Entries by Nathan Ives

Eliminate Low-Value Metrics

Over time, organizational performance measurement systems can grow to include hundreds if not thousands of individual metrics. While each metric contributes some value in establishing the overall picture of performance, not all metrics offer equal value in doing so. Some metrics contribute so little value that they may be more costly and distracting than their value warrants. Consequently, executives and managers should consider eliminating these measures from the overall system.

Human Performance Management Best Practice 10 – Jobsite Inspections

Today’s industrial and office workplace environments present many hazards. Individuals understanding their jobsite’s hazards are better able to avoid or mitigate the negative impacts of those risks. Therefore, workers should be trained on the hazards unique to their workplace environment so to enable them to proactively recognize and respond to these risks through the effective use of jobsite inspections.

Like me! Why should I like you? Eh, I have no idea!

If you can remember that far back in Facebook history (2007), it started as a ‘fan’ page. Then one day (way back in 2010), out of the blue, Facebook decided to change it to a ‘like’ page. Why did they change it? Here’s their reason: “To improve your experience and promote consistency across the site, […]