Entries by StrategyDriven

Recommended Resources – Introduction

Articles in this area highlight the many print, audio, video, webcast, and seminar resources that have significantly contributed to the successful business planning and execution activities of StrategyDriven Contributors. We highlight the topics covered by each resource and why we believe the benefits will outweigh your time investment. Please note that whenever possible, a link is provided […]

Strategic Planning Best Practice 2 – Prioritize the Mission

Ideally, an organization’s mission statement would convey a singular purpose. However, mission statements often enumerated several purposes, such as creating shareholder value, contributing to the community, and offering workforce prosperity. When this occurs, organizations struggle to serve multiple masters. Prioritizing the mission establishes the relative importance of an organization’s multiple purposes; focusing decisions and driving […]

Strategic Planning Best Practice 1 – Make the Mission Measurable

An organization’s mission statement defines its purpose, its reason for being. These statements, however, tend to be broad and somewhat vague; making it difficult to identify the specific products, services, initiatives, and people that will most directly enable the organization to achieve its purpose. Making the mission measurable provides the added clarity needed to focus […]

Horizontally Shared

StrategyDriven Organizational Performance Measures Best PracticeWell-constructed performance measurement systems provide a means of comparison between various products, services, and business units by ensuring relevant measures are horizontally shared across the organization.

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Vertical Cascading

StrategyDriven Organizational Performance Measures Best PracticePerformance measurement systems should be anchored on the single measure of organizational success (defined by the organization's mission) and vertically cascaded down through the organization  Each successive measurement tier becomes more specific than its predecessor with the lowest tier describing individual contributor behaviors and resulting outcomes.

Hi there! This article is available to StrategyDriven Personal Business Advisor Remote Access and Dedicated Advisor clients and those who subscribe to one of the article's

related categories.

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