Entries by Nathan Ives

Predictive Performance Indicators

No one knows what will happen in the future. There are, however, observable behaviors and interim results that serve as precursor markers signaling probable organizational outcomes. Performance indicators monitoring these precursors therefore provide early insight to likely outcomes; enabling leaders to proactively take those actions necessary to capitalize on opportunities and avoid undesired events. Thus, precursor indicators, particularly those focused on critical performance attributes, are of great value to the organization.

Data Clean-up

Implementation of performance metrics or the alteration of an existing metrics represents change. These changes often expose previously unseen data; producing unexpected information and bringing to light both performance inefficiencies and errors in captured data. Consequently, performance reflected by the new or updated metrics may be erroneous; necessitating further investigation and possible corrective action.

Align Metric Triggered Actions/Thresholds to Plans with Assigned Personnel and Due Dates

Performance metrics that drive no action provide little or no value to an organization. To be truly effective, performance measures must individually or collectively prompt action whereby an opportunity is seized upon or a risk avoided. Thus, high-quality organizational performance measures are directly linked to actions – but what actions, performed by whom, within what timeframe?