Entries by StrategyDriven

Management Observation Program – Introduction

“You can expect only what you inspect.” Military Axiom Managers are responsible for establishing and reinforcing work priorities and standards of performance. Reinforcing expectations requires interaction with subordinates and is most effective when the manager personally observes, rather than reading or hearing about, performance behaviors and immediately provides feedback. Lasting individual and organization performance improvement […]

Management and Leadership Best Practice 1 – Open, Honest, Timely Communications during Times of Uncertainty

People, regardless of their position, experience anxiety relative to the unknown. Is my job secure? Will I be able to provide for myself and my loved ones? and Will I lose my home? are just a few of the questions that preoccupy the minds of all organization members during uncertain times. Like all distractions, these self survival fears steal time and focus from the job at hand, negatively impacting productivity. Unlike other distractions, these fears are nearly impossible to ignore and will only subside once conditions become more predictable. Therefore, it is critically important that the manager-leader minimize the magnitude and duration of uncertainty by providing subordinates with as much clarifying information as possible. The manager must communicate.

Project Management Best Practice 2 – Define What is Not In Scope

All project managers know one of the greatest risks to the on-time, on-budget completion of their project is scope creep; the gradual expansion of functionality, broadening in organizational application, and/or increase in quality requirements often without a commensurate increase in project resources or duration. Subsequently, project managers strive to clearly define their project’s scope in order to defend against scope creep. But when doing so, they often forgo an invaluable tool; defining what is outside their project’s scope.

StrategyDriven Podcast Special Edition 10 – An Interview with Don Schmincke, co-author of High Altitude Leadership

StrategyDriven Podcast Special Edition 10 – An Interview with Don Schmincke, co-author of High Altitude Leadership explores the leadership dangers challenging all managers in their efforts to achieve superior results.

StrategyDriven Podcast Special Edition 9 – An Interview with Steve Kerr, author of Reward Systems

StrategyDriven Podcast Special Edition 9 – An Interview with Steve Kerr, author of Reward Systems, examines how properly conceived and implemented reward systems create organizational alignment and increase execution efficiency and effectiveness.