Entries by Nathan Ives

Corrective Action Program Best Practice 4 – Initiator Feedback

Active employee engagement is critical to corrective action program effectiveness. Not only are engaged employees more dedicated to reporting the occurrence of adverse conditions and trends, they are more also more committed to identifying and implementing corrective actions. Subsequently, leaders should proactively involve employees throughout the corrective action process.

Corrective Action Program Best Practice 2 – Causal Analyses

Organizations experience incidents of every sort, some with almost imperceptible impacts and others inflicting catastrophic consequences. While impractical to mitigate all adverse events, it is imperative to prevent recurrence of the most significant incidents, important to limit the frequency and impact of moderate happenings, and necessary to only correct low impact deficiencies. Such a grade approach to corrective action implementation optimally applies the organization’s resources based on the value of event recurrence mitigation.

Corrective Action Program Best Practice 1 – One Program

Improvement opportunities abound; ranging from everyday failures and performance enhancements to strategic acquisitions and marketplace openings. While these opportunities may represent some value to the organization, each requires different resources in varying quantities and offers a unique and unequal return on investment. Consequently, it is important to evaluate the urgency and need of these items collectively when determining which improvements to pursue. Employing a single repository within which all of the organization’s opportunities are collected facilitates these ongoing evaluations.

Corrective Action Program – Condition Report Prioritization

Central to the proper functioning of a corrective action program is the appropriate prioritization of reported issues. Assigned significance levels reveal the impact of the occurrence and drive the urgency of resolution, including the type of causal analysis to be performed. Furthermore, significance levels support problem reporting, performance trending, and common/recurring issue identification.