From their first days as Plebes (freshman) at the United States Naval Academy, midshipman are taught that all people are social creatures who need to connect with others; to be valued and respected. They learn that unstoppable teams are first created through knowledge, value, and respect for each other.
Scheduling meetings becomes particularly difficult when they involve numerous or senior level attendees. That said, there are several rules of thumb when scheduling meetings that can help ensure on-time attendance by those individuals needed to achieve the meetings objectives.
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Leaving the corporate world behind and becoming an entrepreneur is an exciting venture, but it can also put a lot of pressure on you – especially in the first six months. You’ll spend a lot of time learning new things, making adjustments and reacting to situations as they arise. The “bumps” in the road you […]
In the age of electronic calendars, we too often allow meeting durations to be established by our software’s preprogrammed defaults, typically 30 minutes to one hour. By settling for software defaults, we risk holding meetings that are too short to arrive at quality decisions or enabling inefficiency such that the meeting expands to meet the excessive amount of time allotted.
Hi there! This article is available to StrategyDriven Personal Business Advisor Remote Access and Dedicated Advisor clients and those who subscribe to one of the article's related categories.
If you're already a Remote Access or Dedicated Advisor client or a related category subscriber, please log in to read this article.
Six weeks ago you met with your colleagues, had invigorating discussions, examined alternatives, and came up with an impressive plan. Everyone left the meeting feeling motivated, but then today as everyone entered the room and took their seat, you’re met with sideways glances. “Did you follow up on that plan?” “No, how about you?” A […]