Entries by StrategyDriven

The Advisor’s Corner – Guaranteed Future?

Question: Can a good strategy define a company’s future? StrategyDriven Response: Strategic certainty does not exist. Organizations should, however, leverage a good strategy to establish the vision toward which executives and managers focus employee efforts. Vision combined with excellent execution that reinforces desired behaviors generates a high degree of organizational alignment and accountability that in […]

The Advisor’s Corner Introduction

The Advisor’s Corner expands on the strategic planning and tactical business execution dialogue between StrategyDriven contributors and our websites visitors. Postings in this category reflect questions asked by StrategyDriven members and guests and the advice provided by one or more of our highly experienced business professionals. Additionally, StrategyDriven members are provided the opportunity to share […]

Recommended Resource – Great Escapes

Great Escapes: nine decision-making pitfalls and nine simple devices to beat them FORTUNE Magazine, June 27, 2005 by Michael and Jerry Useem About the Reference Great Escapes: nine decision-making pitfalls and nine simple devices to beat them by Michael and Jerry Useem explores the logic flaws that often skew perceptions and undermine decision-making effectiveness. The […]

StrategyDriven Decision-Making Forum

For better or worse, our decisions and those of the other members of our organization define today’s realities and tomorrow’s outcomes. In a world that is becoming increasingly knowledge based, more and more members of an organization are making impactful decisions every day; thereby extending decision-making’s importance from the executive suites to the desks of […]