How to Ensure Your Business is Matching the Progress of Your Industry Rivals

StrategyDriven Marketing And Sales Article | How to Ensure Your Business is Matching the Progress of Your Industry Rivals

Any shrewd and knowledgeable business manager, along with always ensuring complete legal compliance and the continuous quality of the products and/or services they provide, also has one eye on the performance of their close industry rivals.

So, whether you are such a company manager yourself or a business graduate yearning to learn more, then continue reading to learn how to ensure that a business matches its competitors’ progress.

Understand Your Rivals’ Value Proposition

Hopefully, you and the rest of your senior heads of department are already fully aware of the supreme importance of knowing your business and the products and services you provide inside out.

However, the first and most important step to match and, ideally, supersede your industry competitors is to know and understand them too.

The most effective ways of understanding your company’s competitors include the following:

  • Reviewing customer comments, feedback, and reviews of your rivals
  • Conducting research into their sales and marketing efforts
  • Becoming a test customer and going through a purchasing process yourself
  • Conducting a full review of their current website and social media pages

Look After Your Customers

Frustratingly, one of the biggest problems when a local business opens in the same area, and the same industry as your own company is the danger of valued and loyal customers switching to the new business instead.

It is your duty to your company to do absolutely everything in your power and then some to ensure you protect, indulge and secure said customers’ patronage time and time again. Luckily, there are several effective ways to do so.

Influential methods of heightening your customer retention rate include using customer accounts, starting a loyalty program, engaging with customer comments on social media, collecting feedback and actioning it, and launching a referral program.

Make the Move to an Eco-Friendlier Future 

Just a decade or so in the past, a business focused on ensuring sustainability across its supply chain and choosing to lower its carbon footprint wherever possible was firmly in the minority, both in this country and overseas.

Thankfully and frankly, not before time, businesses across the country now feel as if a move to an eco-friendlier future is expected and are, therefore, doing everything they can to be sustainable.

Digital Energy by 5 is a fantastic example of this, as digital energy can ensure manufacturing and other industries are smarter about their energy usage and make them more sustainable overall.

Update Your Company Image

If your company operates out of a physical retail store on the high street or else has a business in the local town, simple aesthetic improvements can make a huge difference to how you are both metaphorically and physically viewed by customers and clients alike.

Ensure the front of your company premises is enticing, modern, and clean, and your official website is regularly updated. Furthermore, ensure you are utilizing your social media pages for maximum results and that all posted content is uniform across the different sites.

Identify Your USP

Finally, your USP (unique selling point) is the one thing that quite literally differentiates you from your industry competitors.Logically, then, maximizing your focus on such differences would certainly be a good idea.

Invest time, both your and your employees, in getting to know why your regular customers choose to do business with you and the regular factors that keep appearing in customer feedback reviews. This way, you can ensure the aspect of your company that differentiates you from the rest is something that your customers want.

A Guide to Master of Teaching Special Education Programs

StrategyDriven Professional Development Article | A Guide to Master of Teaching Special Education ProgramsYou’re ready to start your career as a special education teacher, but you need to figure out where to start. So, you’re looking for a guide that will give you all the information you need to make the right choice. Fortunately, this article have you covered!

Online vs. in-person programs

When choosing between an online Master of Teaching Special Education or an in-person program, there are some key pros and cons. These can help you to choose the best option for you.

An in-person program will likely require you to attend classes on campus. This can help you to gain valuable real-world experience. Some programs are also hybrids, requiring students to attend in-person classes and virtual practicums.

Although the in-person format may be convenient for some learners, it can also prove costly. However, there are ways to save money. You can rent or resell textbooks or buy digital courses. Another tip is to be aware of the costs associated with your housing and transportation.

While an online master of teaching special education may not be as fast as a traditional course, it has its benefits. For example, the curriculum may be more relevant to your career. Also, you can complete the coursework at your own pace, so you don’t have to take a semester off. In addition, if you are a working parent, an online program may be more convenient.

An excellent online master of teaching particular education program will allow you to learn about the legal definition of disabilities and effective teaching strategies. It will also teach you about students’ rights.

Job growth for special education teachers

The demand for special education teachers is growing. With an estimated 2.8 million school-aged children eligible for special education services, the need for new educators is excellent.

Teachers in this field must meet a variety of certification and licensing requirements. Some states require that they renew their license every two years. In other states, they must complete continuing education credits. A bachelor’s degree is often required, and a master’s degree can open up additional employment opportunities.

Typical salary ranges vary based on experience and educational level. Most teachers work full-time and during the traditional 10-month school year. They typically have a three-week break during winter and spring.

The most lucrative areas are densely populated urban areas. However, rural areas also have promising job prospects.

In the US, the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 8% job growth for special education teachers from 2020 to 2030. This translates to a total of 28100 new jobs for the profession.

Several factors drive the overall demand, including the number of students with disabilities, the prevalence of preschool special education programs, and the need for additional school teachers. The demand is expected to increase as more children with disabilities are diagnosed and diagnosed earlier.

Highest-paying jobs for exceptional education graduates

If you have a master’s degree in teaching special education, you may be surprised at how many high-paying jobs are available. These positions are rewarding and can be highly fulfilling. Aside from earning a decent salary, teachers also enjoy a variety of benefits, such as great retirement benefits.

Many school systems are turning to hire qualified teachers. This is due to an increase in students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Increased awareness of ASD has led to the creation of more jobs in this field.

While it is true that some states require you to have a graduate degree to become a special education teacher, there are also alternative routes you can take. Some programs offer the opportunity to begin teaching right after graduating. You can learn about the field and receive your certification as soon as you finish the program.

In addition to teaching students, exceptional education professionals may provide case management and therapeutic services to students with ASD. They can also work in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and other clinical settings.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that there will be a six percent growth in the unique education teaching job market through 2024. That’s 28,100 new jobs.

Creative Fundraising: 4 Deliciously Sweet Ways to Get the Job Done

StrategyDriven Managing Your Finances Article | Creative Fundraising: 4 Deliciously Sweet Ways To Get the Job Done

When it comes to fundraising, it can be challenging to find unique and effective ways to garner attention and support. However, there is one deliciously creative option that has been gaining popularity—doing a Krispy Kreme Fundraiser.

By organizing a Krispy Kreme fundraiser, you can offer your donors a sweet and tasty incentive to support your cause. Not only will your supporters get to enjoy the mouth-watering treats that Krispy Kreme is known for, but your organization will also be able to reach its fundraising goals

Here are four deliciously sweet ways to get the job done:

1. Bake Sale

Bake sale is a fun and classic fundraising idea that never gets old. You can host a bake sale or do a Krispy Kreme Fundraiser with a variety of flavors and styles and sell homemade. Get creative in your offerings by using a variety of recipes, and ensure you deliver the sweet treats in bulk. This means you will have to pay for larger quantities of ingredients and easily keep your costs low. For example, if you are raising money for a local charity, you can bake some delicious doughnuts or cookies using ingredients from your local grocery store.

2. Candy Grams

Everyone loves a sweet surprise, and candy grams are great ways to get people excited about your cause and get them involved in the fundraising process. You can sell candy grams for a specific holiday, such as Valentine’s Day, Halloween, or any occasion. They can also be sold individually in wrapped foil or cellophane bags with a donation card for extra cash.

3. Chocolate Bar

Another creative way of getting a fundraising job done is the chocolate bar fundraising idea. The best part of this fundraising idea is that you can make it as interesting and simple as you want. You can set up a table with all different kinds of chocolate bars or give out little sample bags of various flavors, such as milk chocolate, dark chocolate, and white chocolate. Also, you can let people buy their own bars and pay for them at the end if they like them so much or if they want to avoid buying any. It’s easy to do, and everyone loves chocolate.

4. Ice Cream Social

Host a social event featuring an ice cream bar or an ice cream truck, and sell scoops for a set price. At the social event, you can offer a variety of flavors and toppings, such as sprinkles, hot fudge, and whipped cream. Also, you can offer different types of cones, such as waffles and sugar cones, so people can sample and choose their favorite before settling on their preferred flavor. This is a fun and straightforward way to raise awareness about your cause while providing something delicious at the same time.


Getting a creative fundraising job done does not have to be daunting. Thus, by adding sweet treats into your strategy, you can make the process more enjoyable and effective. The four ways highlighted above are the deliciously sweet fundraising ideas that are sure to capture the hearts (and taste buds) of your donors.

How to Get More Organic Visitors to Your Website

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article | How to Get More Organic Visitors to Your Website

Having a website is essential to every modern business. You need it not just to talk about your brand and promote the products or services you offer. Building one helps you generate organic visitors. These are people who are looking to purchase the things you sell. You can’t build a website without figuring out how to attract organic visitors and turn them into paying customers. In this guide, we look into some of the best tips to draw in the right people to your website.

1. Focus On Creating Helpful Content

When building a website, you will need to focus more on the type of content you want to include. Great content not only keeps visitors engaged, but it has a greater chance of ranking high in the Search Engine Results Pages or SERPs. Google rewards websites that publish quality content such as blogs and videos. To increase your website’s search visibility, consider creating content that answers specific questions or provides visitors with new and compelling information.

2. Learn From Your Competitors

It can be difficult to brainstorm ideas that will help put your website at the top of the SERPs. For this, you might want to check the websites of your closest competitors and see the keywords they rank for and the kinds of content they publish. Through effective competitor research, you can come up with new content ideas and make changes to your SEO strategy so your business won’t get left behind.

3. Tweak Your Website

Even if you have great content, Google’s algorithm will still demote you in the SERPs if you aren’t doing enough to improve your website’s performance. Slow loading speeds and the lack of an SSL certificate are just some of the things that will drag your website down as well as your visitor count. Consider speeding up your web pages by deleting unused plugins and limiting the number of HTTP requests your website makes. You should also improve user experience by making sure your website is optimized for smaller screens and choosing a more navigable layout. 

4. Start Building Quality Links

Link-building is an essential component of running a website. It supports brand authority and tells Google that your website is trustworthy enough to deserve a higher rank in the SERPs. To do this, consider writing guest posts for authority sites and offering other businesses to feature your content on their blogs. Be sure to check the domain authority of these sites before reaching out. The higher the domain authority, the better your website ranks.

5. Get a Marketing Team to Help You Out

Improving your website’s ability to generate more organic visitors could be too complex, especially if you are running your business by yourself. One way you can get around this hurdle is to hire a local marketing agency for the job. With this, you can tap into the tools and skills you need to create great content and build quality backlinks that will put your website at the top. 

There’s still a lot you need to learn about generating more organic visitors, but the tips above should help you get started on the right footing.

3 Ways to Maximize Productivity With Software

StrategyDriven Managing Your Business Article |3 Ways to Maximize Productivity With Software

As enterprise businesses continue to invest in software automation products, the need for increased productivity is becoming more crucial. Maximizing productivity is not only essential for a company’s success but also for its growth and long-term sustainability.

In this article, we will discuss three ways in which businesses can maximize productivity with software, including no-code test automation.

1. Adopt Project Management Software

The first way businesses can maximize productivity with software is by adopting project management software. Project management software can help teams to organize their work and track their progress, allowing them to complete projects more efficiently. Some popular project management software and agile work management software includes Jira, Asana, Trello, and Basecamp.

One of the benefits of using project management software is that it allows teams to communicate and collaborate more effectively. By having a centralized platform where team members can share ideas, documents, and feedback, everyone is on the same page, and tasks can be completed more efficiently. In addition, project management software provides real-time insights into project progress, enabling teams to adjust their workflows and schedules as needed.

2. Utilize Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is another way businesses can maximize productivity with software. RPA allows businesses to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, freeing up employees’ time for more critical tasks. For example, RPA can be used to automate tasks such as data entry, invoice processing, and report generation.

One of the benefits of RPA is that it reduces errors and improves accuracy. Manual data entry, for instance, is prone to human error, which can result in costly mistakes. With RPA, the risk of errors is significantly reduced as the software is programmed to follow specific rules and guidelines. As a result, RPA not only saves time but also reduces the risk of errors and improves the overall quality of work.

3. Implement No-Code Test Automation

No-code test automation is a new and innovative way businesses can maximize productivity with software. No-code test automation allows businesses to automate their testing processes without requiring extensive programming knowledge. By using visual interfaces, businesses can build test cases and automate tests, all without writing a single line of code.

One of the benefits of no-code test automation is that it saves time and money. Traditionally, automating tests required hiring a team of developers to write complex scripts, which was time-consuming and expensive. With no-code test automation, businesses can build test cases and automate tests themselves without the need for programming knowledge or external help. This not only saves time but also reduces the overall cost of automation.

How Software Automation Can Help Enterprise Businesses

Maximizing productivity with software is essential for businesses to remain competitive in today’s market. By adopting project management software, utilizing RPA, and implementing no-code test automation, businesses can streamline their processes, reduce errors, and increase efficiency. 

These software tools not only save time but also improve the overall quality of work, leading to higher customer satisfaction and increased ROI. As such, it’s crucial for businesses to invest in software automation products that can help them maximize productivity and achieve their goals.