Entries by Nathan Ives

6 Tips to Attract More Customers to Your Retail Store

Opening a retail store is one of the most rewarding experiences a business owner can have. Not only do you get to be your own boss, but you also get to control your own destiny. However, running a successful retail store is not always easy. In addition to having great products, you also need to have a steady stream of customers.

What Should You Look For When You Conduct a Background Check?

If you are taking a look at applicants, you might be wondering who you should run a background check on. Ideally, you would like to run a background check on everyone. In actuality, background checks can be expensive, and you are probably only going to run background checks on people who you are seriously considering for an open position. As a result, you want to use the best background check possible. With the vast majority of companies running background checks on people they are considering for open positions, you need to know what to look for. What are the items that you should consider if you are conducting a background check?