Impacts of Business Politics
The bottom line impacts of a politically charged work environment can be quantifiably measured. So what is your organization losing?
Organizational Interactions
Organizational politics sows division between a company’s various work groups, each seeking advantage over the others. Who do you and should you fear most, your internal or marketplace competitors?
Personnel Interactions
Politics between rivals occurs at every level of an organization and may be largely unseen by those superiors, peers, and subordinates not directly involved. Who are your political rivals?
Business to Business Interactions
Companies not only seek to gain advantages over competitors, they seek to gain leverage over customers and vendors. How are other companies seeking to gain leverage over you?
Measuring the Cost of Business Politics
The cost of politically charged workplace environment is staggering and yet goes largely unrecognized. There is no financial statement line item, no general ledger entry, and no budget explicitly set aside for this expense that can cost even a modestly sized company well over a million dollars each year. Highly political workplaces lead to undesired employee attrition, distraction, productivity, and litigation costs.