5 Business Ideas That Cater to Gen Z Consumers

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article | 5 Business Ideas That Cater to Gen Z Consumers

Known for being a generation of digital natives who champion inclusivity and social change, the members of Gen Z compose a sizable chunk of today’s consumer market. With their evolving tastes and their penchant for abandoning new things as they could adopt them, these kids are making it difficult for brands to keep up. 

To thrive in a market informed by Gen Z choices and trends, you will need a business idea that captures their needs, behaviors, and aspirations. As much as it is hard to impress Gen Z, it’s still possible to come up with a business that’s guaranteed to prosper. Here’s a short list of business ideas Zoomers want more of:

1. Sustainable and Inclusive Fashion

Unlike their predecessors, members of Gen Z are less likely to purchase based on brand names. Their criteria for buying clothes include checking the brand’s values, and if these values run counter to their ideals, then they are less inclined to make a purchase. Luxury products are poised to be boycotted when the companies selling them are known to have lobbied for environmental deregulation.

Right now, fashion brands that embrace sustainability and inclusivity are more likely to resonate with the principles of young consumers. Companies that also provide support to farmers and laborers in the garments industry can also develop a positive reputation among Gen Z members with advocacies in supporting local industries. 

2. Wellness-Focused Food and Beverage Products

In addition to fashion, Gen Z members tend to be picky in choosing food and beverage brands that reflect their social and political positions. They are also more eager to try foods and beverages coming from other countries. Not that it signifies cultural appropriation but Gen Z members see it as a way for them to express international solidarity. This would explain why Matcha and Yerba Mate beverages have cultivated massive appeal among young drinkers looking for alternatives to overpriced coffee and tea brands.

A cafe or restaurant with a menu that has ingredients sourced organically and ethically could be a popular attraction for Gen Z members. In particular, the demand for plant-based options will increase over the years as young consumers become more mindful of their health choices. Gen Z are more inclined to consume zero-alcohol and low-alcohol products.

3. Digital Content Creation

Another sector that could benefit from the rise of Gen Z consumers is the content creation industry. With many young people seeing the lucrative potential of creating YouTube channels and publishing regularly on TikTok and other platforms, the demand for content creation services and products such as graphic design and AI-powered image generators will see a significant increase. 

Aside from offering influencer marketing support, agencies can also provide Gen Z content creators with courses for learning data analytics and market research. There is also a high demand for platforms that can help with brainstorming ideas for new content, developing visuals for ads, and writing scripts. 

4. Customized E-Commerce Experiences

Even though brick-and-mortar businesses still exist, Gen Z members still prefer to buy from brands that provide them with high levels of convenience and flexibility. Current trends point to e-commerce brands that give young shoppers space to customize their orders. If you own a sneaker shop, you’re guaranteed to attract more customers if your business allows them to mix and match colors and materials.

No matter what you’re selling, you can raise loyal Gen Z customers if you treat them as more than just customers. You’ll need to provide them with experiences they cannot get anywhere else. Give them the power of choice when it comes to their orders, the information they need to finalize their choices, as well as their mode of payment. By allowing for a high degree of personalization, your brand is poised to outshine the competition.

5. Educational Aids

Many Gen Z consumers are either still in high school or are graduating from college. This market offers significant opportunities if you’re in the software industry. With remote learning now a norm, students seek more innovative solutions to boost their study habits and organize academic tasks.

These past few years, the sector that develops learning management systems has noted a high demand for such solutions. The market for educational mobile and desktop apps is growing as new products come in. Along with it is the growing popularity of platforms like Skillshare and Duolingo that provide Gen Z users with opportunities for acquiring new skills.


If you want to build a business that’s guaranteed to attract Gen Z consumers, keep this list in mind. That way, you can keep up with their evolving tastes and create a brand that keeps up with their dynamism. 

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