Entries by Nathan Ives

Why have a Risk Management Program?

Most people think of risk management as an insurance policy, the price paid to help prevent potentially negative outcomes from being realized by their company. Such a view leads to the conclusion that risk management is a business expense with a highly subjective value proposition.

Leadership Lessons from the United States Naval Academy – Make the Decision Your Own

StrategyDriven Professional Leadership Lessons from the United States Naval AcademyNations entrust their military personnel with the responsibility of providing for the national defense and securing the rights and liberties of their people. This goal places many who serve in harms way, whether during peacetime or when at war.

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Our Listening Biases Restrict Success

The problem with accurately hearing what others mean to convey is not that we don’t hear their words accurately. The problem is in the interpretation. During the listening process, our brains arbitrarily filter out, or reconfigure the uncomfortable, unknown, or confusing, to make what’s been said match something we’re more familiar with. And it fails […]

Practices for Professionals – Meetings Best Practice 2: Effective Scheduling

StrategyDriven Professional Meeting Best PracticeAs meetings consume significant portions of every professional’s work life, it’s imperative they be conducted in as effective and efficient a manner as possible. The proper handling of meetings begins with their scheduling.

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