’s hard to understand tone in writing.

So, you can make the rule that if you’re seeking an opinion it has to be through a voice call rather than instant message. There are many different rules you can put in place to suit your business needs and further improve upon communication.