Entries by StrategyDriven

StrategyDriven Podcast Episode 3 – Prioritize the Mission, part 1 of 2

Prioritize the Mission, part 1 of 2 defines what mission prioritization is, identifies the benefits of prioritizing the mission measures, and specifies the steps involved in prioritizing the mission measures

Strategic Planning Best Practice 9 – Avoid Using Jargon

Not everyone within an organization is a Harvard MBA graduate with a decade or more of business planning experience. Business planners using highly technical terms as a way to impress others with their business planning prowess will often find that they confuse the very people they are trying to communicate with, namely, the organization’s workforce. […]

Business Performance Assessment Program Best Practice 2 – Multidiscipline Teams

Complex business processes often involve many of the functional business units within an organization. Regardless of the process specifics, it is unlikely a single individual will possess the broad range of knowledge and experience needed to fully understand the influences and impacts each functional contributor has on the process’s overall outcomes. Therefore, when evaluating cross-functional programs, processes, and procedures it is critical that a multidiscipline assessment team be employed.