Successful Rebranding Campaigns: 7 Lessons to Be Learned

StrategyDriven Marketing and Sales Article | Successful Rebranding Campaigns: 7 Lessons to Be LearnedAny good business owner knows that change will be necessary at some point in time. While consistency is important, sometimes stagnancy is what ultimately kills a business. Often, it’s a simple rebrand that can make all the difference in a business’s success or continued success.

With the following examples, it’s apparent that rebranding campaigns can be the best thing one can do for a company when implemented correctly.

1. Dunkin’ Name Change

Dunkin’ Donuts started primarily as a donut shop. However, with a range of coffee, teas, and refreshers gaining popularity on their menu, the company simplified their name to just Dunkin’. This way, they could easily compete with drink competitors like Starbucks. The rebrand was successful considering the company was no longer associated with just donuts.

2. Energizer Packaging Update

While most battery companies opt for boring, dark colors like black or brown, Energizer decided to take a different route by changing their packaging to lighter colors. Doing so allowed their products to be better visible on store shelves.

3. McDonald’s Revamp

Over the years, McDonald’s has rebranded in many ways.

One of the first was by offering healthier options on the menu, such as apple slices as a side option for Happy Meals. This rebrand became even more important for the fast food eatery after the release of the 2004 documentary Super Size Me, which criticized the nutrition of their food.

The company also opted for a sleeker, less colorful, and more modern interior & exterior. This way, they could modernize, appeal more to an adult crowd, and give a stronger impression of quality rather than appear kiddish and “cheap.”

And in 2016, McDonald’s did away with their mascot, Ronald McDonald, due to the growing distaste of clowns at the time.

4. FedEx Name & Logo Rebrand

To convey a quicker speed of shipment and appeal to the increasing demand of online shopping, the Federal Express simplified their name and logo to just “FedEx.” The new shortened name also helped as FedEx began offering more services like FedEx Ground, which is much more streamlined than the name “Federal Express Ground.”

5. Instagram Logo Refresh

As the years went on, Instagram expanded their platform features. No longer did they simply offer the ability to edit and post photos but also became a place to share stories, videos called reels, and interact with users via voice chat & polls. This made it apparent that Instagram needed to change their old school-ish camera logo to a more streamlined one.

6. Del Taco “Fresh” Focus

To continue competing with Del Taco and Chipotle, Del Taco decided to rebrand with a new tagline: “Fresh Mexican Grill.” They also began putting fresh produce chalkboards in their stores with information on where their produce comes from to show that they are more than just your average fast-food restaurant.

7. Starbucks Simplified Logo

Starbucks used to have “Starbucks Coffee” written in their logo, along with their signature siren symbol. They removed the text and simply left the siren to not only modernize but also make it clear that they offered more than just coffee but also refreshers, iced teas, breakfast sandwiches, grab-n-go options, and more.

Getting the right branding down for any business can be a challenge. Are you a business owner looking to brand or rebrand? Contact Branding Firm Milwaukee to learn more.


To succeed in the long run, businesses must implement changes based on demand and current competition, among other factors. Even major companies like Energizer know that an occasional rebrand may be required to help them keep and gain customers. The previous examples of successful rebrands make this evident.

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