Entries by StrategyDriven

StrategyDriven Podcast Episode 10 – Core Performance Measures

StrategyDriven Podcast Episode 10 defines what core performance measures are, identifies the benefits of employing a performance measurement lattice, and describes the guiding principles used to create an organizationally aligning measurement system.

Decision-Making Warning Flag 1 – Logic Fallacies Introduction

Complex decisions require executives and managers to synthesize a multitude of variables into meaningful information from which they must choose a course of action. Some executives and managers combine clarity of thought and depth of knowledge and experience with a true understanding of the organization’s goals to identify and select a well founded decision option. Others find their perspective clouded by personal bias, self interest, misinformation, inexperience, and/or a lack of decision-making fundamentals knowledge; falling prey to logic fallacies, the misapplication of logic during problem solving. While a lack of knowledge and/or experience with problem solving may contribute to logic errors, they are typically the product of decision-makers’ underlying desires.

Organizational Accountability – Performance = Results + Behaviors

StrategyDriven Organizational Accountability ArticleOrganizational accountability is built on the premise that individuals are equitably rewarded based on their contribution to the accomplishment of the organization's goals consistent with its ethical values. Performance, therefore, becomes more than just 'making the numbers.'

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